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#433 2009-02-12 18:04:20

New Member
From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2004-05-08
Posts: 9

Re: gbp_permanent_links

When I try the compressed version from the first page of this thread I get a different error stating that my server doesn’t support decompression.

I’m on a Joyent Shared Accelerator and I do have access to change some aspects of my PHP config but I am not sure what I might need to change.

I don’t see any settings for compression libraries but I do see that my PHP is set to allow a maximum upload size of 32M and a maximum execution time of 60 seconds.


#434 2009-02-12 18:07:50

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,293
Website GitHub

Re: gbp_permanent_links

sewm wrote:

When I try the compressed version from the first page of this thread I get a different error stating that my server doesn’t support decompression.

Hmm, that could bugger things up a bit. Looks like you’ve tried most things I’d have suggested. 32Mb is ample, but you’re looking for something that controls the maximum size of a POST request. Maybe someone on the same type of server can offer some assistance?

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

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#435 2009-02-12 18:10:10

New Member
From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2004-05-08
Posts: 9

Re: gbp_permanent_links

Oops, should have mentioned that the POST limit is also set to 32M.

Thanks for trying. I’ll head over to the Joyent forums maybe someone there might have some ideas.


#436 2009-02-12 18:23:19

New Member
From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2004-05-08
Posts: 9

Re: gbp_permanent_links

I found the solution on the Joyent wiki so I’ll post some links here in case it helps someone else in the future.

Enabling Textpattern Plugin decompression on a Joyent Shared Accelerator:


#437 2009-02-26 17:48:57

From: Sthlm, Sweden
Registered: 2008-11-27
Posts: 31

Re: gbp_permanent_links

This plugin sure is great! (Though I have yet to understand all its possible usage)

Ive ran into one problem though. When using <txp:newer> and <txp:older> is spits out mydomain.com instead of lets say www.mydomain.com. This is a problem in this case cause the site has got many subdomains and display content relatively to the subdomain.

When the <txp:newer> and <txp:older> spits out a link without the prefix of the URL and thus the content is wrong.

Im using v 0.13

PS. Also it seems that, in some cases, something goes wrong when the sufix (or subdomain) is entered into the URL. For example: mydomain.com/section/category/ displays the correct content while www.mydomain.com/section/category/ gives me an wierd errorpage.


#438 2009-03-04 04:58:42

From: Louisville, KY
Registered: 2008-12-31
Posts: 21

Re: gbp_permanent_links

Hey y’all. I’m knewish to Textpattern, working to move my site to it from WordPress. I need to keep my WP url’s intact, and it appears this plugin will do the trick, but it doesn’t work on my test site.

Current URL structure: domain.com/2009/02/title

I setup a link rule that says year/month/title for anything in the journal section, but nothing happens.

What should I expect? Any other tricks/settings I should know about?


#439 2009-03-04 15:15:05

From: USA
Registered: 2004-08-27
Posts: 81

Re: gbp_permanent_links

Is your default url scheme set to messy? If not try that…

Personally, I’ve never been able to get the section specific features to work at all. Supposedly this plugin is getting a complete overhaul and will fix a lot of the broken features. The author is extremely busy and we haven’t heard when this new version will be released. IMO the url functionality of this plugin should be merged into TXP since it’s so useful.


#440 2009-03-04 15:39:38

From: Louisville, KY
Registered: 2008-12-31
Posts: 21

Re: gbp_permanent_links

Aha! It’s the Conditions that do not work. :/


#441 2009-03-10 07:56:27

New Member
From: Santa Cruz, CA
Registered: 2009-03-10
Posts: 1

Re: gbp_permanent_links

It’s been a while since I ventured into these forums (so long that I had to register a new username). But I had to add a comment to this thread:

This is the most amazing plugin I have ever encountered, for any content management system. The number of potential uses for it, the ease of use—it boggles the mind. I don’t know if you’ll get a chance to read this, Graeme, but I just wanted you to know how awesome you are.


#442 2009-03-13 13:03:48

New Member
Registered: 2009-02-03
Posts: 2

Re: gbp_permanent_links

Hi there!

I want to omit the first slash of a link, so /section/title should be section/title. Can someone tell me how to do that? Thanks!


#443 2009-04-01 13:19:26

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2005-07-21
Posts: 184

Re: gbp_permanent_links

Hi, after long way with testing and setting new site is near finish, but I have one last problem, I cannot paginate on frontpage (section = default) because rule number 6 override it even if I don’t see here match. So pagination on frontpage looks like this: http://dev.ovsem.net/kategorie/3/ insted of http://dev.ovsem.net/3/

First I explain rule number 6: (rest of rules you can see below in debug)


which is text/regular/page number

the word “kategorie” (first parametr – text) is czech translation of category – I tried many ways how to run pagination on category page (eg. http://dev.ovsem.net/kategorie/internet/2/ (which means page number 2 list of article form category1 (internet) in category listing. And the rule above is the only one how can I make pagination work on category listing. Regular expression replace name of category (because in category listing I cannot use category1 or category2 – because article can be assigned to both categories).

