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#217 2012-12-20 14:05:22
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
it works! Thanks!
#218 2013-01-31 17:47:03
- progre55
- Member
- Registered: 2006-05-02
- Posts: 668
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Things were working well but all of a sudden I am now getting this message:
Warning: file_put_contents(/mnt/stor7-wc2-dfw1/528426/579799/www.xxxxx.com/web/content/textpattern/mnt/stor7-wc2-dfw1/528426/579799/www.xxxxx.com/web/content/textpattern/tmp/7d126f73dd1369592b74e2842c2e9919) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/stor7-wc2-dfw1/528426/579799/www.xxxxx.com/web/content/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(653) : eval()’d code on line 871
Any assistance on how I can address this would be appreciated.
Using TXP 4.4.1 for this site and an older version of arc 2.0.1 (which is working fine on another site I am using)
#219 2013-01-31 20:35:41
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,313
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Have you tried to do an in-topic search for “file_put_contents”? There are several ones, also answered by Andy.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#220 2013-01-31 21:00:29
- progre55
- Member
- Registered: 2006-05-02
- Posts: 668
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Thanks. My problem had to do with the cache settings — making that modification did the trick. Thank you again.
#221 2013-03-11 00:54:41
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
hi, is this freak out normal for version 3.2.1
Warning: Table ‘db34978_mcmonagle_new.arc_twitter’ doesn’t exist SELECT tweet_id,tweet FROM arc_twitter WHERE article_id=185; in /…/donegalimage.com/html/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 89
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /nfs/c01/….com/html/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 295
The plug in works fine, but the admin spits out warnings when I tweet from an article. To the point were I’m afraid it will do something bad to my install or database.
I can’t upgrade because I can’t upgrade this site to 4.5 because of other reasons.
its a bad hen that wont scratch itself.
#222 2013-06-12 08:44:58
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
It looks like Twitter has retired API V1, which this plugin uses. Does anyone know a workaround?
#223 2013-06-12 09:40:47
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
I wondered why my Twitter feed on my website wasn’t showing up; hopefully this plugin will get updated as it’d be a real shame to lose the functionality of it.
#224 2013-06-12 11:02:32
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Since yesterday, Twitter uses OAuth authentication for feed export. You can no more still use http://www.twitter-rss.com/user_timeline.php?screen_name=your_name
for OAuthless rss import, but I don’t know what must be changed in arc_twitter
. You could also adapt the etc_query
solution, but only for feed retrieval (not publishing).
Last edited by etc (2013-07-03 10:29:29)
#225 2013-06-13 11:25:11
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
I thought it was weird how my Twitter feed had stopped showing newer tweets, and then when I modified one of the attributes everything changed. Time to hunt for another solution then.
#226 2013-06-14 07:30:51
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Mentioned this to Andy on twitter on Wednesday. He said he’s take a look when he got the chance.
#227 2013-06-24 09:42:35
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Tweeting a new article has also stopped working for me – arc_twitter v3.3.1, updated from version 2.xx
I get an 410 error as twitter response.
If they changed their api completely, than we can’t patch it quickly or is there a quick solution?
#228 2013-06-24 16:38:52
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
There isn’t a quick solution
I’ve just patched an old version of arc_twitter (v3.0) to work with Twitter’s API v1.1.
I had to patch this v3.0 version as I needed the plugin to work with Txp 4.4.1. (Latest arc_twitter release, v3.3.1, only works on 4.5+).
And I’ve also “backported” (foreported?) my changes to v3.3.1. I haven’t been able to test this “backport”.
So, for anyone that would like to help testing this patched version, here is the code: arc_twitter_v3.3.1_patched.php
Just copy the code and replace the full code on your plugin installation.
Please, give feedback if it worked, or if it didn’t. :)