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#1 2016-06-27 15:41:54

From: United States
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 573

rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

I checked the links in dev plugin thread, and makks site is down.

Since I have such a huge category list for several of my sites, is anyone updating this plug in to work with textpattern after ver 4.5.7 ?

A ‘cloud’ of categories on my sites would overwhelm the front page.

Thanks !


#2 2016-06-27 16:15:06

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

JimJoe wrote #300003:

I checked the links in dev plugin thread, and makks site is down.

It is up for me so it may just have been a momentary glitch.

I also found an alternate link:http://b319.info/?rah_plugin_download=rss_unlimited_categories


#3 2016-06-27 19:45:02

From: United States
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 573

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

thanks !

Will it continue to be updated ?


#4 2016-06-27 21:43:55

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

JimJoe wrote #300007:

thanks !

Will it continue to be updated ?

Just out of curiosity – what are you trying to do? There are a lot of things you can do with native tags now that once required plugins.


#5 2016-06-27 23:16:32

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

JimJoe wrote #300007:

Will it continue to be updated ?

Michael’s question is a good starting place. But if not, and you still need rss_unlimited_categories:

As far as Rob Sable as author/maintainer, it has long been an orphaned plugin.

Though makks had updated it. I don’t know that means he adopted it or whether he intends to continue maintaining it. You’ll have to inquire of him. Otherwise you will need to seek a volunteer – paid or unpaid – to update it for you, or update it yourself if you have the skill set.


#6 2016-06-28 01:22:03

From: United States
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 573

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

michaelkpate wrote #300008:

Just out of curiosity – what are you trying to do? There are a lot of things you can do with native tags now that once required plugins.

Last time I checked, I wound up with a large tag cloud. I’m not interested in tags. They mess up the look I want.

Is there something else ?


#7 2016-06-28 01:24:05

From: United States
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 573

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

maverick wrote #300009:

Michael’s question is a good starting place. But if not, and you still need rss_unlimited_categories:

As far as Rob Sable as author/maintainer, it has long been an orphaned plugin.

Though makks had updated it. I don’t know that means he adopted it or whether he intends to continue maintaining it. You’ll have to inquire of him. Otherwise you will need to seek a volunteer – paid or unpaid – to update it for you, or update it yourself if you have the skill set.

I barely understand CSS. Php isn’t something I can follow.

I would hate to have to look for another blog/cms.

Last edited by JimJoe (2016-06-28 01:25:09)


#8 2016-06-28 08:00:32

Plugin Author
From: Rhône — France
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 479

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

In my memory, “unlimited categories “ should be include to the roadmap towards textpattern 5, with custom fields.
But since a moment that this feature has gone roadmaps and discussions.
it is always planned?


#9 2016-06-28 15:33:25

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

JimJoe wrote #300010:

Last time I checked, I wound up with a large tag cloud. I’m not interested in tags. They mess up the look I want.

Is there something else ?

I think Michael meant what is the actual published outcome you are trying to achieve on your site. Textpattern has become more capable over the years and can do many things out of the box that used to require plugins like rss_unlimited_categories. While unlimited categories themselves is not available at this time, perhaps there is a way to mimic the outcome using native txp_tags (tags as in txp_tags, not tags as in the sense of categories and tags).

Though perhaps you might not want to entirely rule out Bloke’s smd_tags. Tags, like categories, are about organization. Tag clouds are just one way to present those organizations. You should be able to make smd_tags look pretty much like anything you want; thus there’s a good chance you could output the same thing as you currently are with rss_unlimited_categories. Just fwiw


#10 2016-06-28 15:47:56

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

maverick wrote #300020:

I think Michael meant what is the actual published outcome you are trying to achieve on your site.

Exactly. Are you actually assigning more than 2 categories to an article or are you just using the rss_tags to output something to your home page?

Though perhaps you might not want to entirely rule out Bloke’s smd_tags. Tags, like categories, are about organization. Tag clouds are just one way to present those organizations. You should be able to make smd_tags look pretty much like anything you want; thus there’s a good chance you could output the same thing as you currently are with rss_unlimited_categories. Just fwiw

smd_tags even includes an import function that should smooth the transition a bit. Tag Clouds were really cool at first but turned out probably not the best choice in every situation. But Tags themselves can still be handy.


#11 2016-06-28 19:32:39

From: United States
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 573

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

Since only 2 categories show to visitors, there are two things I would like to accomplish.

1) show more than 2, I think a maximum of 5 or 7 categories for each article. Some will have more than that, but too many would be counterproductive.

so showing Crestar site home category, hemisphere, continent, nation, town/city for the Crestar site wold be enough. My Traveller site shows; galaxy arm, empire, column, sector, sub-sector

2) I use the additional categories to help me keep track of what is located where, so I don’t thin I put a town in one area, and its somewhere else.

I also use this plugin on my Traveller, dice collection, ham radio, and other sites.

Since it isn’t benig updated, and the copy I have wont work on future updates of Textpattern, then I need a replacement that gives as close to similar results as possible.


Oh, some of my sites have over one thousand categories and might wind up with over two thousand of them. Thats why a tag cloud wont work. It would take up most of the ‘front page’ of two sites. Some have less than 50.

Last edited by JimJoe (2016-06-28 19:36:13)


#12 2016-06-28 22:04:41

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,552
Website GitHub

Re: rss_unlimited_categories plugin ?

JimJoe wrote #300025:

some of my sites have over one thousand categories and might wind up with over two thousand of them.

Crikey. So how do your visitors find anything?! More to the point, how do you find anything? Anyway…

Thats why a tag cloud wont work. It would take up most of the ‘front page’ of two sites.

A tagging plugin and a tag cloud are not synonymous. The tru_tags plugin, for example, allows you to categorise your content by writing comma-separated ‘tags’ (a.k.a. categories) into Txp’s Keywords field. Totally freeform. You can then display content that has a particular tag, show tags that belong to an article, and so on.

My smd_tags plugin is a combination of rss_unlimited_categories and tru_tags, with some extra features. It gives you the ability to use structured tagging (in essence, exactly what rss_unlimited_categories offers) or unstructured tagging (like tru_tags), or something in between. It also allows you to attach tag sets to Txp categories so you can sub-divide your thousands of categories into groups. And tags can be infinitely nested to further group them.

If you wanted, you could display every tag that has been assigned, in a list, or a cloud, or an alphabetised index, or a colour-coded pie chart. But that would probably be foolish with such large tag sets. More common is to show an article and then list the “tags” (categories, taxonomy, call it what you like) that have been assigned to it. You usually decide to make those tags clickable, which then show a list of other articles that share that particular tag, when it’s clicked. So visitors can navigate your articles by clicking a tag that interests them to find similar content.

Tags = categories = labelling your content in a way that makes sense to you and your visitors. The plugin could have been called smd_label or smd_unlimited_categories or smd_taxonomy, but I chose ‘tags’ as it’s shorter. If you look past the notion of “tags = tag cloud” you might find that tagging plugins suit you better. With the added bonus that my plugin is still supported, albeit needing a little visual spruce-up in the admin-side department. Which I’ll get to soon.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


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