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#25 2019-09-24 19:28:53

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

Destry wrote #319398:

Whatever the case, which of Hedges’ reported three models does that situation suggest?

The third. They’ll continue with chemtrails, 5G, smartmeters, austerity programs and media brainwashing until there’s only the rulers left. They’ll eat and drink organic foods from their carefully protected non-GM fields (anybody know where they are located?), close all the corporations, super markets and industrial farming because they know how bad they are and won’t need them any more because they’ll all have enough land to live well with all the best farming practices they are keeping quiet about in order to keep us quiet.

I read somewhere that the population will peak at 11 billion in not many years’ time, btw. Then deaths will be more than births for a long time after that.

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#26 2019-09-24 21:31:56

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

Someone just shared this 2019 BP statistical review of world energy with me in the f’verse in response to my enquiry about more recent fossil energy rates/limits. It doesn’t talk about ‘run out’ amounts or dates, that I can find, but it makes it pretty clear that consumption rates have skyrocketed, as well this confirmation that I already knew from when the 415.26 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentration was reported last June: ‘Global primary energy consumption grew rapidly in 2018, led by natural gas and renewables. Nevertheless, carbon emissions rose at their highest rate for seven years.

When big oil admits bad news, you know it must be true, and really bad.

And this catches my eye right on the first page:

Decarbonizing the power sector while also meeting the rapidly expanding demand for power, particularly in the developing world, is perhaps the single most important challenge facing the global energy system over the next 20 years. Renewable energy has a vital role to play in meeting that challenge. But it is unlikely to be able to do so on its own. A variety of different technologies and fuels are likely to be required, including extensive coal-to-gas switching and the widespread deployment of carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS).

I’ve seen the CEO of Shell also talk strongly and favourably of Carbon Engineering’s ‘Direct Air Capture’ technology. All of big oil is on board with this converting coal to gas and recycling CO2 to gas. Microsoft has also endorsed it. Or rather, Bill Gates has. I’m pretty sure this is what governments will opt for and we’ll see this happening in the coming years.

Yes, it’s more of the same techno-economic B.S. that got us in this mess, and it will probably end up the same as Hedges’ models 1 or 2 eventually, regardless. Just buying a little more time to keep the industrial fires burning and making that cash, yo!


#27 2019-09-24 23:25:10

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
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Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

never heard of Hedges until this week. now this column

…. texted postive


#28 2019-09-25 08:32:28

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

bici wrote #319404:

now this column

Nice find. Thank you!

This is spot on, and especially with regard to scientists and other expected thought leaders in the domain…

The gross error in all of this are all those who cannot countenance this conversation.’ — David Spratt

At this point in time, any softening, PR-filtering, or outright distorting of the grave threat just ahead of society is sabotage of life on Earth. It’s hard to believe that ‘scientists’ are still out there that can’t see the numbers from the fables. More likely they can’t afford to lose their jobs under the existing regime and act accordingly. The wrong accordingly.


#29 2019-09-25 09:16:56

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

bici wrote #319404:

never heard of Hedges until this week. now this column

It mentions hope (and Hope for the Future:) but that hope is not what I understand as hope. Hope from the mind is variable and useless. Hope from the heart is pure, strong, motivating, tenacious, patient, long-suffering, beautiful and inseparable from peace and love.

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Gud One My blog


#30 2019-09-25 16:26:32

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
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Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

On the contrary, a candid investigation of these subjects, accompanied with a perfect readiness to adopt any theory, warranted by sound philosophy, may have a tendency to convince them, that in forming improbable and unfounded hypotheses, so far from enlarging the bounds of human science, they are contracting it; so far from promoting the improvement of the human mind, they are obstructing it: they are throwing us back again almost into the infancy of knowledge; and weakening the foundations of that mode of philosophising, under the auspices of which, science has of late made such rapid advances. The present rage for wide and unrestrained speculation, seems to be a kind of mental intoxication, arising, perhaps, from the great and unexpected discoveries which have been made of late years, in various branches of science. To men elate, and giddy with such successes, every thing appeared to be within the grasp of human powers; and, under this illusion, they confounded subjects where no real progress could be proved, with those, where the progress had been marked, certain, and acknowledged. Could they be persuaded to sober themselves with a little severe and chastized thinking, they would see, that the cause of truth, and of sound philosophy, cannot but suffer by substituting wild flights and unsupported assertions, for patient investigation, and well authenticated proofs. – Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798


#31 2019-09-26 05:58:17

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

phiw13 wrote #319386:

@ colak – re Cyprus and copper

Is there that much left ? I was under the impression that it was mostly depleted. My information is certainly not recent, though. And yeah, gas, both through fracking and off-shore <sigh />.

There seems to be enough left to attract interest from the international mining companies. New, and unfortunately very environmentally damaging techniques, have evolved and some of the interest concentrates on the tailings of past extractions.

Give me a few weeks and I will be able to send you a link and password to a non funded 40something minutes documentary on the subject which I am working on with my wife.

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#32 2019-09-26 11:52:38

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,298

Re: Not All Doom And Gloom

colak wrote #319421:

Give me a few weeks and I will be able to send you a link and password to a non funded 40something minutes documentary on the subject which I am working on with my wife.

Thank you in anticipation.

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