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#1 2017-06-10 10:37:31

Registered: 2016-02-27
Posts: 63

search_result goes to 404

I thaught I was ready, but a check shows no function of the search. If I give some charakters in the search-form it linked me to 404 not found, and I don`t find the reason. Normaly it shows the results in the same page.

<!-- is this result result page? also omits the pagination links below (uses pagination format within search_results.article.txp instead) -->

        <h1><txp:text item="search_results" /></h1>
        <txp:output_form form="search_results"/>

      <txp:else /> ...

The searchform

<form role="search" method="get" action="<txp:site_url/articles/ />">...

The form search_results

<!-- display resulting articles (10 per page) -->
  <txp:article limit="10">

    <txp:if_first_article><ul id="article-list"></txp:if_first_article>
      <li role="article" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">
        <h4 itemprop="name"><a href="<txp:permlink />" itemprop="url"><txp:title /></a></h4>

I`m so tired and take a walk with my dog. When I come back, my car is washed, home is clean and the search-function works. I light a candle before I leave.


#2 2017-06-10 12:19:56

Registered: 2016-02-27
Posts: 63

Re: search_result goes to 404

The mistake is in this term:

<form role="search" method="get" action="<txp:site_url/articles/ />">

If I change the txp-term to my domain

<form role="search" method="get" action="http://yourdomain.de/articles">

I get all search-results regular, no 404 mistake. May be it didn`t work because I had changed the settings ‘chemes of url` in /section/title


#3 2017-06-10 12:57:03

Registered: 2016-02-27
Posts: 63

Re: search_result goes to 404

I have now in settings


and in the form

<form role="search" method="get" action="http://arteurope.de/<txp:section/>">
  <h4><label for="search-textbox"><txp:text item="search" /></label></h4>
  <p><input id="search-textbox" type="search" name="q"<txp:if_search> value="<txp:search_term />"</txp:if_search>><input type="submit" value="<txp:text item='go' />"></p>

So in every page you can search and the results will offer on that page, where you have started your search.


#4 2017-06-10 13:58:54

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: search_result goes to 404

pexman wrote #305909:

I`m so tired and take a walk with my dog. When I come back, my car is washed, home is clean and the search-function works. I light a candle before I leave.

I know situations like this. Looks like the candle magic worked (and didn’t burn your house down ;)

This here, BTW,
action="<txp:site_url/articles/ />
would have been

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#5 2017-06-12 10:23:55

Registered: 2016-02-27
Posts: 63

Re: search_result goes to 404

Aha, often, after a scripting battle, always some terms got losses. Thank you.


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