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#121 2008-12-31 08:23:06

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-03-25
Posts: 809

Re: EBL_Upload

Wow! Great!

Eric, did you receive my request for a new SN on gunnardaan.nl?


#122 2009-01-04 21:31:49

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: EBL_Upload

I’m done, now I’m just stuck writing the documentation. I hate this part… ugh!

@RedFox – no, email me again with the info.


#123 2009-01-10 20:59:49

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: EBL_Upload


Releasing today (1/10/09) in a new thread (after I have dinner, of course)


#124 2009-01-10 21:02:40

Plugin Author
From: Neubeuern, Germany
Registered: 2004-11-05
Posts: 521

Re: EBL_Upload

Enjoy your meal!


#125 2009-01-11 06:15:44

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: EBL_Upload

Below is the help-text from the plugin. Sorry, haven’t had a chance to post it and there’s a minor issue with my web-store. The price has increased from 7.99 to 9.99. I am also now offering multiple license discounts as well. This will be a free upgrade for those that already have the previous version, but there is a suggested (though not required) upgrade fee of however much you may think is worthy :)

There will be a new thread posted later today with the complete change-set, as well as a new screencast showing all the new functionality. For now, below is the new help file.

EBL_Upload – Multiple Image Uploader

This plugin adds batch upload and processing capability to Textpattern 4.07

  1. Install the threee plugins included in zip archive and activate each. Installing plugins
  2. Click Here to update the database preference fields with the three new preferences.
  3. Go to Admin -> Preferences -> Advanced Preferences and insert the serial number generated from the web store in the ebl_upload_serial field.
  4. Verify the file types that you wish to support in ebl_valid_img_type, and ebl_valid_file_type. Any edits must be in this form (prefix followed by comma, except the last comma): jpg, gif, png, etc
  5. Go to Content -> Images and click on the Show Controls link. If an Error [ #2 ] message is noted, verify the entered serial number.


  • This plugin will replace the default Textpattern upload form, with enhanced Flash based multiple upload functionality.


The configuration for this plugin is handled by four fields in the Advanced Preferences tab.

  • Valid file types. These two fields determine what files are accepted for upload. They must remain in thee ex1,ex2,ex3,ex4 format
    • ebl_valid_img_type : The default image prefixes are gif,bmp,jpg,png,tif
    • ebl_valid_file_type : The default file prefixes are zip,rar,pdf,rtf,tx
    • Maximum file size of uploads (in bytes) : EBL Upload uses this field to determine the maximum file size while queuing files. If a file is larger than the acceptable range, it will not be added to the file queue.
    • ebl_upload_serial : The serial number that will enable multiple upload support.


Initial Upload_

  • Browsing Files
    • To upload images, go to Content -> Images and click the Show Controls link.
    • The default textpattern image list will disappear and the EBL Upload interface will display.
    • Click browse to open the default windows dialog box.
  • Selecting Files
    • Multiple files may be selected by either holding down CTRL while clicking the file, or all the files within the selected folder may be selected by first selecting a file, then CTRL-A on your keyboard. This will vary depending upon the operating system.
  • Removing Files
    • Queued files may be removed once queued by clicking on their filename, or clicking the reset button.
  • Uploading
    • Click the Upload button once all files have been selected. The upload progress will be shown in the interface next to the file that is currently being uploaded. Longer lists will scroll to the active upload.
  • Cancel Uploads in Process.
    • Uploads may be cancelled by clicking on the Cancel button.

Importing Uploaded Files
Once the files have successfully loaded, click the process link displayed below the button text in the yellow box.

Importing Images
If importing images, the interface will display a form with three distinct table elements ::

  • Resize Original?
    • Yes – Resizes images to a default of 640 × 480 (longest side first), unless specified in the text input boxes below the radio icons in this box.
    • No – Images will not be resized and will be imported at their original size.
    • Crop – Images will be cropped to fit a relative size of 640×480 based upon the center of the image.
  • Create Thumbnail
    • Yes – Resizes images to a default of 100 × 100 (longest side first), unless specified in the text input boxes below the radio icons in this box.
    • No – Images will not be resized and will be imported at their original size.
    • Crop – Images will be cropped to fit a relative size of 100×100based upon the center of the image.
  • Image Import
    • Assign to Category – Select from the existing image categories, or input a new category in the text box below the drop down box

Clicking the Import button at the bottom will import the images and resize, thumbnail, and categorize based upon the information selected in the form.

