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#13 2018-05-16 11:24:46

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

I was about to post this, still from the 4.7.0 installation, before I reverted to 4.6.2.


Below’s a copy of my diagnostics report.

Textpattern version: 4.7.0 ()
Last update: 2018-05-16 09:17:30/2018-05-15 08:51:05
Textpattern path: __TXP-ROOT/textpattern
Article URL pattern: section_title
Production status: live
Temporary directory path: __TXP-ROOT/textpattern/tmp
PHP version: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.25
GD Graphics Library: 2.1.1-dev; Supported formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG.
Server timezone: Europe/Berlin
Server local time: 2018-05-16 12:33:36
Daylight Saving Time enabled?: 1
Automatically adjust Daylight Saving Time setting?: 1
Time zone (GMT offset in seconds): Europe/Berlin (3600)
MySQL: 5.5.60-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 ((Ubuntu)) 
Database server time: 2018-05-16 12:33:36
Database server time offset: 30 s
Database server timezone: SYSTEM
Database session timezone: SYSTEM
Locale: de_DE.UTF-8
Web server: Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu)
Apache version: Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu)
PHP server API: apache2handler
RFC 2616 headers: 
Server OS: Linux 3.13.0-147-generic
Admin-side theme: hive 4.7.0
Active plugins: 
	smd_faux_role-0.20 (modified)

.htaccess file contents: 
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes
#ErrorDocument 403 default

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	#RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
	RewriteRule ^(.+) - [PT,L]

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
	RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

	RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  !^$
	RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0

AddType image/svg+xml  svg svgz
AddEncoding gzip       svgz

# https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]


Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8
character_set_client: utf8
character_set_connection: utf8
character_set_database: latin1
character_set_filesystem: binary
character_set_results: utf8
character_set_server: latin1
character_set_system: utf8
character_sets_dir: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
17 database tables: OK

10 custom fields: custom_1, custom_2, custom_3, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_7, custom_8, custom_9, custom_10 (10)

Apache modules: core, mod_so, mod_watchdog, http_core, mod_log_config, mod_logio, mod_version, mod_unixd, mod_access_compat, mod_alias, mod_auth_basic, mod_authn_core, mod_authn_file, mod_authz_core, mod_authz_groupfile, mod_authz_host, mod_authz_user, mod_autoindex, mod_cgi, mod_deflate, mod_dir, mod_env, mod_filter, mod_headers, mod_include, mod_mime, mpm_itk, prefork, mod_negotiation, mod_perl, mod_php5, mod_proxy, mod_proxy_html, mod_proxy_http, mod_reqtimeout, mod_rewrite, mod_setenvif, mod_socache_shmcb, mod_ssl, mod_status, mod_xml2enc

Pretext data: array (
  'status' => '200',
  'id' => '',
  's' => '',
  'c' => '',
  'context' => '',
  'q' => '',
  'm' => '',
  'pg' => '',
  'p' => '',
  'month' => '',
  'author' => '',
  'request_uri' => '/medienforum/047a0774938b3b9c42d148d44a7646f0/?txpcleantest=1',
  'qs' => 'txpcleantest=1',
  'subpath' => '\\/medienforum\\/',
  'req' => '/047a0774938b3b9c42d148d44a7646f0/?txpcleantest=1',



#14 2018-05-16 11:30:51

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,060
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

It is the first time I see this in diagnostics:

Pretext data: array (
  'status' => '200',
  'id' => '',
  's' => '',
  'c' => '',
  'context' => '',
  'q' => '',
  'm' => '',
  'pg' => '',
  'p' => '',
  'month' => '',
  'author' => '',
  'request_uri' => '/medienforum/047a0774938b3b9c42d148d44a7646f0/?txpcleantest=1',
  'qs' => 'txpcleantest=1',
  'subpath' => '\\/medienforum\\/',
  'req' => '/047a0774938b3b9c42d148d44a7646f0/?txpcleantest=1',

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#15 2018-05-16 11:31:24

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

etc wrote #311817:

Please check if your root themes directory is writable. You’ll probably need to set the same permissions that for files and images.

Yep, I did, both 755 and 777 did not change anything.

It’s a link to textpattern.com/textile-sandbox now, aside “Use Textile” option of body/excerpt fields.

