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#1 2010-06-30 18:40:47

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 8

Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2


I just upgraded to version 4.2, and a bug has surfaced: the dropdown menues on the “Write” screen no longer work. For example, although when I click on “toggle editor” a checkbox appears that allows me to do that, when I click on ‘Textile Help’, ‘Advanced Options’, or ‘Recent Articles ‘, the dropdown menues don’t appear. My browser simply jumps to a part of the page that is a little lower down. Interestingly, when I click on ‘More’, I do get a dropdown with additional options. And, annoyingly, when I toggle the editor, I can only see the mark-up on my page (e.g. <txp:php> echo ‘Hello World’; </txp:php>) for a flash of a second… but I can’t edit it, even if I try using the HTML editor.

I have read previous posts about a similar problem with the Write screen, and have followed the advice of emptying the browser cache, but to no avail. We also reset our server (thus dumping its cache), and I have tried using an entirely different machine and several browsers to see if it were at all possible that emptying the cache would solve my problem. Alas, it does not.

Please help if you can.



#2 2010-06-30 19:51:40

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

Are you by chance using rss_admin_show_adv_opts? If so, you need to disable it.


#3 2010-06-30 20:17:24

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 8

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

No, but I am using the following plug-ins:


#4 2010-06-30 20:41:49

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

brandine wrote:


I don’t know the plugin, but that’s what I would look at first. Does it work if you disable it and clear the browser cache?


#5 2010-06-30 21:05:43

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 8

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

yeah, that was a cheesy thing that the guys who developed our site for us put in to brand the admin interface with their logo… whatever. i turned it off, but it hasn’t helped. can you tell me what it is about that one that made you think it could be the culprit — that it seems to affect the styles sheet?

If it makes a difference, we’re runnign the site under IIS


#6 2010-06-30 22:34:08

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

brandine wrote:

can you tell me what it is about that one that made you think it could be the culprit

Just the name ;) As I said, I don’t know what it does exactly.

If it makes a difference, we’re runnign the site under IIS

IIS is known not to be a perfect environment for Txp, but I really don’t know if it can influence a thing like this. Until someone with more knowledge about this chimes in, can you post your (high) diagnostics?


#7 2010-07-01 05:40:10

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,054
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

tame_ISAPI_rewrite is dealing with rewrite rules I guess. What happens if you disable that one?

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#8 2010-07-01 14:13:11

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 8

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

Well, I disabled the tame_ISAPI plugin, and… no dice again.

Here are my high diagnostics

Textpattern version: 4.2.0 (r3275)
Last Update: 2010-06-22 15:35:55/2009-08-28 16:31:20
Document root: D:\Recovery
$path_to_site: D:\Recovery
Textpattern path: D:\Recovery\textpattern
Permanent link mode: messy
upload_tmp_dir: C:\DOCUME~1\ssedpc\LOCALS~1\Temp\php\upload
Temporary directory path: D:\Recovery\textpattern\tmp
Site URL: recovery.rfmh.org
PHP version: 5.2.5
GD Image Library: version bundled (2.0.34 compatible), supported formats: GIF, JPG, PNG
Server TZ: America/New_York
Server Local Time: 2010-07-01 10:11:17
DST enabled?: 1
Automatically adjust DST setting?: 0
Time Zone: America/New_York (-18000)
MySQL: 5.0.51a-community-nt
Locale: English_United States.1252
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
PHP Server API: isapi
RFC 2616 headers:
Server OS: Windows NT 5.2
Active plugins: chh_if_data-0.10, smd_if-0.81, hak_tinymce-0.7.4, ign_password_protect-0.5b9
Admin-side theme: classic 4.2.0

.htaccess file contents:
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.+) – [PT,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} !^$ RewriteRule .* – [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0


Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8
character_set_client: utf8
character_set_connection: utf8
character_set_database: latin1
character_set_filesystem: binary
character_set_results: utf8
character_set_server: latin1
character_set_system: utf8
character_sets_dir: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\share\charsets\
18 Tables: txp_hak_tinymce is latin1

10 Custom Fields: custom_1, custom_2, custom_3, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_7, custom_8, custom_9, custom_10 (10)

PHP extensions: bcmath, calendar, com_dotnet/0.1, ctype, session, filter/0.11.0, ftp, hash/1.0, iconv, json/1.2.1, odbc/1.0, pcre, Reflection/0.1, date/5.2.5, libxml, standard/5.2.5, tokenizer/0.1, zlib/1.1, SimpleXML/0.1, dom/20031129, SPL/0.2, wddx, xml, xmlreader/0.1, xmlwriter/0.1, ISAPI, PDO/1.0.4dev, bz2, curl, dba, dbase, fdf, gd, gettext, ldap, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mime_magic/0.1, mysql/1.0, pgsql, sockets, xmlrpc/0.51, xsl/0.1, SQLite/2.0-dev

