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#13 2019-12-10 21:20:09

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,807
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Re: mck_snippet

colak wrote #320423:

Is this plugin actually needed in the current txp installs?

Actually, this is a plugin I’d never used before myself, but judging by the thread it was popular among txp-regulars. Maybe someone still finds it useful?

I was interested in it for another reason: I have a few medium-sized sites where I have (ab)used regular articles to act as items/entities that don’t need an url of their own, shouldn’t necessarily appear in a feed but should be user-editable, and could/should be textiled. I’m thinking of things like ticker messages, slider panels, or page feature blocks/panels on the one hand and event/gig/course entries, books/journal list entries, faq entries, testimonials, staff profiles, etc. on the other.

When those things are small or there are only a few, you can pack them together in an article and manually sandwich in HTML code or fashion a shortcode around each block. When they’re a little longer or more numerous, but not significant enough to warrant an own page, it’s helpful to have each as its own item. At present, if you use articles for such cases, you need to (theoretically anyway) take care that those are excluded from appearing in menus, feeds and are not linked to.*
Also, as they become more numerous (I have one site with 50-odd events a year), the article list soon starts to get clogged up and the actual site content gets increasingly buried.

Maybe you encounter similar issues with your quite large NEME site(s).

So … I was looking at plugins that might offer ways of separating out meaningful chunks of information into separate content panels, perhaps with their own list views and edit panels. mck_snippet has title and body as the main fields, which can be optionally textiled. That’s not very much but could feasibly be extended to include more fields. If I’ve understood the concept of “zones” in the plugin properly, it is a grouping method that probably relates to page zones in an edit-in-place front-end situation but is in principle not all that different to a means of sectioning (or taxonomy-less categorisation). I don’t know / can’t imagine how people used this to front-end edit-in-place so I didn’t go the whole hog to test/resolve that all. But the core plugin functionality works again. It’s missing some niceties such as if_first / if_last / if_different handling but the in-built tags are tied to articles, so they’d need either reproducing as own tags or realising using another plugin such as rah_repeat.

* An interesting suggestion that Oleg/Stef had in response to this was the possibility of assigning articles to sections that have no url scheme (i.e. no link of their own). That would solve part of the problem of feeds, urls, etc. but not the overfull article list.

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#14 2019-12-11 06:25:29

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: mck_snippet

jakob wrote #320425:

* An interesting suggestion that Oleg/Stef had in response to this was the possibility of assigning articles to sections that have no url scheme (i.e. no link of their own). That would solve part of the problem of feeds, urls, etc. but not the overfull article list.

^^ This could actually be very handy eventually, especially, as you say, for those designers who are not in control of their content.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#15 2019-12-11 15:37:17

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,807
Website GitHub

Re: mck_snippet

colak wrote #320433:

^^ This could actually be very handy eventually, especially, as you say, for those designers who are not in control of their content.

[ Diverging topic split off into a new thread. ]

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#16 2020-01-01 06:19:00

Registered: 2018-01-29
Posts: 60

Re: mck_snippet

If this plugin extends some fields and category settings. It would be great.


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