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#37 2010-01-15 15:04:05

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,616
Website GitHub

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Rodin wrote:

Great plugin! Thank you!

You’re welcome.

is it possible to make him edit his smd_bio fields himself?

Unfortunately no. The edit part of the Admin->Users tab is only available to Publishers and since the plugin adds information to that form I am bound by TXP’s permissions.

However, you may be able to allow people to alter their biographical information by doing it from the front-end web site itself. Using the mem_form / mem_simple_form plugins with ign_password_protect you should be able to build a page that allows someone to ‘log in’ to a special section on the client side and you are then free to allow them to alter smd_bio data themselves. I’ve never tried it so I don’t know if it’ll work but it might do — and I’d love for someone to try it out!

Last edited by Bloke (2010-01-15 15:04:22)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#38 2010-04-03 00:36:28

From: Indonesia
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 55

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Bloke wrote:

  1. you have uploaded photos of your author(s) to the Images tab
  2. you have created thumbnails for them
  3. you have set up a bio item of type Image, called ‘photo’ in the Bio Config tab
  4. you have associated an image with the author(s) on the Admin->Users tab

thanks for this great plugin
It took 2 days to figure it out to make it works

I missed the instruction numbered 3 above…:(

Last edited by sereal (2010-04-03 00:37:00)

$(mydocument).notyetready(function() {});
dowebsitesneedtolookexactlythesameineverybrowser ?


#39 2010-04-06 16:51:36

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 37

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Hi Forum,

First of all, many thanks for this plugin Stef. It’s working perfectly!

I hope that someone can help me with this question. After trying several time without success, I decided to put it here…

This plugin displays all the authoring information on the article witch is very cool and useful.. But what I need is to use this information in a “landing page” let me show you what I mean: I want to make a link on the author article that can display the article profile in other page.

This is my code on the article:

Posted on <txp:posted /> by
<txp:author link=“1” section=“authors” />

this give me this url: www.mysitename.com/authors/?author=authorname

Of course, I have the page and section authors created but nothings happened.

Hope that is clear ( sorry for my English!) Basically, I want to have this section associated with the “landing page” that is fill with all the information provider by your plugin. This plugin works perfectly on the article page..but how can I make a link between these two pages? Should I replace this code <txp:author link=“1” section=“authors” /> ?

Many thanks in advance!



#40 2010-04-06 17:15:12

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,616
Website GitHub

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

amavai wrote:

Should I replace this code <txp:author link=“1” section=“authors” /> ?

Probably, yes. From what I can gather the section attribute only links to articles from that section — if you’ve no articles in that section you might see nothing in your list… umm, I think. Never really used that tag so I don’t quite get it. The section attribute mught be a ‘destination’ section for the list instead of putting the list on the hone page. Someone else will be able to advise here.

Either way, to make a list of all articles by the given author I think your <txp:article /> tag on the desognated landing page will read the author name from the URL. If you put your article tag inside a <txp:if_author> conditional and then put smd_bio tags inside your txp:article container, you should be able to display what you want.

P.S. no need to bump a post by deleting the old one and re-submitting it 6 hours later :-)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#41 2010-04-07 16:31:30

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 37

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Hi Bloke,

Thanks for your response. I take out the post yesterday because I “feel” that I found the solution.. but unfortunately not.. So here I am again :-)

Probably if I show you the two blocks of code will be more easy to find the right solution. Ok , lets try

This is the div on the article page that works with you plugin:

<div id=“content_21” class=“contentNw”>

<txp:smd_bio_info items=“photo” label=”“>
<txp:image id=”{smd_bio_photo}” />
</txp:smd_bio_info> Recent articles by
<a href=”/desks/<txp:smd_bio_info items=‘tx_companyname’ label=”“ />”> <txp:smd_bio_info items=“RealName” label=”“ /> </a>:
<txp:smd_bio_articles limit=“6” wraptag=“ul” break=“li”> <txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink>


This works perfect. It give me all the article list by author and also the possibility to click on the author. I took this code from your example page ( example 3).

When I click on the author name is going to www.misite.com/desks/Company Name (is the tx_companyname item) but the link is not found.

