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#25 2017-12-11 23:06:24

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,102

Re: file download path not writable

Bloke wrote #308264:

What’s confusing is the error message that the directory is not writable. It’s correct insofar as it can’t write to the directory, but the reason it can’t write to it is that it might not exist in the first place! We don’t test for existence separately from the test for being able to write to it. Perhaps we should, for clarity, only perform the write test if the directory exists?

yeah, I was recently confused by that message when using an MySQL dump from a live site on my dev local server. Diagnostics was insisting that the files directory was not writable, although it was correctly set. After double checking (actually, 4times or so) the message, it became clear the path was wrong (it was something like /Users/username/sites/foldername/my-live-domain.tld/files) which was of course nonsense). Took me a moment to actually “see” it.

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