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#1 2009-11-29 12:38:04

Plugin Author
From: Sheffield, UK
Registered: 2008-10-14
Posts: 239

TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

Current version: v4.5.0 (arc_twitter v4.5.0 and arc_twitter_intents v2.0)

Main features:-

  • update Twitter when posting new articles (with article-by-article opt out option), includes links to the article
  • add Tweet button and web intents to articles based on your related Twitter update
  • supports smd_short_url as well as Tinyurl and Is.gd
  • update and view your Twitter feed through the admin Twitter tab
  • check your account stats on the admin Twitter tab
  • display Twitter feeds on your site
  • feeds cached to reduce calls to Twitter and ensure content is available even when Twitter is down
  • Google Analytics UTM parameter support

Requirements: Textpattern 4.6+ / PHP 5 / cURL

Source code and downloadable plugin code can be found on GitHub.

Last edited by monkeyninja (2018-02-05 22:32:20)


#2 2009-11-29 13:00:22

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

Hi Andy, your plugins look so nice and I feel bad for not using them ;-)

How would you differentiate between your plugin and mem_twitter which I currently use?


#3 2009-11-29 13:10:39

Plugin Author
From: Sheffield, UK
Registered: 2008-10-14
Posts: 239

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

jstubbs wrote:

How would you differentiate between your plugin and mem_twitter which I currently use?

Unlike mem_twitter this plugin allows you to opt out of updating to Twitter on an article-by-article basis using a simple ‘yes/no’ option on the write tab. It also adds a Twitter tab under the extensions tab of the admin area from where you can post directly to Twitter as well as view (and delete) recent Twitter updates. I have been developing it for a site that has several authors that needed access to the site’s Twitter account.

The plugin also includes an arc_twitter tag for outputting Twitter feeds (for any user) on the public side of sites.

There’s a couple of screenshots on the plugin page showing the plugin in action.

I’d appreciate any feedback from people on where to take this plugin for future releases. I have a few ideas, but am happy to accommodate others’ suggestions.


#4 2009-11-29 13:41:30

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents


I like what you’ve started here but let me run something by you because before it would really be useful for me (anyway) I would need the ability to define hash-tag output streams in addition to just streams for my twitter accounts. (I’m assuming you can control more than one twitter account with this?)

For example, I am a web/community manager for the French chapter of a professional organization, and one of the things I’m using Twitter for is to collate tweets about an upcoming conference using a specific hash-tag (namely, #csforum10). In addition to outputting the account’s normal stream, which I do now simply enough using Twitter’s own code, I would also like to output a stream that only shows tweets having the specific hash-tag. But there’s a catch, the hash-tag output must be a stream of any tweet using the hash-tag, whether my account or any other on Twitter. I’m guessing this is tied into the Twitter Search API somehow.

This would be very powerful, and I’m sure extremely useful for a lot of people.

There is a WordPress plugin that already does something similar. I don’t know what the plugin is called off-hand, but you can see it working on this site: STC Content Strategy SIG, scroll down a bit and find the #contentstrategy hash-tag stream.

I’m desperate for this kind of Twitter stream management. To be honest, I wouldn’t really need this to be integrated with the Txp admin side (though that could be nice), I just need a script that could do this, and which I could edit easily enough to change the hash-tag output as needed.

Evidently I’m not much good at script writing. :)


#5 2009-11-29 17:25:46

Plugin Author
From: Sheffield, UK
Registered: 2008-10-14
Posts: 239

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

Destry, currently arc_twitter doesn’t do what you are after. It’s not something I’d considered, but an excellent suggestion (I can already see potential uses for this on the site the plugin was originally developed for). I’ve had a quick glance at the API documentation and it looks simple enough to do with the search method. I’ll see if I can build this functionality into what has been put together so far.


#6 2009-11-30 11:16:23

New Member
Registered: 2009-11-30
Posts: 6

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

hi monekeyninia,

first thanks for the great plugin, but I having big problems to install it
After I upgrade my TXP 4.0.6 to 4.2.0 today, I wanted install your plugin arc_twitter…
I got always the following error message below and i deleted and reistall it a few times but still there is this error.
I checked the clean url’s, try it with messy url but still…

some help or idea I would really apreciate

thanks a lot


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /mnt/web5/20/28/5197228/htdocs/zaobaolo/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(594) : eval()’d code on line 417
Die obigen Fehler verursachte das Plugin:arc_twitter


#7 2009-11-30 20:22:40

Plugin Author
From: Sheffield, UK
Registered: 2008-10-14
Posts: 239

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

@benang, I’m not sure why you are getting this error as I have installed this plugin on several sites without a problem so far. When is this error occurring? Is it when the plugin is installed (on upload or install) or when you actually try to use it?