On the section “desks” and on the page that link that section I have this code: ( this should be the landing page)

<div id=“content_Co” class=“contentH”>
<txp:smd_bio_info items=“tx_companyname, tx_location, tx_website, tx_description, tx_contactperson, tx_email, tx_phone” wraptag=“ul” break=“li”/>


I have tested with and without <txp:if_author> but it give me error both, because is not found!

So, to resume: Everything is ok until I click. I need to know how can I link the section “desks/Company name” to be found and to display all the author items.

Hope that is clear. Many thanks for your time and patience! a lot!


Last edited by amavai (2010-04-07 16:33:54)


#42 2010-04-07 18:15:18

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,616
Website GitHub

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

amavai wrote:

I take out the post yesterday because I “feel” that I found the solution.. but unfortunately not..

OK, sorry.

When I click on the author name is going to www.misite.com/desks/Company Name

From what I can gather, this is the source of the problem. I think (though I don’t know for sure) that in order for if_author to detect if you are on an author list page, the URL must be site.com/author/some author. Since you’re hard-coding the link to go to site.com/desks/some author I don’t think if_author is working as you expect. In fact TXP doesn’t think it’s in ‘author list’ mode at all so you’ll get nothing out.

To prove this, modify your anchor and change /desks to /author. Then, put the page code that was in the desks section inside if_author tags in your default Page template.

Once you do that, see what happens when you click a link. I think you’ll see the author list info appear. If that works, the next part if the puzzle is to try and redirect the author list somewhere else other than the default template. I don’t know if that is possible; perhaps somebody else can guide you here. If it isn’t then you’re stuck with /author/author name unless you want to be adventurous and involve some plugins. A couple of approaches spring to mind:

  1. Try gbp_permanent_links so that, behind the scenes, /desks/author name actually redirects to /author/author name. You’ll still need the author list code on your default template but your site visitors will be none the wiser
  2. Use a plugin such as smd_if to check if the URL matches a certain format and, if it does, use an article_custom tag to fake a list by the given author

Hope some of that helps. If you get a bit further but get stuck, try starting a new topic about this somewhere on the forum (reference this thread) because you may get more help from other people than if it’s tucked away on this thread here.

Last edited by Bloke (2010-04-07 18:16:19)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#43 2010-04-08 16:26:20

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 37

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Hi Block,

I put my solution for the author profile. Here is the post:


Many thanks for your help!


Last edited by amavai (2010-04-27 12:52:55)


#44 2010-05-17 14:56:10

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 1,000

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Very strange behavior report: When deleting an author from the Users tab, I temporarily lost my internet connection. When I refreshed Textpattern, I saw a bunch a PHP errors, and I found that much of Textpattern would no longer load, including the most of the fields in the Basic Prefs tab. I looked at the txp_prefs table in phpMyAdmin and found that many of my prefs have been wiped out, including my site path, and comment preferences.

The public side of the site isn’t displaying right either, with tag errors indicating that several installed plugins are gone. Luckily, my host backs up the databases every night and I can restore pretty simply.

I don’t know if this is a smd_bio issue or not, but I just installed smd_bio this morning, and I know it affects the Users tab where I submitted the change. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, and I have no idea what could have caused it.


#45 2010-05-17 15:04:25

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 1,000

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

Before I restore my DB backup, here are some of the errors I see in TXP:

  • On the Prefs Basic tab:
    • Notice: Undefined variable: language in /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/index.php on line 70
    • Notice: Undefined variable: use_comments in /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/include/txp_prefs.php on line 140
    • Only three pref options are visible: “Production Status”, “Time Zone”, and “Automatically adjust DST setting?”
  • On the Diagnostics tab:
    • Notice: Undefined variable: language in /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/index.php on line 70
    • Notice: Undefined variable: siteurl in /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/include/txp_diag.php on line 171
    • Notice: Undefined variable: siteurl in /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/include/txp_diag.php on line 171
    • Notice: Undefined variable: siteurl in /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/include/txp_diag.php on line 358

Here’s the Diagnostic info (All checks passed):

