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#73 2012-06-13 07:43:27

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

Bloke wrote:

I can certainly remove the [View] link from the Images panel if the consensus is that it’s a useless feature.

I was thinking the same thing as phiw13 (I think). Most web users know to use the mouse right menu (assuming they use a mouse) to download images. And I think that’s “best practice” anyway…letting browsers do what they’re designed to do. One less tin can in the painting for Txp.

+1 for keeping panel titles for client usability needs. You never know how an admin-side theme might be customized.


#74 2012-06-13 08:11:06

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Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

Destry wrote:

+1 for keeping panel titles for client usability needs. You never know how an admin-side theme might be customized.

But as we know how the classic and Remora themes look we can at least provide some sensible defaults. In their current style the panel title’s are too intrusive, IMHO.


#75 2012-06-13 09:00:09

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic


Shouldn’t be a problem. Phil was suggesting they could be hidden until needed, so that seems reasonable. E.g., defaults don’t show them, and they can be revealed when a designer wants them.

The fact they’d be under the surface, as it were, should go into theming documentation, which should be written by release of 4.5 (as part of any competitions initiative).


#76 2012-06-13 09:26:18

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
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Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic


Yeah, we have literally just dropped the titles onto the page at the moment, no extra styling or layout has been done on them as yet.


Actually, that’s the reverse of what I was saying. The title should be there by default but we will provide a way to easily hide them if power users don’t want them to be visible.

Last edited by philwareham (2012-06-13 12:18:36)


#77 2012-06-13 12:09:49

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,311

Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

I just stumbled upon this topic from early 2009 (In a nutshell: The quintessence there is a general concordance that TXP’s admin lacks a link to the documentation.) May I bring this issue to your attention again, it’s so easily solved!

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#78 2012-06-13 12:46:00

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From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
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Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic


OK, I think I could probably do something about that. I quite like the way WordPress handles this, by having a drop down on the WP logo which gives access to:

  1. about WP
  2. WP website
  3. documentation
  4. support forums

Another way would be an extra tab in the nav menu, not sure I like that idea though (and it wouldn’t work with classic theme’s tab metaphor either).

Note that the header/navigation design is dependant on the theme you use, so that has to be taken into consideration.


#79 2012-06-13 13:23:25

From: Cyprus
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Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

I also like the idea of a dropdown but I think the “about” link is superfluous if a link to the txp website is included

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#80 2012-06-13 14:47:12

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

Similar to what Colak is saying, you’ve got to think about the context too…what stage it’s needed. While links to docs is spot on, About info certainly isn’t because at that point the person has long since bought into trying Txp and nobody will ever use the link. In that light, I really don’t see any reason for a link to .com either, unless it’s somehow tied with downloading the latest release, and even then it’s only good if that is activated automatically; only when there is a new release against what somebody is currently using. Could that be an auto-message that pops-up, or something?

Regarding docs and context… it’s one thing to have a link to the wiki, but it’s a hundred times better to have the admin-side help tips point to the specific wiki locations where the UI elements/functions in question are described. That’s really what’s needed. There are a few help topics like that now, but there’s also a lot of holes, last time I bothered looking.

Last edited by Destry (2012-06-13 14:52:02)


#81 2012-06-13 14:52:54

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
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Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic


Can you give me an idea of the wiki help topics you talk of?


#82 2012-06-13 14:53:17

From: Leeds, UK
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Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

Destry wrote:

it’s one thing to have a link to the wiki, but it’s a hundred times better to have the admin-side help tips point to the specific wiki locations where the UI element/function in questions is described

Assuming the wiki document in question has been translated into the target language. The only major advantage that the RPC server has over the wiki is that it can look to see if the target language content is available and serve it. If not, it looks for an English item and serves that as fallback. If that fails it gives up and (should, but doesn’t yet) offer a nice link to request that the inconvenienced person offers their services as translator!

If the wiki can be configured to offer the three-tier fallback in case a document isn’t available in a given language, then by all means let’s explore that.

Last edited by Bloke (2012-06-13 14:54:58)

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#83 2012-06-13 15:04:53

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic


Ah right. Well, maybe what’s needed then — and it obviously is needed because the admin-side help tips have always been hit or miss — is first an inventory of all the help tips in the UI, and then a follow-up execution maneuver to ensure those specific tips are indeed there in English and pushed for in other languages too.

If not that, then the inventory could be used to directly look at the help that’s currently written and determine if it can be written better directly in place.

Would any of that make sense against the RPC, whatever that is?

@Phil – I think Stef might have nullified my moment of genius.


#84 2012-06-13 15:04:57

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
Posts: 3,564
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: r3798, r3809, r3817: Don't Panic

I think we are confusing help and documentation here. The tooltips provide quick tips, and IMHO the RPC is totally fine for that task.

For further documentation, either a link to the full documentation, and/or expand the RPC to support help on specific sections. Again going back to WordPress (which remember was redesigned at v3 by Happy Cog – who know a thing or two about design), they have a pull down on each main section to provide further help. They still have the link in the top bar to get to the complete documentation site.


Yes, an audit of the current help tips would be very welcome. Going forward, if we do inject help into the admin-side modals via JSONP, then all those RPC tips would need to be redone anyway.

Last edited by philwareham (2012-06-13 15:08:26)


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