D:\Recovery\index.php: r3189 (8becf5ea8d9ced7d05b2433dfbabf868)
D:\Recovery\css.php: r3189 (7a0cc56c9dc585e56aab80bc0fb22c53)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\css.php: r3189 (459137eeb00bb07136001528ce724192)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_admin.php: r3203 (26c4f327450f66618fe82b06fb8b9e70)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_article.php: r3246 (9211f37e8ba873c78b0c46186896d6b2)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_auth.php: r3250 (6be154f05fca4e83c4a4947c8635afd7)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_category.php: r3203 (2350c33b6acc663b56ba982bc479c920)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_css.php: r3118 (bfd945a0b268c60f7b71b6535c06154e)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_diag.php: r3267 (c03f4b7e28c2f8e5050924b6caf2f61f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_discuss.php: r3185 (9b08de9e4f2df7160105ff218134ec67)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_file.php: r3200 (dc26e8f4cbb1821c466c14926c8a10ca)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_form.php: r3260 (6ad789075a6a1811d027f5e4043b845d)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_image.php: r3267 (814b6421cb2e2df073d0d6bf05c252bf)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_import.php: r3203 (fb18d629321a93472674dbd4abbfc63c)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_link.php: r3203 (7dee2f899aa22712e4f5f1005c6853b0)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_list.php: r3203 (2dd80b98cb76b0532133f6d7c2bcccb9)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_log.php: r3203 (a97af8e5ed62605ab0111e45266300cb)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_page.php: r3260 (ef00267f34445a33ce0f2e453c3a20db)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_plugin.php: r3203 (8c1691e89ccfc8a8f9160e66efce2b09)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_prefs.php: r3235 (9833b1a7cbd01def4ceb40f8cdf01a3b)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_preview.php: r1238 (cc7d08574508c8ec1e4c5281d534d6e3)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_section.php: r3203 (1c7eec911a015b72e42d5cea903be426)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\include\txp_tag.php: r3195 (280f0fd2e6f50e6a0f13490ea5dfc1f4)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\index.php: r3275 (6e259f5394d65617809d25e4823de174)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\jquery.js: unknown (bb381e2d19d8eace86b34d20759491a5)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\IXRClass.php: r2932 (6c533bb271087338aa19ca0b78b1810f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\admin_config.php: r3202 (524b829d7c73e5db26415633e799e350)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\class.thumb.php: r3107 (0e3f7b9da4b0c77f9b75263142598902)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\classTextile.php: r2812 (b3e4cd9bd5fb469fabdebb2c0376f7e7)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\constants.php: r3133 (b296756aedaf98b6f9420359dd07abdb)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\taglib.php: r2868 (a0662fa399fb16e837e8852f044dade9)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_admin.php: r3047 (54de3f807984122ebe9b8b955e5189f4)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_db.php: r3250 (c29e316100ae6ed42d6ec51506388b5f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_forms.php: r3256 (2623d94099735edc0e7a51309c26665d)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_head.php: r3265 (4492de4935f8352357f0809d9d89516f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_html.php: r3255 (adb712630ad3bbe59c5f716befa33f0a)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php: r3271 (68d443f0f20acec5e86857a823c2b4e2)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_theme.php: r3269 (83bcbeffa883bed5f0af951dda7be2fb)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_update.php: r2812 (5e6821f06aeafe50b54e5a273423384f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\lib\txplib_wrapper.php: r2931 (1c1b260a13c67657f1678d72559583bc)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish.php: r3258 (bc931a3406370c1ea4139ef957e95e38)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish\atom.php: r3029 (f8cc6dbfb5a5f2b39ec480589b2d59c3)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish\comment.php: r3266 (815df18aa4d451246ee70dd0502a8484)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish\log.php: r3247 (1c047309f6f13883b29a943d1cddec3a)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish\rss.php: r3029 (c39570953c1bd8347e456d750317b815)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish\search.php: r2812 (29a315e2435b73fe3d3a4d83fe84ba19)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\publish\taghandlers.php: r3256 (a40dce2989737477b1147d2104bba326)
D:\Recovery\rpc\index.php: r2998 (682e18cb9bdd6e9442a9ac23db1a591f)
D:\Recovery\rpc\TXP_RPCServer.php: r3250 (84ff888bf577670c897fdc27ad580c0f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\theme\classic\classic.php: r3191 (722c6c7f2c8dbfee5c6cede0af2cd689)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_1.0.0.php: r3047 (cbd20d275bf74184b1112569c2e77f76)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.2.php: r3047 (4c9f8cd5c16bf19ff191ab35f0354e0f)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.3.php: r3047 (6a4af33a23caf950c05faca0e8b4c93b)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.4.php: r3047 (b235e2a27a6e79652ef078f62f73eb21)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.5.php: r2894 (d17a02f48b79dbe6b3b0cf6eb779aadb)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.6.php: r3047 (4d7b21635fbf46058cc539a0eec00561)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.7.php: r3014 (e8ba7dc2892b81ce89b62775e2f5ea17)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.0.8.php: r3057 (d699021db8e7c9f7d32f3ad3631caebc)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_to_4.2.0.php: r3233 (aec6e4aafa98dbafe75506efd7f85816)
D:\Recovery\textpattern\update\_update.php: r3275 (e9085d568d49ff7910ffd4eb49bbe293)


Many thanks for your continued attention!!!


#9 2010-07-01 15:36:41

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

brandine wrote:

For example, although when I click on “toggle editor” a checkbox appears that allows me to do that, when I click on ‘Textile Help’, ‘Advanced Options’, or ‘Recent Articles ‘, the dropdown menues don’t appear.

It’s been a while since I used hak_tinymce. The “Toggle Editor” link is injected by that plugin, so it might interfere with the rest of left column. Have you updated hak_tinymce, too?

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#10 2010-07-01 15:47:43

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 8

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

Uli — you got it — thank you!!!


#11 2010-07-01 16:51:24

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: Dropdown menues in the Write screen dissappeared upon upgrade to 4.2

I completely overlooked that… Uli must be the only one whose brain isn’t melting in this heat…


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