Now that’s weird. I just checked the demo, the link icon that is in there was not available in my installation. Not even after reloading. :-?

Last edited by funtoosh (2018-05-16 11:43:51)


#16 2018-05-16 11:35:49

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

Here comes my constants.php from 4.7.0:


 * Textpattern Content Management System
 * https://textpattern.com/
 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Textpattern Development Team
 * This file is part of Textpattern.
 * Textpattern is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * Textpattern is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Textpattern. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Constants.

if (!defined('TXP_DEBUG')) {
     * If set to "1", dumps debug log to the temp directory.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package Debug
     * @example
     * define('TXP_DEBUG', 1);

    define('TXP_DEBUG', 0);

 * Comment spam status.
 * @package Comment

define('SPAM', -1);

 * Comment moderate status.
 * @package Comment

define('MODERATE', 0);

 * Comment spam status.
 * @package Comment

define('VISIBLE', 1);

 * Comment reload status.
 * @package Comment

define('RELOAD', -99);

if (!defined('HELP_URL')) {		
     * The location where help documentation is fetched.		
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.		
     * @example		
     * define('HELP_URL', 'http://rpc.example.com/help/');		

    define('HELP_URL', 'http://rpc.textpattern.com/help/');		

 * Do not format text.
 * @var     string
 * @package Textfilter

define('LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED', '0');

 * Format text with Textile.
 * @var     string
 * @package Textfilter

define('USE_TEXTILE', '1');

 * Replace line breaks with HTML &lt;br /&gt; tag.
 * @var     string
 * @package Textfilter

define('CONVERT_LINEBREAKS', '2');

 * System is Windows if TRUE.
 * @package System

define('IS_WIN', strpos(strtoupper(PHP_OS), 'WIN') === 0);

 * Directory separator character.
 * @package File

define('DS', defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR') ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : (IS_WIN ? '\\' : '/'));

 * Magic quotes GPC, TRUE if on.
 * @package Network

define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc());

if (!defined('REGEXP_UTF8')) {
     * TRUE if the system supports UTF-8 regex patterns.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php in case UTF-8 regex
     * patterns cause issues.
     * @package System
     * @example
     * define('REGEXP_UTF8', false);

    define('REGEXP_UTF8', @preg_match('@\pL@u', 'q'));

 * Permlink URL mode.
 * @package    URL
 * @deprecated ?

define('PERMLINKURL', 0);

 * Pagelink URL mode.
 * @package    URL
 * @deprecated ?

define('PAGELINKURL', 1);

if (!defined('EXTRA_MEMORY')) {
     * Allocated extra memory.
     * Used when creating thumbnails for instance.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package System
     * @example
     * define('EXTRA_MEMORY', '64M');

    define('EXTRA_MEMORY', '32M');

 * PHP is run as CGI.
 * @package System

define('IS_CGI', strpos(PHP_SAPI, 'cgi') === 0);

 * PHP is run as FCGI.
 * @package System

define('IS_FASTCGI', IS_CGI and empty($_SERVER['FCGI_ROLE']) and empty($_ENV['FCGI_ROLE']));

 * PHP is run as Apache module.
 * @package System

define('IS_APACHE', !IS_CGI and strpos(PHP_SAPI, 'apache') === 0);

 * Preference is user-private.
 * @package Pref
 * @see     set_pref()

define('PREF_PRIVATE', true);

 * Preference is global.
 * @package Pref
 * @see     set_pref()

define('PREF_GLOBAL', false);

 * Preference type is basic.
 * @package    Pref
 * @deprecated in 4.6.0
 * @see        PREF_CORE
 * @see        set_pref()

define('PREF_BASIC', 0);

 * Preference type is a core setting.
 * @package Pref
 * @see     set_pref()

define('PREF_CORE', 0);

 * Preference type is advanced.
 * @package    Pref
 * @deprecated in 4.6.0
 * @see        PREF_CORE
 * @see        PREF_PLUGIN
 * @see        set_pref()

define('PREF_ADVANCED', 1);

 * Preference type is a plugin or third party setting.
 * @package Pref
 * @see     set_pref()

define('PREF_PLUGIN', 1);

 * Preference type is hidden.
 * @package Pref
 * @see     set_pref()

define('PREF_HIDDEN', 2);

