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#25 2009-06-26 14:04:43

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,391
Website GitHub

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

artagesw wrote:

Basically, I propose that a new “sites” directory be added to the root of the standard Textpattern distribution… If you would like to see this happen in 4.09, please let wet know. He has expressed concern that the additional directory might cause confusion for users of single-site installations.

I would think it’s no less confusing than having an rpc directory in the core and not switching RPC on from the Advanced Prefs. Isn’t it “just another directory” to most of us?

I don’t mind either way, but if it is deemed confusing how about making your proposed system an officially sanctioned bolt-on “module” for those that need it? Bundle the sites dir and template, etc up into a zip and make it downloadable from textpattern.com in a suitable location (somewhere near the official download / system requirements / installation page). The package could contain a readme explaining where to upload the ‘sites’ directory and how to set up a simple multi-site scenario.

So those that need it or want to play with it are an official guide and a simple FTP upload away from multi-site heaven; those that don’t need it remain blissfully unaware.

Last edited by Bloke (2009-06-26 14:05:28)

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#26 2009-06-26 14:23:17

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

+1 Stef !


#27 2009-06-26 14:36:48

Registered: 2005-05-10
Posts: 698

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

+1 for stefs idea. Should have been the same with RPC


#28 2009-06-26 15:13:45

From: Seattle, WA
Registered: 2007-04-29
Posts: 227

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)


Wet and I have been discussing the best way forward with this feature. Stef’s suggestion is one we had already been considering. Rest assured we are working on it.


#29 2009-06-27 00:37:20

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

artagesw wrote:

Rest assured we are working on it.

Yay! Nice to have a core dev so open to new ideas/features.

TXP is humming along quite nicely


#30 2009-06-27 01:56:24

Plugin Author
From: Toronto
Registered: 2006-06-11
Posts: 1,197

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

mrdale wrote:

artagesw wrote:

Rest assured we are working on it.

Yay! Nice to have a core dev so open to new ideas/features.

TXP is humming along quite nicely

yeah really! i came back to this board to read a few threads here and there out of sheer boredom really. not that it hasn’t always been generally pleasant here but now i’m also pleasantly surprised :)


#31 2009-08-24 14:54:56

Registered: 2006-06-17
Posts: 192

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

I have a site running 4.0.8. How easy is it upgrade to the muti-site support and is actually recommended for a commercial project? As in, is it reasonably stable?


#32 2009-08-24 15:07:32

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 999

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

It seems very reasonably stable from my experience, but the recommended method requires httpd.conf access, which isn’t possible on most shared hosting providers. With my host, I was able to work around this using symlinks, but I’m not yet ready to deploy this for client projects. The support folks at my host strongly advised against changing the site’s document root.

It’s not so complicated to set up the alternate admin subdomain recommended by the README, and this doesn’t require changing the document root or changing your httpd.conf file.


#33 2009-08-24 15:12:49

Registered: 2006-06-17
Posts: 192

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

OK, how do I go about upgrading from 4.0.8 without loosing the content? (How do I tell textpattern to move everything into one site, so that I can create another one?) Does the upgrade process move the required files?


#34 2009-08-24 15:46:15

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 999

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

Does the upgrade process move the required files?

No— it’s designed to keep your existing setup, and multi-site capability is currently for the alpha nerds— a group from which I had to resign after attempting this myself. I didn’t post my step-by-step instructions because so much depends on the capabilities of and familiarity with your server environment. I’m pretty good with the latter, but the former prevented me from going further for the time being.

I would caution you against seriously altering your site structure until you have made several experiments and been around the bend of all that could possibly go wrong. Here’s what I would do in your case:

Since you are dealing with a live commercial project, I would strongly recommend doing a test-run first, using a completely fresh Textpattern installation located somewhere where it will not interfere with your existing site.

  1. Establish your test directory somewhere on your server.
  2. Get a copy of Textpattern’s development version or 4.2.0 release candidate, and upload the files to your test directory.
  3. Follow Sam’s setup instructions exactly, to create a test site. If you run into difficulties, make detailed notes and record any work-arrounds that are needed in your hosting environment. This may require simply accessing your server’s admin panel, or contacting your hosting provider for support.

If it all works, you will have a working test site using Textpattern’s multi-site feature, and you can transfer your knowledge to the commercial site.

  1. Wait until 4.2.0 comes out as a stable release.
  2. Back up your database and files.
  3. Upgrade your Textpattern installation as normal.
  4. Check to see if everything is working.
  5. If everything is working under 4.2.0, back up your database and files before trying any monkey-business with the sites directory or changing your server configurations.
  6. Follow the methods you used to set up the test site, including any alternative workarounds you discovered.
    1. Set up your document root for each domain and subdomain on your server.
    2. Copy the site1 directory under sites, and rename it to identify the site.
    3. Move all your site-specific files from your site’s document root to the new site’s public directory, with attention to the different needs of this directory according to the sites README file.
    4. Move your config.php to the site’s private directory.
    5. Change the relevant file paths in Textpattern and config, where needed, if applicable according to the sites README file.
  7. Log in to Textpattern from your new admin subdomain— make sure everything works.
  8. Check the site at yourdomain.tld— make sure everything works.

As I said before, when I went through this, it proved to be too advanced for my hosting setup. Your mileage may vary. I hope others on this thread will add commentary and corrections on the steps above where needed.

There’s really no substitute for reading the instructions carefully and experimenting with your hosting setup.

Last edited by johnstephens (2009-08-24 15:52:55)


#35 2009-08-25 17:35:14

Registered: 2006-06-17
Posts: 192

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

OK, I created a testserver and have the development version running. Seems to work fine up to now. The question is how to I import all the content from 4.0.7 in order to test whether it truly works? Is there an export articles/forms/plugins feature that I am now aware off?

Edit: Oh, and is it possible to label the different admin sites somehow… As in put some text next to the Textpattern Logo at the top of the admin area? I tend to look at the URL myself, but I am not to sure that clients will…

Last edited by dl33 (2009-08-25 17:58:58)


#36 2009-08-25 18:03:36

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: Support multiple sites (r3189)

dl33 wrote:

OK, I created a testserver and have the development version running. Seems to work fine up to now. The question is how to I import all the content from 4.0.7 in order to test whether it truly works? Is there an export articles/forms/plugins feature that I am now aware off?

The easiest as always is a MySQL dumb. Tho, easier would be to dublicate your database and after that run the update script which will adjust the database structure without fuzz.

Last edited by Gocom (2009-08-25 18:04:43)


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