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#1 2009-09-11 08:34:39

New Member
From: Germany
Registered: 2009-01-17
Posts: 9

„Cannot redeclare rss()“ after update


I recently updated my site to textpattern 4.2.0 like it’s described in the readme file. Now, my textpattern/publish/rss.php seems to be broken despite it didn’t even change.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rss() (previously declared in /www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern/publish/rss.php:18) in /www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern/publish/rss.php on line 234

On line 18 the function starts and on line 234 it ends. No redeclaration in my eyes. But where is the problem?


Markus Schlegel


#2 2009-09-11 18:44:59

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: „Cannot redeclare rss()“ after update

Please post your full diagnostics.


#3 2009-09-12 08:33:33

New Member
From: Germany
Registered: 2009-01-17
Posts: 9

Re: „Cannot redeclare rss()“ after update

There is not much more, but okay:

  1. I installed textpattern 4.0.8 from scratch, means dropping all files on my webspace and running the setup …
  2. I did blogging for a while
  3. I downloaded the latest 4.2.0 release, I consolidated the /textpattern/ and /rpc/ directories with their appropriate ones on my webspace and overwrote the duplicates.
  4. I opened up domain.tld/textpattern in order to reach the backend.
  5. Normal Backend was shown like nothing did happen, but it said “4.2.0” in the footer.
  6. I got complaints about the feeds not working and throwing this error message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rss() (previously declared in /www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern/publish/rss.php:18) in /www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern/publish/rss.php on line 234

That was it. I did nothing more.



#4 2009-09-12 08:47:08

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: „Cannot redeclare rss()“ after update

Markus, the diagnostics Ruud is asking, is located under TXP > Admin > Diag. Please could your provide it.

  1. Navigate to Admin -tab.
  2. Open Diagnostics subtab.
  3. Select High from the dropdown/selectfield.
  4. Paste the field contents, and notification shown, here.


#5 2009-09-12 09:31:05

New Member
From: Germany
Registered: 2009-01-17
Posts: 9

Re: „Cannot redeclare rss()“ after update

Ah okay,

Textpattern-Version: 4.2.0 (r3275)
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2009-09-12 08:24:19/2009-09-12 09:26:54
Document Root: /www/htdocs/w00a7264/ (/www/htdocs/w00a7264)
$path_to_site: /www/htdocs/w00a7264
Textpattern-Pfad: /www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern
Schema der URLs: section_title
open_basedir: /www/htdocs/w00a7264/:/tmp:/usr/bin:/www/htdocs/w00a7264:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/share/php
Temporäres Verzeichnis: /tmp
Seiten-URL: markus-schlegel.com
PHP-Version: 5.2.10
Register globals: 1
GD-Graphikbibliothek: bundled (2.0.34 compatible); Unterstützte Grafikformate: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Server TZ: Europe/Berlin
Lokale Serverzeit: 2009-09-12 11:27:34
Sommerzeit: 0
auto_dst: 0
Zeitzone:  (+3600)
MySQL: 5.0.67-community-log
Regionale Einstellungen: de_DE.UTF-8
Server: Apache
Apache-Version: Apache
PHP Server API: apache2handler
Betriebssystem des Servers: Linux
Aktive Plugins: ajw_clean_feed-0.2, rss_suparchive-0.18, htn_antispam-0.2m, rah_comment_spam-0.1.2
theme_name: classic 4.2.0

/www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern/setup/ noch vorhanden. Bitte löschen!
Einige PHP-Funktionen sind deaktiviert.: escapeshellcmd, proc_nice

Inhalt der .htaccess-Datei: 
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	#RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
	RewriteRule ^(.+) - [PT,L]

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
	RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

	RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  !^$
	RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0


Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8
character_set_client: utf8
character_set_connection: utf8
character_set_database: latin1
character_set_filesystem: binary
character_set_results: utf8
character_set_server: latin1
character_set_system: utf8
character_sets_dir: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
18 Tables: mstxp_discuss_defensio is latin1

10 Benutzerdefinierte Felder: custom_1, custom_2, custom_3, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_7, custom_8, custom_9, custom_10 (10)