 * Plugin flag: has an options page.

define('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS', 0x0001);

 * Plugin flag: offers lifecycle callbacks.

define('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY', 0x0002);

 * Reserved bits for use by Textpattern core.

define('PLUGIN_RESERVED_FLAGS', 0x0fff);

if (!defined('LOG_REFERER_PROTOCOLS')) {
     * Sets accepted protocols for HTTP referrer header.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package Log
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @example
     * define('LOG_REFERER_PROTOCOLS', 'http');

    define('LOG_REFERER_PROTOCOLS', 'http, https');

if (!defined('PASSWORD_LENGTH')) {
     * Password default length, in characters.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @example
     * define('PASSWORD_LENGTH', 14);

    define('PASSWORD_LENGTH', 16);

if (!defined('PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY')) {
     * Password iteration strength count.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @example
     * define('PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY', 2);

    define('PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY', 8);

if (!defined('PASSWORD_PORTABILITY')) {
     * Passwords are created portable if TRUE.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @example
     * define('PASSWORD_PORTABILITY', false);

    define('PASSWORD_PORTABILITY', true);

if (!defined('PASSWORD_SYMBOLS')) {
     * Symbols used in auto-generated passwords.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @see     generate_password()
     * @example
     * define('PASSWORD_SYMBOLS', '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUYXZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz_?!-@$%^*;:');

    define('PASSWORD_SYMBOLS', '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz_-!?.');

if (!defined('HASHING_ALGORITHM')) {
     * Algorithm to use for hashing passwords/reset requests.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @see     PHP's hash_algos() function
     * @example
     * define('HASHING_ALGORITHM', 'whirlpool');

    define('HASHING_ALGORITHM', 'ripemd256');

if (!defined('SALT_LENGTH')) {
     * Length of salt/selector hashes.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @example
     * define('SALT_LENGTH', '80');

    define('SALT_LENGTH', '64');

if (!defined('RESET_EXPIRY_MINUTES')) {
     * Length of time (in minutes) that a password reset request remains valid.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * Values under 60 may fall foul of DST changeover times, but meh.
     * @package User
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @example
     * define('RESET_EXPIRY_MINUTES', '120');

    define('RESET_EXPIRY_MINUTES', '90');

if (!defined('RESET_RATE_LIMIT_MINUTES')) {
     * Minutes during which multiple user-submitted password reset requests are ignored.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @example
     * define('RESET_RATE_LIMIT_MINUTES', '15');

    define('RESET_RATE_LIMIT_MINUTES', '5');

if (!defined('ACTIVATION_EXPIRY_HOURS')) {
     * Length of time (in hours) that a password activation (new account) link remains valid.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package User
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @example
     * define('ACTIVATION_EXPIRY_HOURS', '48');

    define('ACTIVATION_EXPIRY_HOURS', '168');

if (!defined('LOGIN_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY')) {
     * If TRUE, login cookie is set just for HTTP.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package CSRF
     * @example
     * define('LOGIN_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY', false);

    define('LOGIN_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY', true);

if (!defined('X_FRAME_OPTIONS')) {
     * Sets X-Frame-Options HTTP header's value.
     * This is used to prevent framing of authenticated pages.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package CSRF
     * @example
     * define('X_FRAME_OPTIONS', 'DENY');


if (!defined('CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY')) {
     * Sets Content-Security-Policy HTTP header's value.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @since   4.7.0
     * @package CSRF

    define('CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY', "frame-ancestors 'self'");

if (!defined('AJAX_TIMEOUT')) {
     * AJAX timeout in seconds.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package Ajax
     * @example
     * define('AJAX_TIMEOUT', 10);

    define('AJAX_TIMEOUT', max(30000, 1000 * @ini_get('max_execution_time')));

 * Render on initial synchronous page load.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Ajax

define('PARTIAL_STATIC', 0);

 * Render as HTML partial on every page load.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Ajax

define('PARTIAL_VOLATILE', 1);

 * Render as an element's jQuery.val() on every page load.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Ajax


 * Draft article status ID.
 * @package Article

define('STATUS_DRAFT', 1);

 * Hidden article status ID.
 * @package Article

define('STATUS_HIDDEN', 2);

 * Pending article status ID.
 * @package Article

define('STATUS_PENDING', 3);