Textpattern version: 4.2.0 (r3275)
Last Update: 2010-05-17 14:09:00/2009-10-17 21:14:10
Document root: /var/www/html/example.com
$path_to_site: /var/www/html/example.com
Textpattern path: /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern
Permanent link mode: section_id_title
Temporary directory path: /var/www/html/example.com/textpattern/tmp
Site URL: 
PHP version: 5.2.6-1
Register globals: 1
GD Image Library: 2.0 or higher; supported formats: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Server TZ: System/Localtime
Server Local Time: 2010-05-17 08:01:27
DST enabled?: 0
Automatically adjust DST setting?: 0
Time Zone:  (-25200)
MySQL: 5.0.51a-24
Locale: en_GB
Server: Apache/2.2
PHP Server API: cgi-fcgi
RFC 2616 headers: 0
Server OS: Linux 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem-tigertech2010013101
Active plugins: smd_short_url-0.11, wet_if_status-0.2, rvm_privileged-0.3, mg_txpversion-0.1, rss_auto_excerpt-0.5, zem_contact_lang-, zem_contact_reborn-, pax_honeypot-0.1, soo_page_numbers-0.2.7, rah_output_section_form-0.3, lam_accordion_section-0.2, adi_variables-0.2, tru_tags-3.5, cnk_versioning-0.1.7m, smd_where_used-0.13, rss_admin_db_manager-4.3m, pax_grep-0.1, rah_sitemap-0.5, ebl-image-edit-2.0, rah_external_output-0.5, jnm_no_reset_time-0.1, smd_bio-0.3, upm_textile-0.3, soo_txp_obj-1.0.b.5, wet_parachute-0.7, ebl_quickNote-0.1
Admin-side theme: classic 4.2.0

.htaccess file contents: 
# Enable Fast CGI
# .............................................
#AddHandler  php-fastcgi   .php
#Action      php-fastcgi   /php-fastcgi.fcgi

# Site map & Feed redirect
# .............................................
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml.gz?$ ?rah_sitemap=sitemap
Redirect 301 /index.xml http://freeliberal.com/atom/

# Expiry
# .............................................
FileETag None
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ExpiresActive On
#ExpiresDefault A600
ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 month"
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ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 day"
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ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash A2592000
ExpiresByType video/x-flv A2592000
ExpiresByType application/pdf A2592000
#ExpiresByType text/html A600

# No WWW
# ..............................................
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

# !This is Textpattern
# --------------------------------------------
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteBase /

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
	RewriteRule ^(.+) - [PT,L]

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
	RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

	RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  !^$
	RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0


Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8
character_set_client: utf8
character_set_connection: utf8
character_set_database: latin1
character_set_filesystem: binary
character_set_results: utf8
character_set_server: latin1
character_set_system: utf8
character_sets_dir: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
17 Tables: OK

10 Custom Fields: custom_1, custom_2, custom_3, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_7, custom_8, custom_9, custom_10 (10)

PHP extensions: zip/2.0.0, xmlwriter/0.1, libxml, xml, wddx, tokenizer/0.1, sysvshm, sysvsem, sysvmsg, session, SimpleXML/0.1, sockets, soap, SPL/0.2, shmop, standard/5.2.6-1+lenny8aaa+tigertech1, Reflection/0.1, posix, mime_magic/0.1, mbstring, json/1.2.1, iconv, hash/1.0, gettext, ftp, filter/0.11.0, exif/1.4 $Id: exif.c,v 2008/03/12 17:33:14 iliaa Exp $, dom/20031129, dba, date/5.2.6-1+lenny8aaa+tigertech1, ctype, calendar, bz2, bcmath, zlib/1.1, pcre, openssl, xmlreader/0.1, cgi-fcgi, pgsql, curl, gd, imagick/2.1.1-rc1, imap, ldap, mcrypt, mhash, mssql, mysql/1.0, mysqli/0.1, odbc/1.0, PDO/1.0.4dev, pdo_mysql/1.0.2, pdo_sqlite/1.0.1, pdo_pgsql/1.0.2, pspell, recode, snmp, SQLite/2.0-dev, tidy/2.0, xmlrpc/0.51, xsl/0.1

pretext_data: array (
  'id' => '',
  's' => '',
  'c' => '',
  'q' => '',
  'pg' => '',
  'p' => '',
  'month' => '',
  'author' => '',
  'request_uri' => '/679d15d767ef197a4933e3393ad84b23/?txpcleantest=1',
  'qs' => 'txpcleantest=1',
  'subpath' => '\\/',
  'req' => '/679d15d767ef197a4933e3393ad84b23/?txpcleantest=1',

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	r3247 (1c047309f6f13883b29a943d1cddec3a)
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	r2812 (29a315e2435b73fe3d3a4d83fe84ba19)
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	r2998 (682e18cb9bdd6e9442a9ac23db1a591f)
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	r3275 (e9085d568d49ff7910ffd4eb49bbe293)


Last edited by johnstephens (2010-05-17 15:04:43)


#46 2010-05-17 15:37:02

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,616
Website GitHub

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

johnstephens wrote:

When deleting an author from the Users tab, I temporarily lost my internet connection.

