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#265 2020-06-11 23:46:26
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
colak wrote #323707:
Fair enough. The only reason I mentioned it was to attract more users. My sites run on php 7.2 and admittedly I am happy with the speeds.
I just checked on Dreamhost – 7.2 is the oldest version offered, 7.3 is recommended, and 7.4 is available. I am pretty sure I manually upgraded all my sites off 5.6 – 5.7 was never an option – a while back.
#266 2020-06-12 09:00:12
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
michaelkpate wrote #323713:
[PHP] 5.7 was never an option
PHP 5.6 was the last release branch from PHP 5, PHP 6 was skipped (and yet, there are still printed books on PHP 6), PHP 7 was the new hotness.
As it stands now, PHP 7.2 is in extended security support until December, 7.1 and 7.0 are EOL.
#267 2020-06-12 10:34:55
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
gaekwad wrote #323667:
High level tweaks to demo server, with timeline/roadmap:
- formalise addition of
: most recent Textpattern patch release from previous minor branch (i.e. Textpattern 4.7.3 as of this post) running on current-minus-one version of PHP (i.e. PHP 7.3.19 as of this post) – ETA is June 21 2020.
Done. Landing page updated: removed beta-demo
(for now), replaced with prev-demo
Last edited by gaekwad (2020-06-12 10:35:13)
#268 2020-06-12 10:43:47
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
No changes to tech stack, beta-demo
offline for now, and prev-demo
is now on the landing page.
Demo server tech stack (current as of post timestamp):
Site | Textpattern | HTTP | Database | PHP |
Release Demo | Textpattern 4.8.1 | Nginx 1.19.0 | Percona Server 8.0 | PHP 7.4.7 (PHP-FPM) |
Prev Demo | Textpattern 4.7.3 | Nginx 1.19.0 | Percona Server 8.0 | PHP 7.3.19 (PHP-FPM) |
Dev Demo | GitHub dev branch |
Nginx 1.19.0 | Percona Server 8.0 | PHP 7.4.7 (PHP-FPM) |
#269 2020-06-12 11:57:37
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
gaekwad wrote #323708:
Yiannis, please don’t take any sniping from me as a sleight on you, absolutely nothing you’ve said or done. My frustrations are with old software, not you!
No worries. It often happens to me too. We live in very frustrating, but thankfully interesting times.
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
#270 2020-06-13 13:41:31
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
I am rebuilding the landing page to house the existing and upcoming demo sites.
So far, I have:
(current Textpattern release, current PHP)prev-demo
(most recent release from previous branch, most recent from previous branch [if combination works, otherwise current PHP])beta-demo
(most recent Textpattern beta, current PHP)dev-demo/dev
(Textpattern from GitHubdev
branch, current PHP)dev-demo/4.8.2
(Textpattern from GitHub current branch, current PHP)dev-demo/dev
(Textpattern from GitHubdev
branch, PHP from GitHubmaster
(Textpattern from GitHubdev
branch, PHP from upcoming PHP major or minor release)
I appreciate there’s a lot to digest there.
What’s missing, if anything?
Last edited by gaekwad (2020-06-13 15:47:34)
#271 2020-06-13 14:10:29
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
That all looks terrific to me, thank you.
The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.
Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp
#272 2020-06-16 08:54:46
#273 2020-06-16 09:21:29
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
Hi Pete, just wondering if there is an opportunity to use the Textpattern .com styling on the demo landing page (https://textpattern.co/demo) just for a nice bit consistency with the main website?
Can see anything layout on there that we can’t do with the current CSS and HTML.
Let me know if this is feasible – and if so, maybe let me have the template/HTML for it and I will refactor?
#274 2020-06-16 09:23:05
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
Also (and this might be a stretch) we could use demo.textpattern.com for the URL too. Not sure how that fits into your plans for https://textpattern.co/ so I apologise if I’m overstepping.
#275 2020-06-16 10:15:07
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site
philwareham wrote #323783:
just wondering if there is an opportunity to use the Textpattern .com styling on the demo landing page
I’ve gone back and forth on this a lot. The original plan was to have the demo site offered for anyone to use, and Textpattern Consulting (on the to-do list) foots the server bill and my time for maintenance etc. Not much happened officially with Textpattern Consulting in the past years, but it’s now getting paid work (albeit without its own site, ironically).
I am making the landing page prettier, along with sundry other improvements, but I need to be careful there are no blurred lines between .com (here) and .co (there) since there’s business involved. Current plan is to redo the landing page properly, explain towards the bottom that it’s technically a third-party site compared to the official Textpattern network, but has some sort of loose approval from Textpattern HQ.
When I get Textpattern paid work in, I can offset that with time and work here, so everyone hopefully benefits from the paying client, in a roundabout sort of way. Is that reasonable?
#276 2020-06-16 10:16:30
Re: Textpattern CMS demo site