PHP-Erweiterungen: date/5.2.10, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib/1.1, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, dbase, session, filter/0.11.0, ftp, gettext, gmp, hash/1.0, iconv, json/1.2.1, mbstring, mcrypt, posix, recode, Reflection/0.1, standard/5.2.10, shmop, SimpleXML/0.1, SPL/0.2, SQLite/2.0-dev, exif/1.4 $Id: exif.c,v 2009/05/28 14:03:09 pajoye Exp $, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer/0.1, wddx, xml, xmlreader/0.1, xmlwriter/0.1, zip/1.8.11, apache2handler, curl, dba, dom/20031129, gd, imap, mhash, mysql/1.0, mysqli/0.1, pdf, PDO/1.0.4dev, pdo_mysql/1.0.2, pdo_sqlite/1.0.1, soap, tidy/2.0, xsl/0.1, ionCube Loader, Zend Optimizer

Apache-Module: core, mod_authn_file, mod_authn_default, mod_authz_host, mod_authz_groupfile, mod_authz_user, mod_authz_default, mod_auth_basic, mod_auth_digest, mod_include, mod_filter, mod_log_config, mod_env, mod_setenvif, prefork, http_core, mod_mime, mod_status, mod_autoindex, mod_asis, mod_suexec, mod_cgi, mod_negotiation, mod_dir, mod_actions, mod_userdir, mod_alias, mod_rewrite, mod_so, mod_deflate, mod_expires, mod_fcgid, mod_fpcgid, mod_headers, mod_mime_magic, mod_php5, mod_proxy, mod_speling, mod_ssl, mod_usertrack

pretext_data: array (
  'id' => '',
  's' => '',
  'c' => '',
  'q' => '',
  'pg' => '',
  'p' => '',
  'month' => '',
  'author' => '',
  'request_uri' => '/a941c310f48d1049610c9cc425021f70/?txpcleantest=1',
  'qs' => 'txpcleantest=1',
  'subpath' => '\\/',
  'req' => '/a941c310f48d1049610c9cc425021f70/?txpcleantest=1',

	r3189 (8becf5ea8d9ced7d05b2433dfbabf868)
	r3189 (7a0cc56c9dc585e56aab80bc0fb22c53)
	r3189 (459137eeb00bb07136001528ce724192)
	r3203 (26c4f327450f66618fe82b06fb8b9e70)
	r3246 (9211f37e8ba873c78b0c46186896d6b2)
	r3250 (6be154f05fca4e83c4a4947c8635afd7)
	r3203 (2350c33b6acc663b56ba982bc479c920)
	r3118 (bfd945a0b268c60f7b71b6535c06154e)
	r3267 (c03f4b7e28c2f8e5050924b6caf2f61f)
	r3185 (9b08de9e4f2df7160105ff218134ec67)
	r3200 (dc26e8f4cbb1821c466c14926c8a10ca)
	r3260 (6ad789075a6a1811d027f5e4043b845d)
	r3267 (814b6421cb2e2df073d0d6bf05c252bf)
	r3203 (fb18d629321a93472674dbd4abbfc63c)
	r3203 (7dee2f899aa22712e4f5f1005c6853b0)
	r3203 (2dd80b98cb76b0532133f6d7c2bcccb9)
	r3203 (a97af8e5ed62605ab0111e45266300cb)
	r3260 (ef00267f34445a33ce0f2e453c3a20db)
	r3203 (8c1691e89ccfc8a8f9160e66efce2b09)
	r3235 (9833b1a7cbd01def4ceb40f8cdf01a3b)
	r1238 (cc7d08574508c8ec1e4c5281d534d6e3)
	r3203 (1c7eec911a015b72e42d5cea903be426)
	r3195 (280f0fd2e6f50e6a0f13490ea5dfc1f4)
	r3275 (6e259f5394d65617809d25e4823de174)
	unknown (bb381e2d19d8eace86b34d20759491a5)
	r2932 (6c533bb271087338aa19ca0b78b1810f)
	r3202 (524b829d7c73e5db26415633e799e350)
	r3107 (0e3f7b9da4b0c77f9b75263142598902)
	r2812 (b3e4cd9bd5fb469fabdebb2c0376f7e7)
	r3133 (b296756aedaf98b6f9420359dd07abdb)
	r2868 (a0662fa399fb16e837e8852f044dade9)
	r3047 (54de3f807984122ebe9b8b955e5189f4)
	r3250 (c29e316100ae6ed42d6ec51506388b5f)
	r3256 (2623d94099735edc0e7a51309c26665d)
	r3265 (4492de4935f8352357f0809d9d89516f)
	r3255 (adb712630ad3bbe59c5f716befa33f0a)
	r3271 (68d443f0f20acec5e86857a823c2b4e2)
	r3269 (83bcbeffa883bed5f0af951dda7be2fb)
	r2812 (5e6821f06aeafe50b54e5a273423384f)
	r2931 (1c1b260a13c67657f1678d72559583bc)
	r3258 (bc931a3406370c1ea4139ef957e95e38)
	r3029 (f8cc6dbfb5a5f2b39ec480589b2d59c3)
	r3266 (815df18aa4d451246ee70dd0502a8484)
	r3247 (1c047309f6f13883b29a943d1cddec3a)
	r3029 (c39570953c1bd8347e456d750317b815)
	r2812 (29a315e2435b73fe3d3a4d83fe84ba19)
	r3256 (a40dce2989737477b1147d2104bba326)
	r2998 (682e18cb9bdd6e9442a9ac23db1a591f)
	r3250 (84ff888bf577670c897fdc27ad580c0f)
	r3191 (722c6c7f2c8dbfee5c6cede0af2cd689)
	r3047 (cbd20d275bf74184b1112569c2e77f76)
	r3047 (4c9f8cd5c16bf19ff191ab35f0354e0f)
	r3047 (6a4af33a23caf950c05faca0e8b4c93b)
	r3047 (b235e2a27a6e79652ef078f62f73eb21)
	r2894 (d17a02f48b79dbe6b3b0cf6eb779aadb)
	r3047 (4d7b21635fbf46058cc539a0eec00561)
	r3014 (e8ba7dc2892b81ce89b62775e2f5ea17)
	r3057 (d699021db8e7c9f7d32f3ad3631caebc)
	r3233 (aec6e4aafa98dbafe75506efd7f85816)
	r3275 (e9085d568d49ff7910ffd4eb49bbe293)


