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#37 2012-06-25 15:58:37

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2005-03-02
Posts: 786

Re: Custom fields as part of core


It used to be a dead horse, now it’s just a bag of dry bones that gets brought out and beaten from time-to-time.



#38 2012-06-25 16:06:53

From: Ukiah, California
Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 591

Re: Custom fields as part of core

Which reminds me:

<txp:cms type="tumblr" pagerank="7" style="elegant, hand-crafted, edgy" mood="yellow" just="pops" />

I’ve had a few clients request something like that in the past.

Last edited by maruchan (2012-06-25 16:07:03)


#39 2012-06-25 16:16:54

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: Custom fields as part of core

Yeah, ok guys. your’re right. sqtms

bloke… right on as usual.
reno… how’s that flaming bag of poo I left on your doorstep going?
marc… damn funny. style="elegant,handcrafted, edgy" made me litereally LOL

That was my last post on CC Types. I promise.

I realize that would mean a hoover damn sized project, so the horse has officially decomposed to dust and no further flogging will occur. I’m letting the magical pony free.

I like the way TXP is moving ahead. Just puttered around with a bleeding edge build and there’s a lot of good hard work on everyone (else)s part in there. Excellent work guys.

Now can we talk about unlimited universal categories? That counts as a separate horse/pony right?

mrdale scurries off and hides in a corner… starts whistling

Last edited by mrdale (2012-06-25 16:29:46)


#40 2012-06-25 22:41:32

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: Custom fields as part of core

As the discussion has unfolded re: unlimited custom fields linked to sections (and/or categories), with custom grouping and flexibility in displaying on the page, as well as the custom content, it reminds me a bit of what Symphony CMS was doing last time I checked in on it. Basically they had an admin tab that allowed you to create templates for other admin tabs.

In the imaginary world of “if only we could”: Build our own admin side tabs using txp tags (Stef got us part way there with smd_tabber – thanks again Stef)

Whatever may come to fruition from this discussion, I appreciate all the work, changes, and direction Texpattern CMS is receiving from so many of you.


#41 2012-06-26 00:07:18

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: Custom fields as part of core

maverick wrote: In the imaginary world of “if only we could”

welcome to ponyville


#42 2012-06-26 00:24:10

From: Ukiah, California
Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 591

Re: Custom fields as part of core

it reminds me a bit of what Symphony CMS was doing last time I checked in on it

I know at least renobird and I have been invoking some ProcessWire features here, but there is a fair amount of overlap between Symphony and PW in terms of end-user features.

I’m pretty happy with the direction of TXP 4.5 though, and the way it points toward future developments, so I have to say that I’m not interested in TXP becoming a clone of some other CMS. Of course, a lot of the features are sufficiently generic that it seems worth looking over the fence and scrutinizing other implementations.

It really feels like TXP is developing at a vigorous pace these days, and it’s great to see the things that TXP core devs and designer are bringing up.

Last edited by maruchan (2012-06-26 00:26:20)


#43 2012-06-26 08:02:01

From: England
Registered: 2006-01-27
Posts: 539

Re: Custom fields as part of core

mrdale wrote:

Now can we talk about unlimited universal categories? That counts as a separate horse/pony right?

I’d love this to come to Textpattern at some point (even if it’s further down the road). I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve wanted to assign an image to more than one category.


#44 2012-09-13 05:57:39

From: Pottsville, NSW
Registered: 2005-07-06
Posts: 859

Re: Custom fields as part of core

Just a couple more ideas…. can the new custom fields have a small field for a description (for image sizes for example), and the option to make a custom field ‘required’ before article can be saved


#45 2012-09-13 06:52:22

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,909

Re: Custom fields as part of core

tye wrote:

can the new custom fields have a small field for a description (for image sizes for example), and the option to make a custom field ‘required’ before article can be saved

Hmm… Fields on fields is going to start looking pretty congested in the UI, I think. If you have a specific need for image size descriptions (I’m guessing as a kind of user instruction/reminder), then just put it on the custom field’s name, e.g., XYZ Image 300×250. (Though using sized images anymore is probably something to try and stay away from in design, unless you’re already sizing with responsiveness and retina in mind.)

For making a custom field required, granted this could be useful in some cases (for the mavericks), and I wouldn’t have any objection if it was added, but this is really a question of having the proper editorial tools and workflow in place: style guides, page tables/templates, etc. No author should be publishing anything if they don’t know the procedure for what should be posted and how, and then somebody else should be reviewing the draft (everyone needs a spotter for web content) to catch typos, missing data, etc. Part of the workflow. Documentation and workflow first! Then the tyranny if it’s really needed.

I don’t know if this is helpful, but here’s a little trick I use sometimes. Let’s say you’re talking about an image (could just as well be a pull quote, or whatever)… In your output form (article…whatever), use a conditional that outputs the image, and if the author didn’t provide an image, the conditional spits out a nasty message where the image is supposed to be: “Forget something? Image here please. Go see custom field XYZ Image 300×250 in the Write panel!”.

Works great. If they ever let one of those slip into public, they’ll never forget again. ;)


#46 2012-09-13 12:17:46

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,305

Re: Custom fields as part of core

Requiring a custom field to be filled in is a great idea! I think it’s rather plugin-land, but what a superb idea! If it existed, there’d be lots of cleaner looking, more readable, sites that are easier to work with. +1

For the description I’m always using bot_admin_tooltips ATM: It can display a lot of information, you can emphasise what needs to be stressed (i.e. accepts markup inside tips), and you can put links inside the tooltips to skip to a required panel (though I can’t remember whether I had to modify the “tip-stay-opened”-value of the script redbot implemented). I think you can even put descriptive images inside the tips.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


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