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#25 2010-06-21 10:58:56

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 9

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

I have understand what you would arrive but what I put after where=“category_id=13”? (I take the id with <txp:rah_function call=“fetch” what=“id” table=“txp_category” where=“name” is=“peintres” /> but I must put this lignes in this code?)

I test that <txp:rah_function call=“safe_count” table=“textpattern_category” where=“category_id=<txp:rah_function call=‘fetch’ what=‘id’ table=‘txp_category’ where=‘name’ is=‘peintres’ />” /> ?

Or I must use a txp:variable to put the ID?

Last edited by Darkliam (2010-06-21 11:03:30)


#26 2010-06-21 12:11:51

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Darkliam wrote:

I test that <txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern_category" where="category_id=<txp:rah_function call='fetch' what='id' table='txp_category' where='name' is='peintres' />" />?

Remember the quotes ;-). If you want to use tags inside tags with rah_function you have couple of options. Like <txp:variable />, also rah_function supports containers:

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern_category" thing="here">
	category_id='<txp:rah_function call="fetch" what="id" table="txp_category" where="name" is="peintres" />'

Or correct use of quotes:

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern_category" where='category_id="<txp:rah_function call="fetch" what="id" table="txp_category" where="name" is="peintres" />"' />

Remember that only contents surrounded with single quotes will be parsed.


#27 2010-06-21 12:40:10

New Member
Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 9

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Ok tanks you for your help


#28 2010-06-28 12:23:56

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

jukka thanks for this plugin first.
As explained in the plugin doc I’m using it to count the number of articles in a category, such as:

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern" where='Category1="<txp:category1 />"' />

I would like to count articles this way but only count those articles with live status and exclude others. So I tryed this:

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern" where='Category1="<txp:category1 />" &&  status="live"' />

But doesn’t work, returns for every category “0”

Any clues ?

Thanks !

Last edited by hablablow (2010-06-28 12:24:22)

_I plant seeds for future visions. Farmer of your eyes. Subliminal engineer of your minds. eion founder__

Hablablow + Webdesignofficina


#29 2010-06-28 14:32:38

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Hi Guillaume:

Have you tried with status="4"? That’s probably how status is stored in TXP database.

La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#30 2010-06-28 15:00:33

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Jaja !

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern" where='Category1="<txp:category1 />" &&  status="4"' />

Working !
Gracias Julián !

_I plant seeds for future visions. Farmer of your eyes. Subliminal engineer of your minds. eion founder__

Hablablow + Webdesignofficina


#31 2011-03-22 22:12:10

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag


Is there a way to add an attribute inside this snippet to count only articles that have an existing image. By existing, I mean an image that is recorded in the db…

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern" where='Category1="<txp:category1 />" &&  status="4"' />

Tried this:

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern" where='Category1="<txp:category1 />" &&  status="4" && Image="<txp:image />"' />

Unlucky :P

Thanks !

Last edited by hablablow (2011-03-22 22:33:30)

_I plant seeds for future visions. Farmer of your eyes. Subliminal engineer of your minds. eion founder__

Hablablow + Webdesignofficina


#32 2011-03-22 22:57:25

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,310

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Could this help:

where="image != ''" ?

I better paste my original: <txp:jmd_count table="textpattern" where="image != ''" />

Last edited by uli (2011-03-22 22:58:53)

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#33 2011-03-22 23:10:30

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Viel besser ! Danke Uli, neat I like it and very, very close… We have just one case missing:

<txp:rah_function call="safe_count" table="textpattern" where='Category1="<txp:category1 />" &&  status="4" && Image != ""' />

This snippet will not count articles with an empty image field, which is the first goal…

Aber (but)…

It will still count articles with a wrong image id defined in the article_image field… The id is wrong either because the user has entered a wrong number, more likely he has deleted an image from the image tab without removing first the article…

Any way we can check for the existence of a corresponding image recorded here ? In the txp_image table ?

Vielen dank ! (Thanks !)

Last edited by hablablow (2011-03-22 23:16:16)

_I plant seeds for future visions. Farmer of your eyes. Subliminal engineer of your minds. eion founder__

Hablablow + Webdesignofficina


#34 2011-07-08 15:16:59

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Rah_function v0.3 released. Changes:

  • Fixed: Now empty, nothing-at-all, string can be used as the container-mode’s wrapped statement.
  • Added: Now makes sure that the called function is really defined before executing anything.

More info and downloads


#35 2011-11-10 18:18:49

Registered: 2011-04-29
Posts: 25

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

I’m trying to do a preg_match function but I think I’m doing it all wrong. This is the tag I’m using:

<txp:rah_function call="if" thing="preg_match" pattern="/^A/i" subject="AAA"> yes </txp:rah_function>

This doesn’t generate any errors or warnings but does nothing. Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?


#36 2011-11-10 18:33:52

From: Ukiah, California
Registered: 2010-06-12
Posts: 595

Re: rah_function // Every PHP function is a tag

Did you look at the second page of this thread? Some examples there.


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