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#121 2015-06-01 12:56:20

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,311

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Hi Claire, looks like title, description, help, download link etc. for all of your plugins have vanished from your website. Only comments remain.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#122 2015-06-01 18:52:55

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Yep, thank you.
Fault lies in the yield-thing.


#123 2015-08-08 07:58:04

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Hi Claire (and anyone),

For the first time, I’m looking at a potential project to make front-side access to the back-end functionality and I’m surveying all the available options in the Txp world to try and get my head around what cocktail of plugins I will need since there’s not any one (or two) that will manage it all.

The site already uses smd_bio and smd_user_manager, and if the project does go through, I might need to allow users to register via the front-side if they don’t have accounts, so that probably means using mem_self_register, at least, as I know you’re plugin doesn’t deal with registering.

But lets say I don’t need to support registering too, only existing account holders. I’m just trying to understand what you’re plugin allows. I don’t mean from a functional point of view, but from a use-case point of view. I did read this from your plugin’s description at your website:

This client-side plugin lets your users (or you) manage backend connection from frontend, i.e. connect and disconnect as they (you) would do from backend.
You can thus make things visible and open actions for connected users only.

But I’m afraid that doesn’t help my simple brain much. I realize cbe_frontauth allows a front-side login to back-side functionality (so does the regular login at domain.tld/textpattern/, for that matter). But then what? Is the idea that you can create, e.g., a homepage login for them, but abstract them away from the admin-side so they don’t see admin-side panels and such?

Anyone else using this plugin is welcome to describe their use example as well to bail Claire out. ;) I’m not looking for code examples (I’m not a developer, I can’t visualize stuff that way), I’m trying to understand what I would experience if I was one such user at a site where cbe_frontauth was being employed for my benefit.

One (though perhaps not only) main objective I’m looking at is to be able to allow user to post a specific type of article from the front-side. So from the front-side they would:

  1. log in
  2. perhaps see a data entry form for the necessary fields
  3. submit (then get a confirmation message, and be redirected to the “app” homepage when acknowledging the message)

At that point a draft article would be created in admin-side and an email would notify a designated Editor that the draft was ready for processing.

Does cbe_frontauth play a role in something like that?

Thanks in advance.

(Btw, I’m actually leaving for a week and may not be able to reply during that time, unless I find a few minutes with my phone along the way, but I will follow up as soon as I can.)

Last edited by Destry (2015-08-08 09:53:44)


#124 2015-11-04 00:53:45

From: Ukiah, California
Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 595

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Hi Claire,

I’d like to alter this plugin to redirect to a different location (/login/ rather than /textpattern/). My client’s website is using /login/ everywhere via a symlink. However I thought I’d ask first—if you have any advice as to how to go about this. Thanks for the great plugin!


#125 2015-11-04 21:15:45

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

I can’t remember if I tested with symlinks. I’m not sure if it would properly work, especially because of cookies. It may, or it may not :)

Here are some elements I can provide, pick-up the ones you need :
  • the path /textpattern/ is not hard-coded, the source code uses the constant txpath instead
  • the last part of txpath is extracted to
  • you can force a redirect upon login and/or logout from front-end this way (but I’m afraid the plugin won’t work as intended if you have to force the path to the back-end)

Hope this helps.

Last edited by CeBe (2015-11-04 21:20:40)


#126 2015-11-18 11:04:07

From: Milton Keynes, UK
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 151

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

I have 2 queries around this plugin:

The cbe_frontauth plugin doesn’t appear to allow access to protected frontend content if a registered user has no privileges …(I’m sure this used to work, though).

So, because the out-of-the-box permissions all have too much power, even ‘Freelancer’, is it sensible to create another user group, say ‘Restricted Access’ which can’t even save articles? Just so it’s possible to protect content on a page (in a section) with something like this

<txp:article limit="5" />
<txp:else />
<h3>Members' Area</h3>
<p>You are not logged in</p>

And then a login elsewhere on the page

<txp:cbe_frontauth_box login_invite="Login to Members' Area" wraptag="p" break="br" />

And to create this ‘Restricted Access’ user, should I use stef’s smd_user_manager plugin?

Actually, just found this post about smd_user_manager from laptop hobo, who seemed to be doing the same sort of thing…

Last edited by gavnosis (2015-11-18 11:51:01)


#127 2015-11-18 12:11:22

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

gavnosis wrote #296679:

The cbe_frontauth plugin doesn’t appear to allow access to protected frontend content if a registered user has no privileges …(I’m sure this used to work, though).

Huh? Due to native Textpattern’s behaviour, a user without any privilege (i.e. level 0) just can’t log in. How would it have worked?

is it sensible to create another user group, say ‘Restricted Access’ which can’t even save articles? […] should I use stef’s smd_user_manager plugin?

Proably yes, as Stef himself said :)
Or you can “recycle” an unused group – if there is any left – and assign privileges with bot_privs.
Then you can manage access with the level attribute:

<txp:cbe_frontauth_protect level="...">
  <txp:article limit="5" />
<txp:else />
  <h3>Members' Area</h3>
  <p>You are not logged in</p>


#128 2015-11-18 12:40:11

From: Milton Keynes, UK
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 151

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

I obviously dreamt ‘no privs’ worked, because now you say it, there is no sensible way I imagine a user with no privileges would login… Thank you, anyway (and thank you for the plugin!)

I’ve created a new group with Stef’s smd_user_manager plugin and that works well enough, even if the admin interface looks a bit serious with catchy titles like smd_um_heading_prf ;-)


#129 2015-11-18 19:33:46

moon blake
From: near Hannover, Germany
Registered: 2009-07-16
Posts: 76

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

CeBe wrote #296681:

Huh? Due to native Textpattern’s behaviour, a user without any privilege (i.e. level 0) just can’t log in. How would it have worked?

This is correct, I think, a user with privs=0 (none) cannot log in to the backend.


#130 2015-11-18 21:40:29

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,575
Website GitHub

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

gavnosis wrote #296682:

the admin interface looks a bit serious with catchy titles like smd_um_heading_prf ;-)

Ah, yeah, probably the Textpack didn’t install properly. I think the plugin package is banjaxed for smd_user_manager and I need to fix it one day. Try downloading the standalone Textpack instead, paste the strings into the box at the bottom of your Prefs->Languages panel and install them. Should look a bit better then :-)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#131 2015-11-20 15:51:46

Plugin Author
From: Rhône — France
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 479

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Hi claire,

I need to allow access to articles only to admins (all admins) and the article author.
I try this

<txp:cbe_frontauth_if_connected level="1" name='<txp:author title="0" />'>
<txp:else />
	<txp:txp_die status="401" />

but don’t work

I think it’s not possible to combine level attribut with name attribut.
A idea ?

Last edited by sacripant (2015-11-20 15:58:06)


#132 2015-11-20 20:34:03

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

sacripant wrote #296720:

I think it’s not possible to combine level attribut with name attribut.

It should have. Thanks for reporting!

It’s now fixed, download v0.9.7 from GitHub:


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