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Wave brochure site theme
You can also download from there. Coming to github before too long.
Now available on GitHub
This theme (or template or website even) is based on my Wondrous Healing site. The theme might be handy for a small business or non-profit organisation as a brochure website. All they have to do is replace the content with their own. Colours are all together at the end of the stylesheet, so easy to change. I’ve tried my best to follow all the good practices and I hope it reaches your professional standards. Please let me know of errors, problems or improvements to be made.
It is a single-page site drawing its content from articles in the pageless archive section. Because it is one page and designed to be simple with a clear message, I’ve hidden Search and the Contact form but these are easily enabled. wet_haystack
and com_connect
are not active and are the only plugins used. There’s also a video tucked away which could easily be replaced with a promo video should that be desired.
There are plenty of instructions and I hope I haven’t overdone it and made it too complex. I try to keep things simple but don’t always succeed.
As always, I await to be told of the blindingly obvious that I somehow missed…
Last edited by zero (2020-08-03 13:37:05)
Re: Wave brochure site theme
Nice! Another one for the community,
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: Wave brochure site theme
Nicely done Zero!
Re: Wave brochure site theme
Thanks for Sharing! I have downloaded it. I think it will help with my little project for a friend.
…. texted postive
Re: Wave brochure site theme
Super! Another new theme, and the one-page theme variant hasn’t been covered much as yet. Nice going!
TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp
Re: Wave brochure site theme
Love it, thank you!
I <3 txp
Re: Wave brochure site theme
So i downloaded and installed your Wave Theme in less than 15 mins. Would have been faster but i ran into a glitch with Password/Admin id, but other than that I really appreciate your clear and concise fool proof instructions. And for providing a complete site! Providing the DB is gold.AA lesson for all developing themes.
NOTE when one deletes the default installation and then installs the wave.sql db one loses the id and password and can no longer log back in to the Admin backend. I had to use this old trick to change id password.
I tried using this script :
UPDATE txp_users SET pass=CONCAT('*', SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1('my password')))) WHERE name='user';
but in Maria DB it threw an error about password being an invalid column or some such.
Anyway once I cleared up the password issue all was fine
( i can now go about redesigning it to suit me)
Zero you have a real talent for documentation. Well done. And thanks!
…. texted postive
Pages: 1