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#1 2010-04-28 12:35:44

From: Beijing, China
Registered: 2008-05-22
Posts: 44

4. Topics about User & Permissions: What permissions do we need

According to the three level permission design, table design, and permission class/group design, the next BIG work will be:

What permissions do we need? how to arrange them in different class/group?

I know different people for different sites has different needs, so we must has a clear workflow to simplefy our talk, otherwise this will become a long time debate, without any result, like that 2005s, 2006s guys have done.

Here I advise a very simple, very clear workflow:

step 1. According to the three level permission desing, table design, and class/group design whick I’ve said in 1, 2, and 3 topics, we list an outline in this thread.

step 2. anyone write your special needs with any permissions.

step 3. based on your special needs, we design a special permission, with high abstract.

setp 4. place the abstract permission in our outline.

step 5. if our design can’t deal with your needs, then we go back to our permission deisgn, maybe make some change, then go to step 1 again.

If this work, lets list the outline:

1. generic permissions — this class holds permissions that apply to every user but don’t belongs to any other group, like can visit the front/back end

can visit the front end?
can visit the back end?
can use the search function?

(waitting for add)

2. administrator permissions — this class holds permissions that only apply to site administrators, like can edit css

Can administer preferences?
Can administer languages?
Can administer users?
Can administer usergroups?
Can administer diagnostics?
Can administer logs?
Can administer plugins?
Can administer imports?
Can administer sections?
Can administer pages?
Can administer forms?
Can administer style?
Can administer articles?
Can administer files?
Can administer links?
Can administer images?
Can administer categories?
Can administer files?
Can administer comments?
Can administer extensions?

(waitting for add)

3. common permissions — this class holds permissions that don’t belong to the above two class, mostly belongs to section and special function permissions, and grouped in special groups. like article permission group, comment permission group.

article group permissions:

can publish article?
can publish sticky article?
can publish live article?
can publish pending article?
can publish hidden article?
can publish draft article?
can edit own article?
can edit own archive article?
can delete own article?
can delete own archive article?
can use comment in article?
can set article invitation?
can use HTML in article title?
can use wysiwyg editor?
can use override form?
can use php in article?
can use javascript in article?
can use outerlink in article?
can comment article?

section group permissions:

can view section?
can view section articles?
can download files?
can view images?
can view comments?
can publish articles?
can publish sticky article?
can publish live article?
can comment articles?
can edit own articles?
can delete own articles?
can use comment in articles?

user group permissions
can register new account?
can view user profile?
can edit own profile?
can login in hidden mode?
can view hidden online users?
can email other users?
can have user’s album?
can view user’s album?
can view user’s contact info?
can upload avatar image?
can upload signature image?
can use signature?
can use HTML signature?
can user private message?

(waitting for add)

Ok, the rest work for us is just write down our special needs one by one.

What permissions do you need? Welcome write it down.

Last edited by Siguo (2010-04-28 14:01:08)


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