And after I deleted /textpattern/setup/ (which, I guess, should be done)

Textpattern-Version: 4.2.0 (r3275)
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2009-09-12 08:24:19/2009-09-12 09:26:54
Document Root: /www/htdocs/w00a7264/ (/www/htdocs/w00a7264)
$path_to_site: /www/htdocs/w00a7264
Textpattern-Pfad: /www/htdocs/w00a7264/textpattern
Schema der URLs: section_title
open_basedir: /www/htdocs/w00a7264/:/tmp:/usr/bin:/www/htdocs/w00a7264:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/share/php
Temporäres Verzeichnis: /tmp
Seiten-URL: markus-schlegel.com
PHP-Version: 5.2.10
Register globals: 1
GD-Graphikbibliothek: bundled (2.0.34 compatible); Unterstützte Grafikformate: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Server TZ: Europe/Berlin
Lokale Serverzeit: 2009-09-12 11:29:57
Sommerzeit: 0
auto_dst: 0
Zeitzone:  (+3600)
MySQL: 5.0.67-community-log
Regionale Einstellungen: de_DE.UTF-8
Server: Apache
Apache-Version: Apache
PHP Server API: apache2handler
Betriebssystem des Servers: Linux
Aktive Plugins: ajw_clean_feed-0.2, rss_suparchive-0.18, htn_antispam-0.2m, rah_comment_spam-0.1.2
theme_name: classic 4.2.0

Einige PHP-Funktionen sind deaktiviert.: escapeshellcmd, proc_nice

Inhalt der .htaccess-Datei: 
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	#RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
	RewriteRule ^(.+) - [PT,L]

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
	RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

	RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  !^$
	RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0



Seems like the plugin ajw_clean_feed is the source of evil. When I deactivate it, the feeds work.

Last edited by Krifitze (2009-09-12 09:33:29)


#6 2009-09-12 10:06:13

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: „Cannot redeclare rss()“ after update

Krifitze wrote:

Seems like the plugin ajw_clean_feed is the source of evil. When I deactivate it, the feeds work.

Glad you worked it out. Confirmed. The plugin is not compatible with 4.2.0.

Without the plugin, you can access the feeds via the original messy URLs.


If you are using the plugin, please check the changelog and consider if you might want to update it. Basically the current version, 0.2.1, addresses some issues (speed, matching spam and XHTML quirks).


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