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#1 2004-08-21 08:12:18

Registered: 2004-04-13
Posts: 76

request- on this day past

I have a little php script that I use, whichrequires kolonel’s akw_date_aware plug-in .
The script I am using shows posts on previous days such as:

.::.This day a month ago.::….

.::.This day a year ago.::….

.::.This day two years ago.::….

I was wondering if anyone was interested in converting it into a plug-in? I’d really like to, and even started to make the attempt, but time has just not been available to really dive into this for me.

If anyone is interested, here is the php code I am using as a form for now:
.::.This day a month ago.::….<br/>
<a href=”/article/?y=<?php echo Date(‘Y’); ?>&amp;m=<?php echo (Date(‘m’))-1; ?>&amp;d=<?php echo Date(‘d’); ?>” >
<?php echo date(“n”)-1; ?> <?php echo Date(’ – j – Y’); ?></a>

.::.This day a year ago.::….<br/>
<a href=”/article/?y=<?php echo (Date(‘Y’))-1; ?>&amp;m=<?php echo Date(‘m’); ?>&amp;d=<?php echo Date(‘d’); ?>” >
<?php echo Date(‘n – j ‘); ?> – <?php echo (Date(‘Y’))-1; ?></a>

.::.This day two years ago.::….<br/>
<a href=”/article/?y=<?php echo (Date(‘Y’))-2; ?>&amp;m=<?php echo Date(‘m’); ?>&amp;d=<?php echo Date(‘d’); ?>” >
<?php echo Date(‘n – j ‘); ?> – <?php echo (Date(‘Y’))-2; ?></a>

Last edited by starzabove (2004-08-21 08:14:05)

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