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#13 2015-08-19 21:17:06
- riquialon
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<txp:pax_grep from="'\s|\t|\r|\n'" to=""><txp:output_form form="revo_theme_variables" /><txp:output_form form="revo_widgets" /></txp:pax_grep>
<txp:arc_meta_open_graph />
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<txp:output_form form="Page_Title" />
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<txp:output_form form="Meta_Robots_Loader" />
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<txp:feed_link flavor="rss" format="link" label="Feed" limit="5" section="articles" />
<txp:rvm_css format="link" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<txp:site_url />css/print/print.css" media="print" />
Andy follow your instructions, but does not work …… Help me please
Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
Hi riquialon,
What does the HTML markup generated by <txp:arc_meta_open_graph />
look like? Could you paste an example?
#15 2015-08-21 02:18:26
- riquialon
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
monkeyninja wrote #294244:
Hi riquialon,
What does the HTML markup generated by
<txp:arc_meta_open_graph />
look like? Could you paste an example?
Andy arc_social you say on the label that it pege after the head, that I do
<txp:arc_meta_open_graph />
Just including the above tag in your templates’ <head> tag will output tags for the following:-
og:site_name — your site name from your preferences
og:title — the article’s title, section name or category name
og:description — your page’s meta description
og:url — your page’s canonical URL
og:image — the article’s image
You can override the default values of any of these by passing a value to one of the tag’s attributes defined below. To disable one of the tags just pass an empty attribute value (e.g. title=’‘).
Last edited by riquialon (2015-08-21 02:19:56)
#16 2015-08-21 13:38:20
- uli
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
Hi riquialon! That’s not what Andy meant. Have a look at the source code of any of your front side pages where there’s an arc_meta_open_graph tag at work. Now, in the head region, between the <head>
tag and the tag <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
there should be the output of the arc_meta_open_graph tag. Please post that here.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#17 2015-08-22 14:56:14
- riquialon
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
uli wrote #294284:
Hi riquialon! That’s not what Andy meant. Have a look at the source code of any of your front side pages where there’s an arc_meta_open_graph tag at work. Now, in the head region, between the
tag and the tag<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
there should be the output of the arc_meta_open_graph tag. Please post that here.
Ok many thanks Uli, but then where should stick the label to arc_meta_open_graph functions …. really really do not understand .. ???
Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
Hi riquialon,
Could you show us the HTML generated by arc_meta_open_graph
. We want to check that it is generating the correct HTML for you.
#19 2015-08-22 22:22:01
- riquialon
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
monkeyninja wrote #294310:
Hi riquialon,
Could you show us the HTML generated by
. We want to check that it is generating the correct HTML for you.
you mean this
function arc_meta_open_graph($atts)
global $thisarticle, $prefs, $s, $c;
#20 2015-08-22 23:29:28
- uli
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- From: Cologne
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
No, that seems to be the plugin code. Please take your browser and visit the website you are working on, the front side, not the Textpattern administration. In the browser’s menu bar, there will be a menu named something like either “View” or “Developer”, depending on which browser you are using. In one of these menus, there will be a menu item named something like “View source code” or “Show source” or something similar. Click that menu item. A new window opens with lots of text. That’s the HTML source code Andy wants to see. Please copy all of that text and post it here.
One more thing to consider: The theme you are using might have more than one page template. And as a new Textpattern user you might not know which page template is used for the page you are currently looking at. Hence I’d advise to put a tag in every page template.
In order to do that, visit the Textpattern administration of your website and have a look at Presentation > Pages whether there really is more than one page template. The arc_meta tag you posted here is placed at the right spot, as far as I know. If there is more than one page template, put that tag in each of these at the same spot as you posted. If you are not sure about where to put it, place it anywhere between <head>
and </head>
, then click the Save button. Once that is done for all page templates, do the steps I mentioned in the first paragraph of this post.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#21 2015-08-22 23:41:38
- uli
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- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,305
Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
And one more idea: You are posting here in the arc_social_share thread. The arc_meta_open_graph
tag is not comprised in this plugin. Have you downloaded/installed/activated the arc_meta plugin?
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#22 2015-08-23 00:16:42
- riquialon
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- Registered: 2015-08-08
- Posts: 11
Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
uli wrote #294312:
No, that seems to be the plugin code. Please take your browser and visit the website you are working on, the front side, not the Textpattern administration. In the browser’s menu bar, there will be a menu named something like either “View” or “Developer”, depending on which browser you are using. In one of these menus, there will be a menu item named something like “View source code” or “Show source” or something similar. Click that menu item. A new window opens with lots of text. That’s the HTML source code Andy wants to see. Please copy all of that text and post it here.
One more thing to consider: The theme you are using might have more than one page template. And as a new Textpattern user you might not know which page template is used for the page you are currently looking at. Hence I’d advise to put a tag in every page template.
In order to do that, visit the Textpattern administration of your website and have a look at Presentation > Pages whether there really is more than one page template. The arc_meta tag you posted here is placed at the right spot, as far as I know. If there is more than one page template, put that tag in each of these at the same spot as you posted. If you are not sure about where to put it, place it anywhere between
, then click the Save button. Once that is done for all page templates, do the steps I mentioned in the first paragraph of this post.
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Moderator’s annotation:
Edited to add Textile’s bc..
for better readability.
– Uli –
Last edited by uli (2015-08-23 15:31:21)
#23 2015-08-23 15:31:01
- uli
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- From: Cologne
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
riquialon wrote #294314:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/13.jpg" />
There it is.
BTW, the HTML is not complete, there’s something wrong with your your page template, at the end: There’s no closing body and html tag, and there is this unfinished stub <div style='display:none'><a href='http://freecss.net/' title='
at the end of the last but fourth line, after literally hundreds of space characters.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#24 2015-08-23 22:49:09
- riquialon
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Re: arc_social_share - A Social Bookmarking Plugin
uli wrote #294321:
There it is.
BTW, the HTML is not complete, there’s something wrong with your your page template, at the end: There’s no closing body and html tag, and there is this unfinished stub
<div style='display:none'><a href='http://freecss.net/' title='
at the end of the last but fourth line, after literally hundreds of space characters.
Arrange Uli what you said, and I’m still with the same problem
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<p><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/13t.jpg" alt="" width="189" height="151" /><h3><p align="justify">‘‘<em>SlackLife</em> de Venezuela nace con el sueño de un grupo de jovenes interesados en explorar nuevas tendencias en la disciplina de los deportes extremos, especificamente del <em>Slackline</em> , con el deseo de proyectarse no solo a nivel nacional, sino tambien; Internacional, y la inquietud de crear, incentivar y desarrollar nuevos espacios recreativos implementando un enfoque holistico y de crecimiento personal en el maravilloso mundo del deporte…’‘esto continuara…</p></h3></p>
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<li><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/articles/1/welcome-to-your-site#c000001"><cite>Donald Swain</cite> <span>jul 22, 13:11</span> (Welcome to Your Site!)</a><p>I enjoy your site very much.</p></li>
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<h1><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/articles/2/slackline-es-vivir-sentir-y-meditar" title="Permanent link to 'Slackline es vivir, sentir y meditar'">Slackline es vivir, sentir y meditar</a></h1>
<p><center><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/14.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/14.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/2t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/2t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/3t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/3t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/4t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/4t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><br />
<h1>“Es jugar, es bailar, es fluir, es amar, crear, y transformar…”</h1><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/5t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/5t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/6t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/6t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/7t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/7t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a><a href="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/12t.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://slacklinevzla.cuccfree.org/tp/images/12t.jpg" class="image" width="190" height="250" alt="" /></a></center></p>
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