“smd_bio destroyed my ISP”. Now THAT would be a headline worthy of a tabloid. And impressive coding too :-)

Seriously though, eeek! From a “wiping my hands of this” perspective, smd_bio does not in any way touch the txp_user table; all admin functions in this regard remain the property of TXP. smd_bio simply piggy backs off the events that trigger an addition/deletion, and adds to its own table, keeping track of who’s who via the login name.

Worst case scenarios — looking at the world from smd_bio’s code since it deletes its stuff before TXP deletes the actual user:

  1. if the delete operation failed mid-delete, you’d have a corrupt smd_bio row. This shouldn’t be a problem but you may see smd_bio warnings if certain cols are empty. Can’t remember how defensive I’ve been in the coding
  2. if the operation failed after smd_bio but before TXP has a chance to delete, you’d have a user without any extended information: no problem
  3. if the operation failed during TXP’s delete process / asset reassignment you may well get a corrupt user entry in txp_user. If it’s the person you’re logged in as then your TXP admin side will probably be unusable as that user. If it’s another user, you’ll only notice if you try and log in as that user

In addition, smd_bio does not write to the prefs table except when changing the sort order of the columns in the Bio Config screen. Since you weren’t on that screen, smd_bio wasn’t writing to that table. The TXP delete process does not write to the prefs table either during a delete.

So, in summary, I’d say it’s highly unlikely that smd_bio caused the damage to your system because it’s pretty well isolated from the user table (by design!). I’m not ruling it out, I’m just saying it’s unlikely, especially because my coding isn’t actually advanced enough to leave that kind of destruction path behind. If this behaviour is repeatable then I’ll gladly take a look over the code and try to find out what’s causing it.

Of course, that doesn’t really help you figure out why it happened in the first place, which is rather maddening. And I bet you don’t want to repeat the test either! Though perhaps if you have time you would be so good as to do it in a sandbox environment that mimicks your current setup to help nail this down?

Chances are it’s one of those random acts of the ether whereby your connection hangs and a server process goes into freefall, bringing the database down with it. Or a brief disk head crash on your ISP’s server that corrupted the sector in which your MySQL .MYI / .MYD / .frm files reside. Unfortunately I don’t know what to suggest given the nature of the event. Someone with better diagnostics ability than me may be able to help track it down.

I do reserve the right to eat all these words if it turns out to be the plugin, and if it is I am truly sorry and hope you didn’t lose any valuable data.

Last edited by Bloke (2010-05-17 15:39:37)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#47 2010-05-17 15:59:42

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 1,000

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

I didn’t mean to impute anything on smd_bio, I just didn’t know where I should turn first. As far as repeating the experiment is concerned, I just deleted the same author again with the same results*. After my DB is restored, I will attempt to reassign the author’s assets from the Articles tab first before deleting the author in the Users tab.

  • I didn’t lose my web connection this time, so I don’t think that is related. This time, the page showed that it was loading indefinitely, for at least ten minutes.

Last edited by johnstephens (2010-05-17 16:06:19)


#48 2010-05-17 16:06:34

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,616
Website GitHub

Re: smd_bio : store additional biographical info about your users

johnstephens wrote:

As far as repeating the experiment is concerned, I just deleted the same author again with the same results

OK, then that wipes out the ‘random ether’ argument. So after restoring it again, and disabling smd_bio, if it doesn’t destroy anything I’ll get ready to eat my words. I wonder if there are any plugin clashes that might cause this behaviour. Perhaps smd_bio is unhappy with something else in the system.

If there’s any further info you can supply about the user in question — name, role, anything I can get my teeth into — or possible pluigns that might have an impact or perhaps even a login to some area where I can have a poke around if I may be so cheeky then I’d be most grateful.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


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