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#1 2019-07-14 10:23:13
- ravRL
- New Member
- From: Poland
- Registered: 2019-07-14
- Posts: 9
Forum on Textpattern
How I can install forum like this on my website based on textpattern?
Are there any plugins for this?
Re: Forum on Textpattern
ravRL wrote #318712:
How I can install forum like this on my website based on textpattern?
Are there any plugins for this?
From experience, I recommend a separate forum platform. This forum is powered by fluxBB, there may be some plugin to connect to Textpattern but I am not aware of any.
#3 2019-07-14 19:41:49
- ravRL
- New Member
- From: Poland
- Registered: 2019-07-14
- Posts: 9
Re: Forum on Textpattern
Thanks for your advise
Last edited by ravRL (2019-07-14 19:42:14)
#4 2019-07-16 08:47:04
- ravRL
- New Member
- From: Poland
- Registered: 2019-07-14
- Posts: 9
Re: Forum on Textpattern
I saw plugin to integration textpattern with forum, but link not exist.
It is a pity that there is no one library where plugs would be located. Everyone publishes them on their website, which then disappears.
Could anyone suggest something about integrating fluxBB with textpattern?
Last edited by ravRL (2019-07-16 08:47:47)
Re: Forum on Textpattern
It depends what kind of integration you need. On our site (first page), we post the latest 10 posts from a punBB forum. Would that be enough for you? If so this is the code we use.
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
#6 2019-07-16 12:25:40
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: Forum on Textpattern
I’ve gotten a bit rusty with such txp experiments, so can’t be of much help myself, but as a long term member of this forum I can tell you that you’ll get help much quicker and of the more informative kind, the more detail you tell about your project.
In order to get you going: How tightly do you want to integrate the forum, just share the same domain, the same page, or even share the user db? Do you need a dedicated forum software or would Textpattern’s commenting system suffice, maybe extended by a plugin for nested comments. Is fine grained user administration key to the project? Have you looked at the docs for a tag like txp:php
that allows to execute php code from TXP pages? Are you an experienced Textpattern user at all? etc etc.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#7 2019-07-16 17:26:34
- ravRL
- New Member
- From: Poland
- Registered: 2019-07-14
- Posts: 9
Re: Forum on Textpattern
I would like to make a forum like here. Can I paste it somehow into the template? Is this just a modified fluxBB theme that looks like texpattern.com?
Re: Forum on Textpattern
ravRL wrote #318763:
I would like to make a forum like here. Can I paste it somehow into the template? Is this just a modified fluxBB theme that looks like texpattern.com?
This is a modified fluxBB forum with a custom theme, it’s not connected to textpattern.com beyond the latest articles syndication on the front page.
The repo is here if you would like to deep dive.
#9 2019-07-17 06:12:35
- ravRL
- New Member
- From: Poland
- Registered: 2019-07-14
- Posts: 9
Re: Forum on Textpattern
Thank you for this link. Let me study it :)
Pages: 1