Importing Files
If importing files, the interface will display a form with one table element :

  • Import Files
    • Assign to Category – Select from the existing image categories, or input a new category in the text box below the drop down box.

Clicking the Import button at the bottom will import the images and resize, thumbnail, and categorize based upon the information selected in the form.

Post-Inport Processing
Once the images or files have finished importing, the user will be shown an import complete dialog that will allow additional information to be entered for each uploaded file/image.

  • Alternate Text (images only)
    • Alterate descriptive text may be entered in this field. This data is part of the alt=”“ image tag.
  • Caption (images only)
    • Adds a description for each individual image.
  • Description (files only)
    • Adds a description for each individual file.

Once the appropriate text has been entered, click the Submit button for each file or image. Once this has been completed, the user may click the Upload Additional Files link, or may simply click on the hide controls link. Once the hide-controls link is clicked, the file or image list is refreshed with the new uploads.

Known issues

  • This update requires version 4.0.7 or higher – 4.0.6 may be compatible, but this has not been tested nor verified.
  • Firebug will occasionally cause this plugin to not function correctly. It is recommened that you disable firebug.
  • If the file or import process is not uploaded after files have uploaded, they will remain in the batchupload folder until they are imported. If a file remains in the folder and additional files are uploaded, they will be imported with any other new files. This behavior is correct, but will be updated as a user preference in the next version.


This plugin requires the following to properly function

  • Internet Explorer 7+ , Firefox 3, Safari 3.1.2, Opera 9.62
  • Flash Player 9+
  • jQuery 1.2.6+ Your current version
  • Older browsers or alternate versions of flash player will not be supported.


#126 2009-01-11 13:49:52

Registered: 2006-06-20
Posts: 56

Re: EBL_Upload

I’ve tried downloading the new version on http://www.ericlimegrover.com/ but it appears to be the old version. Where can I download the new plugin?

Last edited by curiouz (2009-01-11 13:50:51)


#127 2009-02-04 00:17:48

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 259

Re: EBL_Upload

curiouz, you probably have the right version by now. If not, try downloading again.

I’ve just installed it myself. This plugin will save me hours of work – the author deserves the Nobel prize.


#128 2009-02-09 23:23:56

From: Asturias, Spain
Registered: 2005-11-25
Posts: 1,091

Re: EBL_Upload

lozmatic wrote:

I’ve just installed it myself. This plugin will save me hours of work – the author deserves the Nobel prize.

I totally agree – this is a fantastic plugin and in combination with Eric’s other, recently released ebl_image_edit takes care of all image related tasks most people would ever need in a CMS.

Eric is The Man ! :-)

Cheers Martin


#129 2009-02-09 23:57:36

From: Asturias, Spain
Registered: 2005-11-25
Posts: 1,091

Re: EBL_Upload

That said there are actually two things that could perhaps be improved…

a) minor issue: when you get to the options to resize/crop originals and/or thumbs the radio buttons are on the right-hand side of the text label. I’m used to them being on the left and keep accidentally hitting the wrong one ;-)

b) at the step where you can fill in alt text and captions, it would be helpful to have the thumbnails displayed next to the input fields since it’s difficult to remember the content just by the file name.

I’m not a programmer, so I don’t know how difficult it would be to implement these.

Last edited by masa (2009-02-09 23:58:33)


#130 2009-02-10 01:08:01

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2005-03-02
Posts: 786

Re: EBL_Upload

masa wrote

it would be helpful to have the thumbnails displayed next to the input fields since it’s difficult to remember the content just by the file name.

I’m pretty sure Eric has that planned for the next version. Last time I asked him about it he said it was on the list.
I could really use that feature as well…one of the sites I update has 40-50 images at time. It’s really difficult to keep track of them all.


Last edited by renobird (2009-02-10 01:08:15)


#131 2009-02-11 05:21:28

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: EBL_Upload

Excellent plugin.

Just one minor issue: after uploading images, and resizing/cropping/categorizing them, I get a screen with a iframe in the middle. Inside the iframe, there was a 404 page from the front-end site.
I’ve opened the iframe on a new tab, and I found this message:

A problem occured while loading the plugin: ebl_upload -> Warning: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode on line 673

In any case, the uploaded and the crop/resize/category wizard worked flawlessly, apparently. :D
But I will try to reproduce the issue it again.

Eric, please, tell me if you would like more info about the issue.


La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#132 2009-02-11 13:42:35

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: EBL_Upload

Hi, I am seeing an error #2038. Any idea what that is?


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