But this rule conflicts with pagination on frontpage (http://dev.ovsem.net/3/)

So i tried to set a new rule number 7: page/ (only page number) to override rule number 6 with higher precedence but still highest match is for rule number 6 on frontpage.

Maybe to rule number 6 can be set with a different way, but I don’t know how. “category” maybe should be a new component type – not category1, category2, but default category, which is used automatically in txp (domain.com/category/name-of-category) where it “replace” non-existing category “section”.

If anyone can help, I let debug on (due to this debug mode design is little bit messy in stupid IE).

Any help will be appreciated (with MONEY DONATION)

Below is debug code from url http://dev.ovsem.net/

<!— Plugin: gbp_permanent_links – 0.13 —>
<!— Function: _textpattern() —>
<!— Request URI: / —>
<!— Loading permlinks from db —>
<!— 1: Online hry (section/category/title/) —>
<!— 2: Straknovani ve hrach (section/category/page/) —>
<!— 3: Stránkování v sekci (section/page/) —>
<!— 4: Default URL (section/title/) —>
<!— 5: Výsledky hledání (section/search/page/) —>
<!— 6: Strankovani v kategorii (kategorie/(.*)/page/) —>
<!— 7: Titulka (page/) —>
<!— Permlink name: Titulka —>
<!— Permlink id: 49d35f45d389c —>
<!— Preview: page/ —>
<!— PL component count: 1 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>

<!— Permlink name: Online hry —>
<!— Permlink id: 499eff89c973e —>
<!— Preview: section/category/title/ —>
<!— PL component count: 3 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>
<!— Permlink name: Default URL —>
<!— Permlink id: 49ba9eac6e41b —>
<!— Preview: section/title/ —>
<!— PL component count: 2 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>
<!— Permlink name: Straknovani ve hrach —>
<!— Permlink id: 49d35476732ae —>
<!— Preview: section/category/page/ —>
<!— PL component count: 3 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>

<!— More URL components than PL components —>
<!— Permlink name: Strankovani v kategorii —>
<!— Permlink id: 49d354d5ddab9 —>
<!— Preview: kategorie/(.*)/page/ —>
<!— PL component count: 3 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>
<!— Permlink name: Stránkování v sekci —>
<!— Permlink id: 49c1236a8daac —>
<!— Preview: section/page/ —>
<!— PL component count: 2 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>
<!— Permlink name: Výsledky hledání —>
<!— Permlink id: 49c1217cb6904 —>
<!— Preview: section/search/page/ —>
<!— PL component count: 3 —>

<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>
<!— Permlink name: gbp_permanent_links_default —>
<!— Permlink id: default —>
<!— Preview: / —>
<!— PL component count: 0 —>
<!— URL component count: 1 —>
<!— More URL components than PL components —>
url: ?pg=1
path: index.php
query: pg=1
pg: 1
Testing permlink: Titulka – 49d35f45d389c
Preview: page/
Match count: 0
Testing permlink: Online hry – 499eff89c973e
Preview: section/category/title/
Match count: 0
Testing permlink: Default URL – 49ba9eac6e41b
Preview: section/title/
Match count: 0
Testing permlink: Straknovani ve hrach – 49d35476732ae
Preview: section/category/page/
Match count: 0
Testing permlink: Strankovani v kategorii – 49d354d5ddab9
Preview: kategorie/(.*)/page/
Match count: 0
New highest match! kategorie/
Testing permlink: Stránkování v sekci – 49c1236a8daac
Preview: section/page/
Match count: 0
Testing permlink: Výsledky hledání – 49c1217cb6904
Preview: section/search/page/
Match count: 0
Testing permlink: gbp_permanent_links_default – gbp_permanent_links_default
Match count: 0

Last edited by beztak (2009-04-01 19:04:24)


#444 2009-04-02 22:33:08

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-06-21
Posts: 337

Re: gbp_permanent_links

beztak wrote:

Hi, after long way with testing and setting new site is near finish, but I have one last problem, I cannot paginate on frontpage (section = default) because rule number 6 override it even if I don’t see here match. So pagination on frontpage looks like this: http://dev.ovsem.net/kategorie/3/ insted of http://dev.ovsem.net/3/

Should be fixed in version 0.14 (Compressed) – love the site design btw

Last edited by graeme (2009-04-02 22:34:04)


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