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#13 2010-09-27 20:20:30

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

jsoo wrote:

If you’re using svn the update script runs automatically.

The update script has the line for changing the database version setting to 4.3.0 commented out.

Thanks for clarifying/setting me straight jsoo.

johnstephens wrote:

I did get kicked directly to the Language upgrade tab under Admin when I reloaded textpattern in my browser after updating with the rc.

Strange. I ran the svn from Terminal, then opened a new browser window . . . should have had the same effect. Hopefully just an aberration with my install.


#14 2010-09-27 20:42:15

Plugin Author
From: NC, USA
Registered: 2004-11-15
Posts: 1,793

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

Confirm that the update script ran by checking that you have the title column in txp_file.

Code is topiary


#15 2010-09-27 21:48:07

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

jsoo wrote:

Confirm that the update script ran by checking that you have the title column in txp_file.

Title is there.



#16 2010-09-28 01:19:10

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 1,000

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

maverick wrote:

Diagnostics show:

Textpattern version: 4.2.0 (r3410)
Last Update: 2010-06-26 05:23:37/2010-06-14 05:44:00

I thought this was basically expected:

The download advertises itself as 4.2.0 in the Admin->Diagnostics tab, because we haven’t yet bumped the version number. Also, some of the admin-side strings are still not defined. These will be updated sometime before the final 4.3.0.

The Bloke


#17 2010-09-28 07:49:57

Plugin Author
From: Minsk, The Republic of Belarus
Registered: 2007-07-26
Posts: 907

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

Can anyone update wiki with examples of new tags? Especially after gossips, that they can replace smd_gallery :) It’s magnificent that such popular functionality can be achieved by core.

Providing help in hacking ATM! Come to courses and don’t forget to bring us notebook and hammer! What for notebook? What a kind of hacker you are without notebok?


#18 2010-09-28 07:51:19

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,617
Website GitHub

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

the_ghost wrote:

Can anyone update wiki with examples of new tags?

Not finished yet but here’s the work in progress

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#19 2010-09-28 11:06:25

Plugin Author
From: NC, USA
Registered: 2004-11-15
Posts: 1,793

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

the_ghost wrote:

Can anyone update wiki with examples of new tags? Especially after gossips, that they can replace smd_gallery :) It’s magnificent that such popular functionality can be achieved by core.

It is indeed. As it happens, I was thinking the same thing.

And I happened upon the future tags page also; well done Bloke.

Code is topiary


#20 2010-09-28 11:31:21

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

johnstephens wrote:

I thought this was basically expected:

Hey John – thanks!

I had read the announcement on the forums, which does not include the version disclaimer. The blog announcement does address the version item I noted.

So I only have the oddity that my language update didn’t automatically present itself, and the date of my update being off.

re: the date of the “last update” being off, that has been true for a while now — other than the slight annoyance when I check the diagnostic after updating, I haven’t paid it much attention.

I suspect both have something to do with this particular install.

Thanks again



#21 2010-09-28 11:51:18

Plugin Author
From: NC, USA
Registered: 2004-11-15
Posts: 1,793

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

One issue with the new image_list and pagination, in the new image context (e.g. http://example.foo/category/image/bar/; the two don’t work together, elaborated here.

Edit: I was mistaken, and it’s been updated anyway.

Last edited by jsoo (2010-09-30 02:07:55)

Code is topiary


#22 2010-09-30 01:38:57

From: Australia
Registered: 2008-02-05
Posts: 80

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

The new image_list and related tags are excellent, great work! One thing I’ve noticed is that offset doesn’t work unless the limit attribute is set e.g. <txp:image_list limit="9999" offset="1" />.

Looking into it I’ve found that this is consistent with <txp:linklist />, so it’s probably the intended behaviour? <txp:file_download_list /> works correctly as it has a default limit of 10 set. Maybe including a note in Textbook to make this more obvious would help e.g. Offset: The number of images to skip when limit is set.

Also, should <txp:image_list /> have a default break set? Textbook currently lists this as unset, while in the code it’s set to br. I realise that the new Textbook entries are still being updated, but thought I would mention it.

Of interest, <txp:linklist /> is unset but <txp:file_download_list /> has a default break set. I personally prefer break tags left unset by default, but understand that existing tags can’t be changed now.

Thanks again.

Last edited by hidalgo (2010-09-30 09:04:23)


#23 2010-10-03 22:16:57

From: Patagonia
Registered: 2005-02-03
Posts: 222

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

Installed on my Localhost today.
Love the new image features. Also I installed smd_thumbnail plugin and it works very well (that’s what I wished for a long time).
The first trouble that I’m having is with rah_textile_bar plugin, it doesn’t show some buttons like H1, H2, etc., and if every option is loaded the Browser hangs for a while.
Anyway, great work!


#24 2010-10-19 03:08:50

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the Textpattern CMS 4.3.0 Release Candidate

The second txp image installed, which is txp_slug105x45.gif, is using the old Published with Textpattern Carver image.

The txp_slug105x45.gif in /textpattern/txp_img is the correct one.


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