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#109 2010-05-24 16:02:09
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: rah_textile_bar
At line 36 of v0.4:
safe_insert("rah_textile_bar","name='fields', value='excerpt,body,custom-n'");
where n ist he number of your custom field.
Duplicate line 114 and replace each instance of body with custom-n
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#110 2010-05-24 16:07:06
#111 2010-08-06 11:23:28
Re: rah_textile_bar
Released version 0.5. This version includes following changes:
- Fix: doesn’t hook to textareas if all are excluded.
- Updated the Preferences Panel’s look.
#112 2011-06-30 09:47:32
Re: rah_textile_bar
Version 0.6 released. Changes:
- Fixed: Don’t reserved global JavaScript variables and functions; use prefixes for everything.
- Added: integrated uninstaller that cleans up the database when the plugin is deleted via the admin-side Plugins interface.
- Added: Options link to the Textpattern’s Plugins interface.
- Changed: integrated the plugin’s individual preferences tab to Textpattern’s native Preferences pane. Now all the plugin options can be configured in Advanced Preferences (TXP / Admin / Preferences / Advanced).
- Changed: Now preferences are stored in TXP’s txp_prefs table instead of it’s own. Plugin includes automated migration script.
- Changed: Plugin type to the newer admin-side only.
- Changed: Now the included JavaScript and images are only available for logged in users. Others won’t be able to view the static files.
- Requires TXP v4.2.0 or newer for full feature support.
#113 2011-06-30 12:16:35
Re: rah_textile_bar
Hi Gocom
Thanks :-)
but I missed h3
you forgot it
#114 2011-06-30 15:01:00
Re: rah_textile_bar
SuMu wrote:
but I missed h3
Oh shi— I’m terribly sorry. Thank you for spotting that.
#115 2011-07-29 12:14:58
Re: rah_textile_bar
Nice plugin. I mean that sincerely.
I have a problem, and it may not be your plugin at cause, but I’m just working backwards in the hunt.
For a new 4.4.1 install, a client wanted WYSIWYG. I first installed hak_tinyMCE (because the client users are very WYSIWYG dependent), but I opted for the rah bar because I read in the hak_ thread that plugin can have problems if iframes are used, which happens to be the case in this project. (And anyway, I think a Textile bar is a healthier way to convert WYSIWYG people to Textile.)
But… Textile is not working at all, whether by your plugin buttons are if added manually. I’ve never seen this before. The formatting doesn’t appear to be showing up in the front-side. I’m using the Hive admin-theme, which has the body tabs removed, so I can’t use that to see if it’s rendering without going to the front-side (kind of a pain).
The hak_ plugin is deactivated (but not yet uninstalled). And the problem doesn’t go away if I deactivate your plugin too.
Textile is on in preferences and in the Write panel context for body and excerpt.
I guess the first step is to completely remove hak_tinyMCE, but any other clues come to mind?
#116 2011-07-29 12:38:58
Re: rah_textile_bar
Destry wrote:
I have a problem, and it may not be your plugin at cause, but I’m just working backwards in the hunt.
At least rah_textile_bar should have nothing to do with the issue. The plugin doesn’t do anything else than inserts some markup to the textarea, and that’s it. It won’t effect Textile or anything else.
- If you haven’t re-saved the article after disabling the hak_tinymce, do it.
- After saving, you can check from the database (using phpMyAdmin etc) what the markup looks like. If the contents of
field for the article’s row in textpattern table look okay then Textile is working fine. - If the Textile isn’t parsed, and the markup shows something different please post your High Diagnostics (Admin/Diag > Select High, copy paste the report) and tag trace with full HTML markup from the individual article page.
#117 2011-07-29 13:09:18
Re: rah_textile_bar
I’ll have a look in the database, but your response made me realize I left something out…
The article I was testing happened to be a new article with some test copy simply to develop comments. So, in fact, there was no Textile applied originally. I just can’t apply any to it now, for whatever reason.
However, looking at some of the older articles that do have Textile, they appear just fine, at least on the front-side. Those were articles that got Textile formatting before I added either hak_ or rah_.
I’m going to uninstall hak_ and have a peak in the DB and then I’ll report.
#118 2011-07-29 14:05:51
Re: rah_textile_bar
Just FYI hak_tinymce does not change anything regarding how articles are saved. All it does is change textile_preferences to Leave Text Untouched if the editor is activated for that article.
Shoving is the answer – pusher robot
#119 2011-07-30 13:43:32
Re: rah_textile_bar
Thanks guys!
Mystery solved. I had just integrated a Google web font prior to creating that article, and I failed to realize this particular font didn’t have styling for bold and italic. So even though it was being marked up correctly (and showing correctly in code), the font itself wasn’t available for the style.
I love the Google fonts (a free way to skirt or complement TypeKit, sometimes), but this is an interesting problem for using some of them.
#120 2011-07-30 14:17:40
Re: rah_textile_bar
Hmm. Scratch that. I tried a new font with styles and it still doesn’t work. I even tried a regular desktop font and still the same problem.
In code view it’s marked up like <strong>text</strong>
and <em>text</em>
but it doesn’t render in the front side.
Another clarification: It’s just bold and italic that I seem to have a problem with. Textile links, headers, lists, etc all work fine.
I’m wondering if Hive admin theme is causing it somehow. I guess I need to go ask Phil.