 * Live article status ID.
 * @package Article

define('STATUS_LIVE', 4);

 * Sticky article status ID.
 * @package Article

define('STATUS_STICKY', 5);

     * Number of recent articles displayed on the Write panel.
     * This constant can be overridden from the config.php.
     * @package Admin\Article
     * @since   4.6.0
     * @example
     * define('WRITE_RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT', 5);


 * Input size extra large.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_XLARGE', 96);

 * Input size large.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_LARGE', 64);

 * Input size regular.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_REGULAR', 32);

 * Input size medium.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_MEDIUM', 16);

 * Input size small.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_SMALL', 8);

 * Input size extra small.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_XSMALL', 4);

 * Input size tiny.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package Form

define('INPUT_TINY', 2);

 * Textarea height large.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Form


 * Textarea height regular.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Form


 * Textarea height medium.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Form


 * Textarea height small.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Form


 * Required PHP version.
 * @since   4.5.0
 * @package System

define('REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION', '5.4.0');

 * File integrity status good.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_GOOD', 1);

 * File integrity status modified.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()


 * File integrity not readable.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()


 * File integrity file missing.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()


 * File integrity not a file.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_NOT_FILE', 5);

 * Return integrity status.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_STATUS', 0x1);

 * Return integrity MD5 hashes.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_MD5', 0x2);

 * Return full paths.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_REALPATH', 0x4);

 * Return a digest.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_DIGEST', 0x8);

 * Return a parsed checksum file's contents.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Debug
 * @see     check_file_integrity()

define('INTEGRITY_TABLE', 0x10);

 * Link to an external script.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package HTML
 * @see     script_js()


 * Attach version number to script URL if stable.
 * The install is considered as a 'stable' if the version number doesn't contain
 * a '-dev' tag.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package HTML
 * @see     script_js()


 * The localised string is owned by the core system.
 * The string will be updated from the remote language server.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package L10n


 * The localised string is owned by the individual site.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package L10n


     * The default/fallback language identifier.
     * @since   4.7.0
     * @package L10n

    define('TEXTPATTERN_DEFAULT_LANG', 'en');

 * Language flags;
 * @since    4.7.0
 * @package  L10n

 * Strip empty values.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package HTML
 * @see     join_atts(), do_list_unique()


 * Sends an adaptive announcement.
 * The rendered message type is based on the context mode.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Announce
 * @see     announce()


 * Sends a modal announcement.
 * The announcement is instructed to be rendered as soon as possible, as a modal
 * alert window.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Announce
 * @see     announce()


 * Sends an asynchronous announcement.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Announce
 * @see     announce()


 * Sends a synchronous announcement.
 * @since   4.6.0
 * @package Announce
 * @see     announce()


 * Define the default JSON option for json_encode()
 * @since   4.7.0

if (defined('JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE')) {
} else {
    define('TEXTPATTERN_JSON', 0);


#17 2018-05-16 11:35:52

Server grease monkey
From: People's Republic of Cornwall
Registered: 2005-11-19
Posts: 4,210

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

I haven’t checked them, but make sure your plugins are up-to-date:

Active plugins: 
	smd_faux_role-0.20 (modified)

The checksums failing is still odd to me. That diagnostics report doesn’t list file checksums, but does include some high level diagnostic information, did you cut the files off the end?

Also the version number doesn’t include a build (should be 53fc1f9d4acb1026986bf89845c7a95d), which is strange.

Last edited by gaekwad (2018-05-16 11:36:03)


#18 2018-05-16 11:36:31

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

… and checksums:

/admin-themes/classic/classic.php: 61532c16e97ac04f6a77c40092320d06
/admin-themes/hive/assets/js/main.js: 5fb2157b7be591b0f1a64a81c0e07307
/admin-themes/hive/hive.php: fde208a1e25dfb21a1d1ee77c519425b
/admin-themes/hiveneutral/assets/js/main.js: 5fb2157b7be591b0f1a64a81c0e07307
/admin-themes/hiveneutral/hiveneutral.php: e64d0330d00d23537b4a88b8b9fbcbc7
/include/txp_admin.php: 7519b76848be7755f86597d129155956
/include/txp_article.php: 9c66b94aebc82cc904474cabda1e9fd1
/include/txp_auth.php: 72d54d6c6054c00bc86783f8e8932615
/include/txp_category.php: 12f668975bf70313ad35386bd827752b
/include/txp_css.php: 8015b08c023a3f417dae965aedb528db
/include/txp_diag.php: 8f27a0275d3019464fcf96e9dafe32f5
/include/txp_discuss.php: b0996486020d9cbab51cd20914296cd5
/include/txp_file.php: 7f33658528146b1ffd0df5ffb2d126b0
/include/txp_form.php: 0efc3a4e844bf8718568dea69732c97c
/include/txp_image.php: 7228e07fc0e2087e67c73d197fbc001e
/include/txp_lang.php: 1d7fa0b9769fa392e828a00cc25e119b
/include/txp_link.php: ee6af7cbb957441252ab7fa0c123812e
/include/txp_list.php: 081f5f993f883fbec744fe35dbcb6186
/include/txp_log.php: 2b15c0f98935bfc039e14f25663b34e4
/include/txp_page.php: bd08cefe5cd6ca981369b5f6542ec22d
/include/txp_pane.php: ec55f252887a68f3e3dc6510dd1385a0
/include/txp_plugin.php: d3b7bff80b7ab92009dd90953c10c149
/include/txp_prefs.php: f8ce3cb291904b544fb2a5edadf9a408
/include/txp_section.php: d1b68fe799d91073ae5d38e97f6f3dbd
/include/txp_skin.php: 242bc7272a7260d8f868baca8ac40f34
/include/txp_tag.php: 4a939325b676d76a439f2843ea64e36d
/index.php: f4bd451da931a8c63f14a4b4fb07952d
/lib/admin_config.php: 73adea849578cfc3e1473c2973f75b8f
/lib/class.thumb.php: de16440b4815129444a93683735d8ed0
/lib/class.trace.php: 055e3bc1f8d3217aec152fa7e6216b1d
/lib/classTextile.php: f970ce6ae622ffc333dc5190d2a17132
/lib/constants.php: 6b1cc698a4688276a88be8b945eda8bb
/lib/IXRClass.php: a1b525b4a9ed12dcb5677d5232a3d92e
/lib/PasswordHash.php: 66a8aa4b2d6e0527877a797907efc035
/lib/taglib.php: 0cafc9b259d5a45475eb47d36a0d6567
/lib/txplib_admin.php: af75aee8d639a179bb5d81cedb78a54e
/lib/txplib_db.php: 076e203592ff394e894df1a39691d577
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#19 2018-05-16 11:38:47

Server grease monkey
From: People's Republic of Cornwall
Registered: 2005-11-19
Posts: 4,210

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

Thank you – do you have or recall the errors which said the files checksum didn’t match?


#20 2018-05-16 11:39:53

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

Yep, plugins were up to date — except for bot_wtc 0.8.0 which failed to install (see thread over there) but 0.7.5 was working fine, as far as I could tell.


#21 2018-05-16 11:41:11

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

gaekwad wrote #311831:

Thank you – do you have or recall the errors which said the files checksum didn’t match?

It was a long and probably complete list of all txp files …

(and thank YOU, guys)

Last edited by funtoosh (2018-05-16 11:42:03)


#22 2018-05-16 11:57:19

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

There are two things that are peculiar about this site’s hosting, it’s on a community managed server, so the choice of php libs may at times be unusual or include outdated versions.

And my site is running in a subdirectory that kind of works like a subdomain. That never posed a problem with txp though.

It’s here, actually: https://www.muenster.org/medienforum/


#23 2018-05-16 12:37:34

From: Münster, Germany
Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 153

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

So I was curious and uploaded the contents of textpattern-4.7.0.tar.gz to another yet unused txp installation (also running PHP5).

Themes are working, no sections error, no problems with checksums, but the textile help icon is missing from the dropdown in the write tab as well:


#24 2018-05-16 13:15:00

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,407
Website GitHub

Re: Two issues with 4.7.0

funtoosh wrote #311836:

the textile help icon is missing from the dropdown in the write tab as well

Curious. It’s added by JavaScript so there’s a chance you need to force refresh the page/flush your browser cache. But you should have been informed at upgrade time to do that if it detected your version was out of sync. This is all very odd.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


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