On a different subject I’ve released a quick update today to fix a small bug that had been identified. Version 0.1.1 is now available to download.


#8 2009-12-02 18:26:43

Plugin Author
From: London
Registered: 2008-05-02
Posts: 163

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

In addition to Destry’s suggestion, might I add to it by suggesting an option to set the tweet’s prefix and suffix beneath the ‘Update Twitter Yes/No’ option.

I think mem_twitter has the ability to set the default output for the tweets and it would be nice to do the same here, but with a little more functionality; the suffix input box could be used for hashtags…

Also, sometimes the tweets do not work, especially if the article is saved as pending and then made live, does this sound like something that could affect the publishing of a tweet?

Also, many thanks for creating the plugin

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#9 2009-12-03 23:11:35

Registered: 2004-07-17
Posts: 30

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

I’ve installed the plugin, but I’m not seeing any content on the “Twitter” tab under extensions and while the “update twitter” option is displayed on the article “write” page, no update is actually sent to twitter when I post an article. (the arc_twitter table in the database is empty.)

I’ve added my username and password, and I do see an “Options” link on the Admin>Plugin page, and it does show the path to my textpattern tmp file (the folder is writable) and it shows my username and an obfuscated password.

If I include the arc_twitter tag on a page the page is rendered blank and even when textpattern is in debug mode the page source is totally blank and does not display the textpattern debug information.

Any suggestions?

PHP 5.2.6 / TXP 4.2 / Curl module installed and enabled.



#10 2009-12-04 20:35:14

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2006-03-05
Posts: 43

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

I’ve installed the pluging; the Twitter tab under extensions works fine; I can add and delete tweets from it.

However, adding tweets from articles doesn’t work at all. The radio button appears; and when I publish the article; but the article is not adde to the arc_twitter table; and there’s no tweet??

Any one a clue??

Like to solve this; for it seems a great plugin!!


#11 2009-12-05 15:12:42

Plugin Author
From: Sheffield, UK
Registered: 2008-10-14
Posts: 239

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

hurty wrote:

I’ve installed the plugin, but I’m not seeing any content on the “Twitter” tab under extensions and while the “update twitter” option is displayed on the article “write” page, no update is actually sent to twitter when I post an article. (the arc_twitter table in the database is empty.)

This sounds like you’ve added a username and password, but that they are not being recognized by Twitter. I’ve just released a new version of the plugin (v0.1.2) that checks that the provided username and password are valid on the preferences screen that should help with this problem.

blueprint wrote:

I’ve installed the pluging; the Twitter tab under extensions works fine; I can add and delete tweets from it.

However, adding tweets from articles doesn’t work at all. The radio button appears; and when I publish the article; but the article is not adde to the arc_twitter table; and there’s no tweet??

Again, try the latest version of the plugin (v0.1.2) as there was a little bit of a bug with the article tweet function that should have been fixed now. arc_twitter will only update Twitter with articles that are posted as live and not posted at a future date/time.


#12 2009-12-05 15:20:48

Plugin Author
From: Sheffield, UK
Registered: 2008-10-14
Posts: 239

Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents

rathersplendid wrote:

In addition to Destry’s suggestion, might I add to it by suggesting an option to set the tweet’s prefix and suffix beneath the ‘Update Twitter Yes/No’ option.

I think mem_twitter has the ability to set the default output for the tweets and it would be nice to do the same here, but with a little more functionality; the suffix input box could be used for hashtags…

Also, sometimes the tweets do not work, especially if the article is saved as pending and then made live, does this sound like something that could affect the publishing of a tweet?

Also, many thanks for creating the plugin

I’ve actually been thinking about adding a prefix option with the next major release of the plugin, but like your suggestion of allowing suffixes as well. A couple of issues have held me back on doing this so far. Firstly, one of the main aims of my plugin was to keep it simple, so I need to make sure that its implementation is easy to use for all who post on a Textpattern site with the plugin installed. Secondly, the character limit of tweets (140 characters) is a bit of a limiting factor that needs to be considered when adding further text to the start/end of an update; perhaps this can be dealt with by placing a character restriction of the prefix/suffix that ensures that there is still reasonable space for the article title and url. Possibly a shorter prefix than suffix (I like the idea of adding hashtags to the end of the tweet).


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