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#1321 2013-06-22 13:51:00
Re: zem_contact_reborn
Hi Guys, I made some more edits to zem_contact_reborn, it includes modernizr and jquery fallback if the html5 type isn’t supported natively by the browser, thought it might come in useful for any html5 nuts like me ;)
I had to write an article with instructions as you need the Jquery and Modernizr library, plus a new tag to output the js needed, full article with instructions and download at http://www.proximowebdesign.ie/blog/textpattern-html5-web-form-with-modernizr-fallback
This used the latest copy of zem_contact v.20, however be aware if you install my plugin it installs over your existing, so trial on a test server first perhaps:
I hope it helps someone, all validated via w3c (such as their html5 spec is ;) )
You can see how the form outputs on my own web design cork enquiry page feel free to click into things and see on different browsers, safari does a lovely native ‘date’ display and chrome does a fab job with the html5 stuff too.. shockingly IE10 supports native ‘range’ input where Firefox 21 does not which was a shocker!
I <3 txp
#1322 2013-06-24 11:44:34
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: zem_contact_reborn
Thank you very much, Hilary, will come in handy!
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#1323 2013-06-24 11:55:34
Re: zem_contact_reborn
You’re welcome Uli :)
It’s awful to have to fall back with all this js added hated that, but then it is compatible back to ie7 so has to be done.. would be awesome if all the browsers would recognise html5 it’s got so many shiny new things!!
I <3 txp
#1324 2013-08-14 16:32:38
Re: zem_contact_reborn
the plugin is working fine but I am having some troubles styling it. I only need to enlarge labels and fields. The page to view it is http://mindfulness.altervista.org/index.php?s=contatti.
Do I have to add the styles myself to the main CSS?
The label tag has a class=“zemText zemRequired Nome”, so it’s actually 3 styles in a row: can I leave zemText only and style it in the CSS?
Thanks for your help.
#1325 2013-08-14 16:46:41
Re: zem_contact_reborn
Unfortunately, the names of the classes are all fixed within the plugin.
I’m in the process of modifying the plugin so that I can feed in class names as attributes. I did it once before but when I moved hosting providers didn’t bring the changes across and lost them all!
#1326 2013-08-14 17:03:13
Re: zem_contact_reborn
gilibaus wrote:
can I leave zemText only and style it in the CSS?
Sure you can apply CSS to zemText
class only, though it could be overwritten by the others. Just try.
aslsw66 wrote:
Unfortunately, the names of the classes are all fixed within the plugin.
Did I mention that etc_query
can alter any attribute of any tag?
Last edited by etc (2013-08-14 20:47:24)
#1327 2013-08-14 20:56:32
Re: zem_contact_reborn
Did I mention that etc_query
is so powerful that it can do everything except teach me how to use it?!
Yes, it’s a good reminder that I need to expand my skills some more.
#1328 2013-08-15 12:01:19
- michaelb
- Member
- From: London, UK
- Registered: 2008-04-02
- Posts: 21
Re: zem_contact_reborn
Hi there.
Does anyone have a link to a zem_contact_lang in Russian I could use?
Also, is there one in Portuguese that anyone would share?
#1329 2013-09-13 16:00:44
- zainul.dss
- New Member
- Registered: 2013-03-18
- Posts: 9
Re: zem_contact_reborn
hi All,
I have integrated the contact form and its working well.I have also redirect this to thanks page but when it came to thanks page some chunks characters added with thanks url like abcs.com/thanks#zcrd9c46fba5898fa2fdeb5fcf67bb67ebd.
So how we remove the last chunk chars after thanks.
#1330 2013-09-13 17:03:21
Re: zem_contact_reborn
@zainul.dss: you can try editing the code and change this line
$uri = hu.ltrim($redirect,'/');
$uri = hu.preg_replace('/#.*/', '', rtrim(ltrim($redirect,'/'));
If that doesn’t work, you can’t change it.
#1331 2013-09-13 19:51:11
Re: zem_contact_reborn
You may also use the jQuery.form plugin.
#1332 2013-10-02 17:47:32
Re: zem_contact_reborn
Hi Ruud,
A year ago, you helped me solve insertion of database fields from a zem_contact form. Everything has been fine, but now the insertion into the database fails it seems.
The server has PHP 5.3 and I am running this on Textpattern 4.4.1.
Here’s the code that I have been using:
global $zem_contact_values, $zem_contact_error;
if( !empty( $_POST['zem_contact_submit'] ))
$formTitle = doSlash(trim(ps('title')));
$formFirstName = doSlash(trim(ps('first_name')));
$formLastName = doSlash(trim(ps('last_name')));
$formEmail = doSlash(trim(ps('email')));
$formMobile = doSlash(trim(ps('mobile')));
$formSecret = doSlash($zem_contact_values['voucher_code']);
if(!empty($formFirstName) and !empty($formEmail))
$result = safe_insert('voucher_codes', "timestamp=NOW(), title='$formTitle', first_name='$formFirstName', last_name='$formLastName', email='$formEmail', mobile='$formMobile', voucher_code='$formSecret'");
if (!$result) $zem_contact_error[] = "Eror processing your request. Please try again.";
I assume it’s something to do with the database, but I have no clue. Can you help please?
{Edited to make the final sentence visible . – Uli}
Last edited by uli (2013-10-02 18:30:34)