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Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Yep, thanks a lot. Added all those FeedBurner Feeds and my BlogBridge is synching the Textpattern guide right now with the TXP-OPML on the server.
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Replaced Twitter: @Textpattern
Atom: http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.atom?screen_name=textpattern (No rendered links in the description)
Link: twitter.com/textpattern
Deleted http://txp.informr.de/
(Edit) Replaced Social Mention: Textpattern -powered -coupons
“-powered -coupons” blends out a lot of footer spam
Last edited by merz1 (2011-05-13 11:36:55)
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Added: YouTube feed for a ‘Textpattern’ tag search
Feed: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/videos/-/textpattern?alt=rss&client=ytapi-youtube-search&v=2
Link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=textpattern&search=tag
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Replaced Social Mention: Textpattern -powered -coupons -OrderYourName.com
Feed: http://socialmention.com/search?q=Textpattern+-powered+-coupons+-OrderYourName.com&t=all&f=rss
Link: http://socialmention.com/search?q=Textpattern+-powered+-coupons+-OrderYourName.com
Still looking for good search values to blend out more web hosting spam.
Edit: I try to disable some Twitter users but the advanced search doesn’t seem to filter ‘users’ as expected (with or without the leading-@): Current not working search
Issue at GetSatisfaction
Last edited by merz1 (2011-07-25 14:43:41)
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Added TXP Magazine Twitter RSS feed
Feed: http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.atom?screen_name=txpmag
Link: https://twitter.com/#!/txpmag
Waiting for the real TXP Magazine RSS feed after the coming relaunch.
Edit (Will be synced to OPML soon [today or tomorrow]):
Feed: http://txpq.com/atom/?section=txp
Added TXPQ
Forum thread: TXPQ is back
Feed: http://txpq.com/atom/
(Not sure about the sense/meaning of http://txpq.com/atom/?section=people%2C+product%2C+plugins%2C+places on the site.
Edit: Question is discussed/gripped in thread Feed link for multiple sections)
Link: http://txpq.com/
Added Identi.ca: Textpattern group
Feed: http://identi.ca/api/statusnet/groups/timeline/1468.atom
Link: http://identi.ca/group/textpattern
Note: I can really recommend to join this group. The StatusNet (the software) groups really offer a lot of microblogging advantages over simple timelines. For example you get conversation threads which have their own URLs to link to.
Last edited by merz1 (2011-09-27 19:23:22)
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Thanks for letting me know about this Markus, excellent!
At LAST I’ve cheerfully donated to the core devs at #TXP. I only wish I were able to give more. Thanks to the devs and ALL fellow TXPers. -A
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Help needed: What would you recommend to search multiple social media platforms and get an RSS feed? Reason:
Deleted: socialmention.com (see info above: forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=249846#p249846)
Quote: Warning: This feature is going away. We’re retiring RSS subscriptions to queries on Nov 1, 2012
Info: The site now appears as techmeme.com and the generic RSS feed must be filtered otherwise.
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Broken: textpattern.org/
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML
Re: [mention] TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML file
Exchanged Twitter txpmag and
textpattern feeds stopped working
Short: user_timeline.atom in feed URL is wrong. user_timeline.rss works
Twitter dev docu hints: dev.twitter.com/docs/faq#11716 , dev.twitter.com/search/apachesolr_search/user_timeline.rss
Old: https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.atom?screen_name=txpmag
New: https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name=txpmag
(Edit) Grmpf&/%$%&: Please note that there is no support for the RSS response format in API v1.1. Properly versioned API v1 URLs will cease functioning in March 2013.
Last edited by merz1 (2012-10-24 12:01:22)
Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML