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#25 2011-10-11 11:45:06

From: Canberra, Australia
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 342

Re: Big problem trying to install a self-registering form

I could list my ‘reasons’, but somehow I expect that each of them will be met by a response that includes reference to smd_something_or_other.

If I’m honest, then I would say because I’ve alway found it easier to work up from a blank page, rather than take the default out of the box and try to adapt it – it’s how I do everything from web design to landscape gardening. Also, I am building some custom functionality which doesn’t seem to ‘naturally’ fit at the back end; for example:

  • a new table with training qualifications and then keep track of which member has which qualification, and when that qualification expired,
  • crews and rosters so that people know when they are rostered on.

I guess that if smd_tabber can take any custom content, then those are easy enough. I know just need to learn customise the admin side (skins, remove content, re-arrange content, etc).

I’ll play around with smd_tabber first and post questions/issues over on it’s support thread.


#26 2011-10-11 14:13:32

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,293
Website GitHub

Re: Big problem trying to install a self-registering form

aslsw66 wrote:

I could list my ‘reasons’, but somehow I expect that each of them will be met by a response that includes reference to smd_something_or_other.

OK, point taken, I’ll back off the self-promotion. Your approach of building up from scratch is perfectly valid. I was just offering counterpoint to potentially save you some headaches because of the occasional ign_pw_protect issue that can crop up in later Txp versions. rvm_privileged is more reliable because it uses Txp’s login mechanism. The downside being it uses Txp’s login mechanism and not a layout-controllable public-side login form.

But the advantage to using a tab is that you don’t have to code the rest of the access logic by hand. You create the tab, write txp:tags exactly like you would on a front-facing-page and use something like smd_um or bot_privs to determine who can see the tab. Txp does the rest. You can then hop visitors between front and admin-side to suit your desired workflow. The major potential downside is that if you need to publicly display the training qualifications table or roster then you’ll need to write that bit out on a public-facing page and also write some of the same code on the admin-side for those privileged few that can edit the details. That may be desirable from a workflow perspective but if you strive for the ‘wiki-ish’ approach of editing in-place, coding it entirely on the public side may well suit you better as you only need to write stuff once. Of course Forms can help with reuse :-)

As one further adjunct to this, you can still use rvm_privileged and Txp’s login mechanism even if you go completely front-side-loco. You just have to bounce any login links to /textpattern and then on the dashboard page that is shown to such techs on first login, either automatically redirect them back to the front-end, or offer a few “what do you want to do now” options on that dashboard, one of which may be a link back to the front of house.

Is this waaaay off topic now or what?

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#27 2014-01-23 12:33:57

From: BY
Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 145

Re: Big problem trying to install a self-registering form

Bloke wrote #253457:

Hmmm, have you got the latest version from Manfre’s BitBucket site?

Hi Bloke!

Let me clarify some points. May be, I misunderstood something.

I have been struggling with mem_self_register:

1. I need bcc to be sent to admin when a new user is registered (txp:mem_self_register_form admin_bcc=“1” does not work)
2. I need freelancer priviledge confered on newly registered user by default (As far as I know this one is set up in Admin – Preferences – Advanced but I also see nothing there)

I am using txp 4.5.5 and mem_self_register 0.9.11 + mem_form 0.8.4

Is there anything I do in a wrong way?


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