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#1 2010-04-06 10:02:50

Registered: 2008-05-01
Posts: 118

Users can't comment on more than one article at a time

I’ve finally gotten to the bottom of an issue that’s been bugging me for some time – namely that some users claim that commenting isn’t working for them, but when I try to reproduce the problem I have been unable to. Well, today I stumbled upon the problem completely by accident, after having the same problem myself on a client’s site.

I’ve noticed that if a user has a comment in the queue, awaiting moderation, they cannot submit another comment on a different article. I suspect it’s an anti-spam thing, but it’s totally unacceptable. I frequently get users who come to sites for the first time and want to comment on several items they’re interested in, only to be thwarted.

I need to turn this feature off. Please tell me that it’s possible! :^\

Last edited by frickinmuck (2010-04-06 10:04:20)

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#2 2010-04-16 21:37:46

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,391
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Re: Users can't comment on more than one article at a time

frickinmuck wrote:

I’ve noticed that if a user has a comment in the queue, awaiting moderation, they cannot submit another comment on a different article.

Good sleuth work to track that down. Sadly, I can’t reproduce it on my test server. I switched moderation on and allowed commenting on two articles, visited my browser, put in some random credentials and a message then submitted it. I checked the Comments tab and it was in the moderation queue. I then visited the 2nd article and put in the same credentials (well, ok TXP did it for me), typed a 2nd message, previewed it and submitted it. That went into the moderation queue as well.

Not calling you a liar at all — I’m sure it is broken for you — but it looks like we’re going to need to do some further digging to find out why it works for me but not for you.

A quick question to start things off: if your comments are being moderated, and somebody submits comments on a number of articles in one sitting, how do they know the 2nd comment isn’t working? They won’t be able to see either comment until they’ve been moderated / released so what gives them this clue?

Is there an actual error message they receive to say something like “you can’t comment here”? Or does the browser hang or do something equally unexpected? Any little tidbits of info here might give me an inkling of where to look in the code or allow me to offer some suggestions on how to track this down.

I asume you’re using TXP 4.2.0? With which PHP/MySQL version? In fact, what do your diagnostics say? Any errors in the various server logs that might give us a clue why a 2nd message is being rejected? Does it happen for all users? And is it repeatable for all users or just some of them? Do you experience the same behaviour on another of your sites? Perhaps on a different host (if you can)? Does it depend on the comment contents at all?

If you find any further info about this I’d be interested to try and help nail it down.

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#3 2010-04-16 22:40:45

Plugin Author
From: Monterey, California
Registered: 2008-03-21
Posts: 1,254

Re: Users can't comment on more than one article at a time

I tried reproducing it the same way and was able to add a comment to two different articles.

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