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#13 2009-04-05 08:27:41

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: xPattern sneak peak

Nemoorange made a good point and it seems to have been missed. He didn’t question if progress has been made (indeed he acknowledged it has), he pointed out that it’s not visible. The xPattern forum case in point. Expecting potential interest to follow along in IRC is not realistic. When does the curtain of Oz come down and the xPattern web site go online?

Ed.: Oh, sorry, I guess that should go in the Xpn forum.

Last edited by Destry (2009-04-05 08:29:53)


#14 2009-04-05 22:06:34

Archived Plugin Author
From: Exmouth, England
Registered: 2004-08-24
Posts: 3,251

Re: xPattern sneak peak

Not really Destry. I’ve actually found more information here than I have over at the xpat forum for the last 6 months or so. Some of us aren’t interested in the technical chit-chat that goes on in IRC, we would just like the odd update on progress now and again in the forum.

This reminds me somewhat of the situation here that initially caused the formation of xpat in the first place.


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#15 2009-04-05 23:00:28

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: xPattern sneak peak

The best place to get any up-to-date information is on IRC freenode / #xpat. The forums havent’ been especially active since most of the people actively working on xpat are online. You’ll usually get an immediate response on IRC. If you’re not comfortable with IRC, feel free to post in the message board. I’ll make a point to actively answer any questions you might have in that forum, or, if you prefer, email me directly. Or! you can look at the current progress on bitbucket although, admittedly, there are some changes not pushed to the repo yet.

The original post as intended as a sneak peak of the admin UI that we’re working on. We’re quickly closing in on a beta candidate.

Last edited by TheEric (2009-04-05 23:04:56)


#16 2009-04-06 03:27:33

Plugin Author
From: North Carolina
Registered: 2004-05-22
Posts: 588

Re: xPattern sneak peak

Until we have an official beta release (will happen shortly after the admin theme is ready), there is not much point teasing about changes we are making. After the beta release, we’ll spend some time/effort posting to the wiki and forum.

Our discussions on IRC are a mix of dev discussions, random babble, less technical xpat discussions and even generic txp questions. Feel free to pop in to ask questions or send me an email.


#17 2009-04-06 07:01:34

Plugin Author
From: Monterey, California
Registered: 2008-03-21
Posts: 1,254

Re: xPattern sneak peak

jm wrote:

aswihart – if you’re looking for feedback, post in this board, not here.

Is it just me or does this link lead to these forums?

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Piwik Dashboard, Google Analytics Dashboard, Minibar, Article Image Colorpicker, Admin Datepicker, Admin Google Map, Admin Colorpicker


#18 2009-04-06 08:20:54

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: xPattern sneak peak

MattD wrote:

Is it just me or does this link lead to these forums?

Yep. Originally he was flassing some ti… er, websites that have nothing to do with the thread, so Jon-Michael pointed him to the bangin… – er showcase corner. The nipple of hell of a sentense:

I haven’t used Textpattern for over a year, just in the past week I got back into it to rehash my site.

Last edited by Gocom (2009-04-06 08:23:15)


#19 2009-04-06 11:03:54

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 2006-07-22
Posts: 345

Re: xPattern sneak peak

Gocom wrote:

Yep. Originally he was flassing some ti… er, websites that have nothing to do with the thread, so Jon-Michael pointed him to the bangin… – er showcase corner. The nipple of hell of a sentense:

Yeah my fault for that, your site is awesome BTW, Gocom. Glad to lend a nipple whenever you need it.

So, can anyone answer the question of whether xPattern will be keeping up with Txp core updates or it leaving off on its own course? I can’t seem to find this info anywhere.

Last edited by aswihart (2009-04-06 11:33:07)


#20 2009-04-06 18:10:38

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: xPattern sneak peak

aswihart wrote:

So, can anyone answer the question of whether xPattern will be keeping up with Txp core updates or it leaving off on its own course? I can’t seem to find this info anywhere.

xPat is derived from textpattern and while similiar, is not TXP. We may integrate portions of updated txp code, but ultimately xPat is its own code base with entirely different features. (Templates, Admin styles, etc)

Last edited by TheEric (2009-04-06 18:22:19)


#21 2009-04-06 18:19:22

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 2006-07-22
Posts: 345

Re: xPattern sneak peak

Thanks Eric, I will be looking forward to more enticing updates on xPat’s progress!


#22 2009-04-06 18:19:56

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2005-03-02
Posts: 786

Re: xPattern sneak peak

updated preview of the admin

Last edited by renobird (2009-04-06 18:20:30)


#23 2009-05-08 16:54:20

From: Vancouver
Registered: 2008-03-10
Posts: 37

Re: xPattern sneak peak

Looking good. I’m very pleased to see the addition of video and audio fields. If only this were available now… I have a project it would be perfect for.


#24 2009-05-12 19:40:20

From: Ireland
Registered: 2007-01-27
Posts: 724

Re: xPattern sneak peak

looks nice

its a bad hen that wont scratch itself.


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