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#49 2008-07-22 17:52:46
- papalozarou
- Member
- Registered: 2004-07-05
- Posts: 43
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
Thanks – all good now.
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
I had to make a small fix to this plugin to make it compatible with my multi-site patch.
Change function JMD_Sitemap::__construct() to the following:
public function __construct()
global $path_to_site;
$this->filename = $path_to_site . '/sitemap.xml.gz';
This way the code does not rely on the textpattern directory being nested inside the web root directory.
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
Hello, Jon.
I’ve got a problem with the “exclude section” feature. I want to throw out a section from the list of excluded sections, but I can’t achieve it, because there isn’t any buttom, or something like that, to select a section and to erase it. I don’t remember how I wrote the list, so that I don’t know how I could modificate it. Any idea?
Last edited by pompilos (2009-06-19 22:57:01)
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
Well, Jon. I finally realised how it is done: you select one or more sections and, then, you press the “Update sitemap” buttom, isn’t it? I find this “interface” isn’t very intuitive. Thanks anyway for your plugin. It works fine.
Last edited by pompilos (2009-06-19 23:02:37)
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
pompilos wrote:
Hello, Jon.
Name == Jon-Michael
I’ve got a problem with the “exclude section” feature. I want to throw out a section from the list of excluded sections, but I can’t achieve it, because there isn’t any buttom, or something like that, to select a section and to erase it. I don’t remember how I wrote the list, so that I don’t know how I could modificate it. Any idea?
It’s a browser feature you use – Cmd
-click (or Ctrl
-click for Win/*nix) the section to exclude, even if there’s only one in the list.
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
Sitemap automatically generated upon article creation and modification
Could not find anywhere how to enable the sitemape to get updated automatically without pushing the button.
#55 2014-12-16 15:51:36
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
The plugin is from the pre-AJAXified time (Write panel). Maybe you better use Jukka’s rah_sitemap.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
Re: jmd_sitemap: Sitemap generator
uli wrote #286641:
The plugin is from the pre-AJAXified time (Write panel). Maybe you better use Jukka’s rah_sitemap.
Ok. I will consider that. I am used to it though.