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#1 2015-05-12 20:19:22

Registered: 2014-08-12
Posts: 153

link ad articoli

Come si fa a creare un link ad un determinato articolo.

Nella ho 6 foto e ognuna di quelle foto deve puntare un articolo. Se mi potete aiutare vi ringrazio tanto!


#2 2015-05-13 08:58:50

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,611

Re: link ad articoli

I’m not sure where you want to create your links. If you just want to add a link to an image in your body field, you can do this:


where !/path-to/image-name.jpg! shows the image and "…":/section/article-name is the textile link to the article url.


If you want to make those links to articles appear in a page template or form, you can do:

<txp:permlink id="123"><txp:image id="456" /></txp:permlink>

where 123 is the id of the article, and 456 is the id of the image in the image pane.

If you want this in a form that is called using txp:article or txp:article_custom, the id will be handled automatically, so you could have:

<txp:article_custom section="my-section" wraptag="ul" break="li">
    <txp:image id='<txp:custom_field name="article_image" />' />

which displays a list of linked images to articles in the my-section section using the image-id number you put in the article-image field of your article. If you want just the thumbnail, then use txp:thumbnail instead of txp:image.

I hope that helps!


TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#3 2015-05-13 15:57:18

Registered: 2014-08-12
Posts: 153

Re: link ad articoli

Il modulo che ho è il seguente, ciascuna immagine che sono nella div .paeseimg ,devono puntare i rispettivi articoli (sezione paesi e categori frazioni.+
Es l’immagine di “molazzana.jpg” deve puntare l’articolo id=“2” sezione=“paesi” categoria=“frazioni”
Come si può scrivere?
Il seg codice è quello che scritto io ma non funzionaù


<txp:article_custom limit="1" section="paesi" category="capoluogo">
<h1><txp:title /></h2>

<div class="fotoPaesi">
<txp:article_custom limit="3" section="paesi" category="frazioni">
      		<div class="paese">
      			<div class="paeseImg">
      		<img src="images/molazzana.jpg"> 
      			</div><!-- paeseImg -->
      			<div class="paeseNome">
      			<h2><txp:title /></h2> 
      			</div><!-- paeseNome -->
                        </div> <!--paese-->
<txp:article_custom limit="3" offset="3" section="paesi" category="frazioni">
      		<div class="paese lastRow">
      			<div class="paeseImg">
      		<img src="images/cascio.jpg">
      			</div><!-- paeseImg -->
      			<div class="paeseNome">
      			<h2><txp:title /></h2> 
      			</div><!-- paeseNome -->
                        </div> <!--paese-->


#4 2015-05-13 18:25:52

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,028
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Re: link ad articoli

Given that you uploaded the images via ftp and not the txp interface try:

<txp:article_custom limit="1" section="paesi" category="capoluogo">
<h1><txp:title /></h1>

<div class="fotoPaesi">
<txp:article_custom limit="3" section="paesi" category="frazioni">
      		<div class="paese">
      			<div class="paeseImg">
      		<img src="/images/molazzana.jpg"> 
      			</div><!-- paeseImg -->
      			<div class="paeseNome">
      			<h2><txp:title /></h2> 
      			</div><!-- paeseNome -->
                        </div> <!--paese-->
<txp:article_custom limit="3" offset="3" section="paesi" category="frazioni">
      		<div class="paese lastRow">
      			<div class="paeseImg">
      		<img src="/images/cascio.jpg">
      			</div><!-- paeseImg -->
      			<div class="paeseNome">
      			<h2><txp:title /></h2> 
      			</div><!-- paeseNome -->
                        </div> <!--paese-->

But maybe I misunderstood what you need.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#5 2015-05-13 18:42:23

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,611

Re: link ad articoli

If you meant the image molazzana.jpg must be associated with article id number 2 (and so on for other articles), the easiest way to associate an image with an article is to use the article_image field.


1) Edit your article id #2 in top’s admin area and put /images/molazzana.jpg in the field and save.
2) Then to include the image in your form, do:

<div class="paeseImg">
  <txp:article_image />
</div><!-- paeseImg -->

I think that tag will accept both an id number or the url, so it should work. And if you need the thumbnail, then use <txp:article_image thumbnail="1" />. (EDIT: that won’t work with own urls)

But if you find it’s not working, try:

<div class="paeseImg">
   <img src="<txp:custom_field name="article_image" />"> 
</div><!-- paeseImg -->

Does that help?

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#6 2015-05-13 20:55:55

From: Quito (Ecuador)
Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 1,473

Re: link ad articoli

jakob wrote #290748:

(…) and if you need the thumbnail, then use <txp:article_image thumbnail="1" />.

And from where comes the thumbnail in this context?


#7 2015-05-13 21:02:05

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,611

Re: link ad articoli

And from where comes the thumbnail in this context?

You’re right: with an own url that can’t work (I’ll edit my post).

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#8 2015-05-13 21:03:15

From: Quito (Ecuador)
Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 1,473

Re: link ad articoli



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