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#1 2013-02-05 18:11:58

From: Hlapičina, Croatia
Registered: 2013-01-17
Posts: 124

theme's compatibility

After some exploration, I see that there is practically all the functionality available in Textpattern out-of-the-box to replace all my sites with it.

Now, I’d like to start with some ready themes before jumping into preparing some custom theme(s) based on, probably, YAML framework.

There are few themes on textgarden but I wonder what does it mean e.g. 4.3.0+ in a practical sense for someone using 4.5.4?

How much are the themes created for previous versions compatible with the latest Textpattern?

Where is some guide about ‘best practices’ for creating & packaging theme for 4.5.x and hopefully 4.6?


#2 2013-02-06 09:04:22

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,572
Website GitHub

Re: theme's compatibility

Are you talking front-side themes or admin-side?

Broadly speaking, front-side themes don’t matter as much because it’s just template code: primarily Pages, Forms, and Sections. Older themes sometimes use deprecated or subsequently removed tags/attributes but that doesn’t happen very often and only usually affects really old themes (sort of 4.0.x and before). Depending on theme, it may be bundled with plugins and — again — these may have been superseded by newer versions which may or may not work well with the version of Textpattern you are targeting.

Admin-side themes are a different matter. Although some effort was taken in 4.2.0 and 4.3.0 to stabilise ID and class names and remove some of the crufty markup, it wasn’t really well thought through (mea culpa) and probably didn’t go far enough. In 4.5.x the admin side has taken a leap forward and in 4.6 it’ll take another as we go HTML 5.

We’re trying to minimise impact and maintain backwards compatibility but there have been and are going to be casualties. Since pretty much all unnecessary tables have gone and some themes use descendant selectors such as table>td.author etc, instead of just #page-image.author or even .author then these themes “break” (visually or functionally).

Regarding best practice there’s some good design tips on the wiki that should act as a starting point. Phil will probably be able to give more detail but I hope that helps for now.

Last edited by Bloke (2013-02-06 09:07:31)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

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#3 2013-02-06 12:30:30

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
Posts: 3,564
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: theme's compatibility

As bloke says, old front-side themes should be OK in newer releases.

I’ve just helped create this theme, it still needs some further work but it’s based on Bootstrap in you want a starting point for that particular framework. There is also this one for Bootstrap. I personally prefer Zurb Foundation to Bootstrap and I’d made a very early start on a theme for it, but not to the point where I can share anything. I’ve not used YAML.


#4 2013-02-06 12:58:51

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: theme's compatibility

I’ve worked on a few sites using Zurb Foundation (one with no plugins at all nor any forms – only requires a page template) and will share at some point on Github. I have one theme there at the moment which was a half baked effort and only for pre-4.5.4. So not much use anymore. Will update Github when I get time.


#5 2013-02-06 17:20:18

From: Hlapičina, Croatia
Registered: 2013-01-17
Posts: 124

Re: theme's compatibility

Bloke wrote:

Are you talking front-side themes or admin-side?

Frankly speaking, I was mostly thinking about front-side themes.

Broadly speaking, front-side themes don’t matter as much because it’s just template code: primarily Pages, Forms, and Sections.

Heh, that’s nice. :-)

Older themes sometimes use deprecated or subsequently removed tags/attributes but that doesn’t happen very often and only usually affects really old themes (sort of 4.0.x and before).


Admin-side themes are a different matter.


In 4.5.x the admin side has taken a leap forward and in 4.6 it’ll take another as we go HTML 5.

You’re really doing great. ;)

Regarding best practice there’s some good design tips on the wiki that should act as a starting point. Phil will probably be able to give more detail but I hope that helps for now.

Thanks a lot!!

I really like Txp, but it seems that WP/Concrete5 gods are angry at me…my order of the Txp book was refunded yesterday ‘cause the book didn’t arrive on time here, seller cannot send another one having none on disposal and now I have to re-order (and wait) from another place. :-/


#6 2013-02-06 17:25:15

From: Hlapičina, Croatia
Registered: 2013-01-17
Posts: 124

Re: theme's compatibility

philwareham wrote:

As bloke says, old front-side themes should be OK in newer releases.

That’s cool…let me try some…

I’ve just helped create this theme, it still needs some further work but it’s based on Bootstrap in you want a starting point for that particular framework.

I saw that one (forum post).

There is also this one for Bootstrap.

Nice one. ;)

I personally prefer Zurb Foundation to Bootstrap and I’d made a very early start on a theme for it, but not to the point where I can share anything.

Hmm…iirc, Foundations was/is used by web2py, but now I’m here. :-)

I’ve not used YAML.

I’m not overly attached to it, but the main point is that Txp is very flexible in what one can use.


#7 2013-02-06 17:26:56

From: Hlapičina, Croatia
Registered: 2013-01-17
Posts: 124

Re: theme's compatibility

jstubbs wrote:

I’ve worked on a few sites using Zurb Foundation (one with no plugins at all nor any forms – only requires a page template) and will share at some point on Github.

Based on the replies I got here, it seems that Textgarden is no longer THE place to look for themes?


#8 2013-02-07 00:41:49

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: theme's compatibility

I wouldn’t say that Gour, its just an easy method for sharing materials such as a template and allows others to fork or make improvements to the templates.


#9 2013-02-07 09:54:31

From: Hlapičina, Croatia
Registered: 2013-01-17
Posts: 124

Re: theme's compatibility

jstubbs wrote:

I wouldn’t say that Gour, its just an easy method for sharing materials such as a template and allows others to fork or make improvements to the templates.

I agree that Textgarden could be useful and I might submit my themes there, but the problem is if the theme authors do not submit their free stuff there.


#10 2013-02-07 11:34:32

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: theme's compatibility

I was referring to the usage of Github versus Textgarden – the former allows for collaboration and forking, the latter is a repository of themes.


#11 2013-02-07 13:24:00

From: Hlapičina, Croatia
Registered: 2013-01-17
Posts: 124

Re: theme's compatibility

jstubbs wrote:

I was referring to the usage of Github versus Textgarden – the former allows for collaboration and forking, the latter is a repository of themes.

I’ve Github account and I’m aware what does it provide.

The point is if the theme authors do not at the end submit their themes to Textgarden, then one has to hunt for them at other places.


#12 2013-02-07 18:03:30

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: theme's compatibility

philwareham wrote:

As bloke says, old front-side themes should be OK in newer releases.
I’ve just helped create this theme, it still needs some further work but it’s based on Bootstrap in you want a starting point for that particular framework. There is also this one for Bootstrap. I personally prefer Zurb Foundation to Bootstrap and I’d made a very early start on a theme for it, but not to the point where I can share anything. I’ve not used YAML.

Phil i like the minimal site theme! i have a site in mind that can use the minimal treatment.
On another note. How can I implement that side NOTE you have on the theme? And can an image be used rather than a word?

…. texted postive


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