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#1 2012-08-15 15:36:29

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 10

command line mysql vs phpmyadmin

I am in the process of trying to figure out mysql. So I went into mysql to show databases and it seems like the list of databases showing up there do not match the list phpmyadmin gives me. Are there different mysqls stored in different places? If so, how do I access the one that is in my phpmyadmin from the command line? If not, then why am I seeing different databases? Although I have been up all night trying to figure this out, I can attest that I am not hallucinating as someone next to me has verified that different databases are indeed showing up.

ETA: The reason why I want to know this is because I am in the process of updating a local copy of the database. When I run

mysqldump --user=USER -p < backup.sql

it seems to be updating a different mysql than the one in phpmyadmin. So after some snooping around I discovered that it is altering a mysql located at


where the phpmyadmin one is located in


so I went to my.cnf and modified this line:




and added this line also under [mysqld]


Yet when I go to mysql and type

select @@datadir;

It still shows /var/lib/mysql. And I have stopped and started the service.

How can I fix this so that I update the xampp mysql instead of the default linux one?

Last edited by tester (2012-08-15 17:32:15)


#2 2012-08-16 07:06:35

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: command line mysql vs phpmyadmin

There is nothing wrong to precise. You are merely accessing different executable. Note that mysqldump shorthand isn’t the executable coming with your XAMPP stack, but you are accessing entirely different application which is why your are seeing differences. E.g.

$ which mysqldump

The above gives you the real path of the mysqldump your are accessing. Instead of accessing that mysqldump (where ever it’s loaded from), access the actual mysqldump application coming with XAMPP stack. E.g.

$ /opt/lampp/var/mysqldump --help

If you want mysqldump and mysql shorthands to point to the ones coming with XAMPP, then break the current PATH environment variables (or how ever it’s set it up) and change them to point to the ones coming with XAMPP.


#3 2012-08-18 16:09:10

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 10

Re: command line mysql vs phpmyadmin


I also needed to change the section under [client] in the my.cnf to include this line:


Posting this here in case anyone else has a similar problem.


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