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#1 2010-10-06 07:42:23

Registered: 2009-03-20
Posts: 36

removing/hiding unneccesary things on admin side

hey community!
As i’ve been building websites for our customers using txp, i have come across issues of people getting confused with the admin side.

Even tho i have wrote pretty good guide for users updating pages, it seems that for some there is just too much information, and its messing their thoughts.. have to remember, that some of users are not so familiar with computers etc etc..

Anyways, i was wondering if there was easy way to remove certain parts of admin side. For example, on article writing page, i have usually set pages up so that the whole left column with textile help, custom fields etc are not needed at all.

I haven’t got into reading the code thru, i tried commenting out some parts a while ago but the results were terrible. I thought if we could get some conversation about this, we might find good ways to do this.



#2 2010-10-06 08:12:28

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,578
Website GitHub

Re: removing/hiding unneccesary things on admin side

Hi Tom,

A few things you can do here:

  1. If you don’t need custom fields at all, you can hide them by visiting Admin->Preferences->Advanced and removing custom1, custom2 etc from the setup
  2. Install plugin bot_write_tab_customise which is a useful tool for hiding things and shuffling the Write tab around
  3. Install plugin ied_hide_in_admin which (I believe) is applicable more to the rest of the admin side and not just the Write tab
  4. Look at Textgarden and browse the admin themes already available. Some of them might suit your customers’ needs better or be a good basis for tweaking (instead of starting from scratch). Dragisa Mirkovic/Stuart’s latest theme Vitraux is a joy to behold
  5. Install plugin smd_admin_themes so you can easily try out new themes and make changes to the admin side from the TXP interface. You can even give your users different themes based on their privileges, which is useful for streamlining the workflow experience
  6. On that note, if you can wait a week or two for the final TXP 4.3.0 to be released then moving things around and hiding stuff is a lot simpler due to the admin side markup changes, either with CSS or jQuery or via TXP’s pluggable_ui() architecture. Although you need some PHP knowledge for the latter, there are some guides on Textbook. Namely, plugin development (see the section on pluggable_ui() which has code examples), Admin side themes, and the Plugin basics has some useful tidbits of info

Hope some of that is useful. I’m sure others will be able to chime in with some more concrete examples.

Last edited by Bloke (2010-10-06 08:13:25)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

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#3 2010-10-06 08:43:51

Registered: 2009-03-20
Posts: 36

Re: removing/hiding unneccesary things on admin side

Thats more than enough for starters, nice one brova!


#4 2010-10-06 09:18:27

From: Hampshire, UK
Registered: 2010-01-08
Posts: 110

Re: removing/hiding unneccesary things on admin side


I recently had to do a custom back end for a client which meant removing parts of the admin. I solved it by opening the php page that handles the article write and doing a PHP Echo to wrap a div with a class of “hideme” around the offending parts. You can then do a display:none via css in the admin theme. WARNING: this is a slightly dirty way and I do not recommend modifying textpatterns files but if theres no other way, then this will do it without breaking anything if you go carefully.


Last edited by CodeWalker (2010-10-06 09:19:27)


#5 2010-10-06 11:07:07

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: removing/hiding unneccesary things on admin side

to elaborate further on Bloke’s answer :
1) hide an item under every circumstance: use ied_hide_in_admin or css in the new txp 4.3
2) hide items on a per user level basis: use ied_hide_in_admin
3) hide items on a per section basis in the write tab: use bot_write_tab_customise


#6 2010-10-06 23:02:42

Archived Plugin Author
From: Exmouth, England
Registered: 2004-08-24
Posts: 3,251

Re: removing/hiding unneccesary things on admin side

And expanding on CodeWalker’s suggestion, unless I am very much mistaken (and I often am), you can do a very similar thing in the admin theme’s .php file but you will probably find that a lot easier if you install Stef’s smd_admin_themes plugin to make the modifications. This negates the need to modify Txp core files and it can be removed later to stop your customer messing. It also removes the need for extra plugins, which can still be “messed” with, unless you have “per user” requirements.

Last edited by thebombsite (2010-10-06 23:23:06)


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