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#1 2009-11-13 09:08:10

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,909

Content Strategy Forum 2010 - Paris

This message is for all of you who make a living from websites, or have a passion for solid web communication.

If you’re in Europe (or anywhere for that matter) and want to learn about planning a website the right way — starting and ending with the content — I would encourage you to consider going to Content Strategy Forum 2010 in Paris next April. It’s a 2-day event jam-packed with the world’s leading people on the subject.

Prices are insanely cheap! Cheaper than you will ever see Kristina Halvorson, for example, speaking anywhere else. And she’s just one diamond of many in the roster.

As the Program Chair for this event, I’m pretty happy with the speaker lineup that came together. Not to mention it’s the first ever conference solely on this emerging and important field. Closest thing prior was the Content Strategy Consortium attachment at the IAI Summit 2009. But the momentum behind this movement is growing fast. Anyone keeping a thumb on it now will be way ahead of the game later. You can bank on that!

It would be great to see some Txp folks there for a real F2F. Tickets are limited, workshop seats even more so, so don’t procrastinate on registration if you think you might go.

Even if you don’t go, and especially if you are in Europe, I wouldn’t mind if you slapped one of these badges on your site to help spread the love.


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