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#1 2012-04-12 17:46:33

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 999

New Textile changes the way upm_textile and aam_widont interact.

This is more of a phenomenon report than a bug report, but I thought it was worthy of documenting somewhere.

Under v4.4.1, this construction works fine:

h1. <txp:aam_widont><txp:php>global $thisarticle; echo $thisarticle['title'];</txp:php></txp:aam_widont>

So title text like this— My _emphatic_ _title_ —comes out like this:

<h1>My <em>emphatic</em>&nbsp;<em>title</em></h1>

Using the latest dev version of Textpattern, it comes out like this:

<h1>My <em>emphatic_&nbsp;_title</em></h1>

The fix is easy: Wrap aam_widont around upm_textile instead of vice versa.

This is likely a very extreme edge-case, but I wanted to mention it. Since nothing is broken that can’t be fixed with a little logic, I wouldn’t call it a bug, just a difference.


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