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#1 2010-05-18 17:29:07

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Confusing search results - Can you solve this puzzle?

Some search issues cropped up today that have me mystified…

Sections Set Up:

Sections: photography, illustrations, maps, calendar

calendar: On front page: No / Include in site search: No
photography, illustrations, maps: On front page: Yes / Include in site search: Yes

The Problem:

I get the following results when I search for a word included in articles saved in photography and calendar sections:

1. When txp:article set to searchall="1"

1.1 Search query: domain/?q=Kobe – calendar article does not appear on front page (correct)
1.2 Search query: domain/illustrations/?q=Kobe – photography articles appear in illustrations (and maps) section (incorrect)
1.3 Search query: domain/illustrations/?q=Kobe – photography articles do NOT appear in calendar section (correct) [NEW INFO added 5/19]

2. When txp:article set to searchall="0"

2.1 Search query: domain/?q=Kobe – calendar article appears on front page (incorrect)
2.2 Search query: domain/illustrations/?q=Kobe – photography articles do not appear in illustrations (and maps) section (correct)
2.3 Search query: domain/illustrations/?q=Kobe – photography articles do NOT appear in calendar section (correct) [NEW INFO added 5/19]

There is always one incorrect result…

Incidentally, the search worked fine until today.

Any suggestions, ideas?

Last edited by Kjeld (2010-05-19 00:26:58)

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


#2 2010-05-18 18:17:22

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,054
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Re: Confusing search results - Can you solve this puzzle?

Hi Kjeld

Did you check the wiki ?

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#3 2010-05-19 00:23:13

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: Confusing search results - Can you solve this puzzle?

colak wrote:

Hi Kjeld

Did you check the wiki ?

Of course. That and a lot more. None of the obvious solutions work. I have tried rewriting the page, turning off and on all the plugins one by one, removing whole chunks of code that might be interfering, repairing the mySQL database, and so on.

The forum is always a place of last resort, when I am totally out of ideas and need fresh ones.

There are two issues that are key to understanding this problem:

1. The settings for the calendar section: On front page: No / Include in site search: No

2. The 1.2 Search query does not appear in the calendar section (I have now added that info to the case study above), so the separation of sections work like they’re supposed to. Calendar uses a different page, so it looks like there is a mistake in the code somewhere. (It is actually a pretty complicated configuration.) I tried switching code, but no result…

Last edited by Kjeld (2010-05-19 00:34:23)

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


#4 2010-05-19 03:50:44

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: Confusing search results - Can you solve this puzzle?

I guess I misunderstood the On front page: No setting (many years of using textpattern and I still get confused by the section settings and searchall), and might also have had a bad memory of the site’s previous behavior. The latter played the main role, as it made me believe that something went wrong…

Was also blindsided because the front on this particular site actually uses two pages instead of the usual one.

Not having enough sleep and staring at the same problem too long sure doesn’t help either!

I have set the front to searchall="1" and the image sections to searchall="0". And that of course works fine.

Thanks, colak.

Last edited by Kjeld (2010-05-20 00:25:39)

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


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