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#1 2011-07-01 04:56:33

Plugin Author
From: Bochum, Germany
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 196

Clean install of 4.4.1 results in error (missing db columns)

I tried installing TXP on a nginx webserver (as a multisite install) and setup went fine. I saw the database initialized as expected and adjusted the config.php as needed with the txpath directive.
However, when accessing my public part of the site I run into an error that leaves me puzzled. It seems as though a column “txp_plugin.load_order” is expected but I do not see this in my DB. Also in textpattern there is no expires column.

In my previous install (upgraded from 4.x) I can see those columns, but they are gone from the code: http://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/development/4.x/textpattern/setup/txpsql.php

Has anyone else performed a successful clean install of 4.4.1 with the archive downloaded directly from textpattern.com?

BTW, this is the exact error message:

Warning: Unknown column ‘load_order’ in ‘order clause’
select name, code, version from devtxp_plugin as txp_plugin where status = 1 AND type IN (0,1) order by load_order in /var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 89

Call Stack: 0.0002 648968 1. {main}() /var/www/html/textpattern/sites/example.com/public/index.php:0 0.0069 2607904 2. include(‘/var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/publish.php’) /var/www/html/textpattern/sites/example.com/public/index.php:44 0.0226 5732400 3. load_plugins() /var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/publish.php:118 0.0226 5733296 4. safe_rows() /var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php:645 0.0226 5733560 5. getRows() /var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php:216 0.0226 5733560 6. safe_query() /var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php:276 0.0228 5735536 7. trigger_error() /var/www/html/textpattern/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php:89

<pre>Tag error: <b>&lt;txp:article_custom section=’&lt;txp:section /&gt;’ wraptag=&quot;ul&quot; break=&quot;li&quot;&gt;</b> -> <b> Textpattern Warning: Unknown column ‘Expires’ in ‘field list’
select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod from devtextpattern as textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’) and Section IN (‘default’) order by Posted desc limit 0, 10 on line 89</b></pre><pre>Tag error: <b>&lt;txp:article limit=&quot;5&quot; /&gt;</b> -> <b> Textpattern Warning: Unknown column ‘Expires’ in ‘where clause’
select count(*) from devtextpattern as textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’) and Section != ‘about’ on line 89</b></pre><pre>Tag error: <b>&lt;txp:article limit=&quot;5&quot; /&gt;</b> -> <b> Textpattern Warning: Unknown column ‘Expires’ in ‘field list’
select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod from devtextpattern as textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’) and Section != ‘about’ order by Posted desc limit 0, 5 on line 89</b></pre>

Yoko for Textpattern – A free blog themeMinimum Theme – If all you want to do is write.
Note: I am currently not actively using Textpattern, so I am not in the forums very often


#2 2011-07-01 05:30:20

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: Clean install of 4.4.1 results in error (missing db columns)

Read the readme.txt you find in the archive. Have you run admin side just after installation ?
This is the normal behaviour.


#3 2011-07-01 05:47:28

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: Clean install of 4.4.1 results in error (missing db columns)

stephan wrote:

In my previous install (upgraded from 4.x) I can see those columns, but they are gone from the code: http://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/development/4.x/textpattern/setup/txpsql.php

Never been there begin with. The txpsql contains the dump of the base of 4.x, and the database created during the initial setup program is the one used by base 4.x.

After the base setup, the database structure is updated with updater when you log in for the first time. Until the update script are ran, you will see those errors. That’s expected. All message should go away after the you log in to your admin-side.


#4 2011-07-01 07:03:43

Plugin Author
From: Bochum, Germany
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 196

Re: Clean install of 4.4.1 results in error (missing db columns)

You guys are really the best. Thanks so much, everything is just fine now. Now I shall take of the messy vs. clean URLs on nginx and produce a howto for others so they can follow if they like :)
Again, thanks!

Yoko for Textpattern – A free blog themeMinimum Theme – If all you want to do is write.
Note: I am currently not actively using Textpattern, so I am not in the forums very often


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