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#1 2008-11-29 11:51:15

From: Malmö, Sweden
Registered: 2004-05-18
Posts: 45

txp:older and Txp 4.0.7


After having upgraded to 4.0.7 <txp:older> suddenly stopped working on my main page. It only outputs an empty ID when in messy mode, or nothing when in clean url mode. I tried disabling plugins related to url output, but it didn’t help.

This is the code for the article display on my main page:

<txp:article limit="1" pageby="10" />
<div class="annons">
<div class="annons_label">Annons ›</div>
<div class="annons_text">
%Google code%
<div class="clear"></div>

<txp:article limit="4" offset="1" pageby="10" />
<div class="annons">
<div class="annons_label">Annons ›</div>
<div class="annons_text">
%Google code%
<div class="clear"></div>

<txp:article limit="4" offset="5" pageby="10" />
<div class="annons">
<div class="annons_label">Annons ›</div>
<div class="annons_text">
%Google code%
<div class="clear"></div>

<txp:article limit="1" offset="9" pageby="10" />

<p class="next_prev"><txp:newer>‹ Nyare</txp:newer> <txp:older>Äldre ›</txp:older></p>

Does someone have any idea what might have gone wrong?



#2 2008-11-29 13:29:41

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

Please post your full diagnostics and a tag trace.


#3 2008-11-29 13:49:33

From: Malmö, Sweden
Registered: 2004-05-18
Posts: 45

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

This is my full diagnotics:

Textpattern-version: 4.0.7 (r3025)
Senast uppdaterad: 2008-11-29 14:28:37/2008-11-29 14:28:37
Dokument-rot: /home/hertze/public_html
$path_to_site: /home/hertze/public_html
Textpattern-sökväg: /home/hertze/public_html/textpattern
Permanentlänk-läge: section_title
Tillfällig mapp: /tmp
Webbplatsens URL: www.hertze.com
PHP-version: 4.4.7
Register globals: 1
GD-bildbibliotek: bundled (2.0.28 compatible); format som stöds: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Serverns klocka: 2008-11-29 07:40:23
MySQL: 4.1.22-standard
Locale: sv_SE.UTF-8
Server: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/4.4.7 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 FrontPage/ DAV/1.0.3 mod_ssl/2.8.31 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Apache-version: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/4.4.7 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 FrontPage/ DAV/1.0.3 mod_ssl/2.8.31 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Server-API för PHP: apache
RFC 2616-headers:
Serverns operativsystem: Linux 2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp
Aktiva plugins: mg_setheader-0.1, jad_oldposted-560.2+, gbp_permanent_links-0.11.669, ajw_if_comment_owner-0.3.1, ajw_comment_num-0.2, gho_comments_invite-4.0, glx_admin_ping-0.1m, atb_rss_tags-0.1, ajw_clean_feed-0.2, sed_copyright-1.3, sed_plugin_library-0.3, wet_slimpattern-0.4.1, ied_hide_in_admin-0.1.6, zem_contact_reborn-, zem_contact_lang-, gbp_admin_library-0.4.669, wet_recent_comments-0.4

Vissa Textpattern-filer har ändrats: /include/txp_article.php, /include/txp_list.php, /lib/classTextile.php, /lib/constants.php, /lib/txplib_db.php, /lib/txplib_forms.php, /publish.php, /publish/atom.php, /publish/rss.php, /publish/taghandlers.php

Innehåll i .htaccess-filen:
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes

Redirect 301 /visatext/6 http://hertze.com/blogg/2001/01/babelfisks-guide-till-erogena-zoner/
Redirect 301 /artikel/rss http://hertze.com/rss
Redirect 301 /feeds/blog.php http://hertze.com/rss
Redirect 301 /artikel/atom/ http://hertze.com/atom

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.+) – [PT,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} !^$ RewriteRule .* – [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0


Charset (default/config): latin1/latin1
character_set_client: latin1
character_set_connection: latin1
character_set_database: utf8
character_set_results: latin1
character_set_server: latin1
character_set_system: utf8
character_sets_dir: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
18 Tables: OK

PHP-tillägg: zip, xmlrpc/0.51, xml, wddx, tokenizer/0.1, swf, standard/4.4.7, sockets, snmp, session, pspell, posix, overload, mysql, mhash, mcrypt, mbstring, imap, gettext, gd, ftp, exif/1.4 $Id: exif.c,v 2007/01/09 11:38:04 tony2001 Exp $, domxml/20020815, curl, ctype, calendar, bcmath, zlib/1.1, pcre, openssl, apache, Zend Optimizer

/../index.php: r2885 (07df52cf240f35ed1db621304d26f680)
/css.php: r2772 (4d5b1fc3589c3a175a6d100042073a20)
/include/txp_admin.php: r3013 (39db1c3021c33ad8675c3e40d2ce0fe6)
/include/txp_article.php: r3008 (1a45442aae4c0c925915ade5bfe32dcb)
/include/txp_auth.php: r2856 (9291e4ebbe87921a765209cbc9ee6c66)
/include/txp_category.php: r2947 (b34b82edd9130528c129301b671a61d2)
/include/txp_css.php: r2836 (e39c717cc7fb5afda81b520644c5bed8)
/include/txp_diag.php: r2930 (b3f713f94e068aa4f891bbd4ceafe6e2)
/include/txp_discuss.php: r2994 (5bac3c8be75d55ee791346b8245fc56f)
/include/txp_file.php: r3016 (28b3134a0652c2b9f7f5018fd2be3340)
/include/txp_form.php: r2994 (433d1d1087afe4880c93ddd1afd44b1e)
/include/txp_image.php: r2994 (49093961b5b10be54fc45cd8d090741c)
/include/txp_import.php: r2812 (ddf61c42f9dace30d9d2bdb976c2762f)
/include/txp_link.php: r2994 (1395446475dded75033c01857ab489c2)
/include/txp_list.php: r2994 (db764408dc64c3f4bcfc85334fad4b2d)
/include/txp_log.php: r3003 (0c81cdb83ba98fa9097353a859beb7a4)
/include/txp_page.php: r2994 (5feb4fb3940c24839d2fe743f46388c4)
/include/txp_plugin.php: r2948 (027bfb3ea837984785446900f515aacb)
/include/txp_prefs.php: r2965 (05335e08e4d7584cfd38b7af7e5a9d1d)
/include/txp_preview.php: r1238 (64de77f275a336d581425b3f05427745)
/include/txp_section.php: r2759 (97d7221ead97497644ebeeeaee460377)
/include/txp_tag.php: r2868 (c16be34198f79bcf80fa7cd1b463e4de)
/index.php: r3025 (a052be4e3877768b80fc5d2a67352276)
/lib/IXRClass.php: r2932 (292f64a316088dd54e22ebbe0310bed7)
/lib/admin_config.php: r2812 (37fc7e59624a431ebe60085c6376eb2e)
/lib/class.thumb.php: r2859 (e0cc384ab8121c4a95b9c9325df3a15a)
/lib/classTextile.php: unknown (b97e901d3c07d7b998cd44ded00a5680)
/lib/constants.php: r2993 (b514eab168f9e429d7e32174b845b3ec)
/lib/taglib.php: r2868 (7748936c0eb64f55fd7659a47697c74b)
/lib/txplib_admin.php: r2726 (dfce8f698c57bfbef8511690fc04fc55)
/lib/txplib_db.php: r2980 (588e34336753b6f6540f7f296ca27596)
/lib/txplib_forms.php: r3015 (8cf9b2aa56b0459d4c91f18bf65eedce)
/lib/txplib_head.php: r3004 (a3a5ccd14665ee25ea73e7646667c85a)
/lib/txplib_html.php: r2981 (64fe6808d2fea1c5d966b143a17d1914)
/lib/txplib_misc.php: r3017 (bdd8d8235c37422ca0db00febd2a6e49)
/lib/txplib_update.php: r2812 (2d84e29d2749f59e4f869956daf34f1c)
/lib/txplib_wrapper.php: r2931 (aba033174425e5ceac840557c594235d)
/publish.php: r3014 (d39d8fa8cc573ad22c8dc462067342d6)
/publish/atom.php: r2990 (79197d65714b4946b5fa25b5d3ea6fbe)
/publish/comment.php: r3011 (8cd141292a74734ac3e0ced9565163e7)
/publish/log.php: r2937 (b18f84fc40b5b1c4cc9df04dd6065369)
/publish/rss.php: r3019 (5bf17c544222881e90cd813ea962cd69)
/publish/search.php: r2812 (724a9876809efe461ed1043ef1202258)
/publish/taghandlers.php: r3018 (3eacfadf7b8a31c11ead2aa268fa8a49)
/../rpc/index.php: r2998 (fe85476abd66e78243a28145f51f6c3c)
/../rpc/TXP_RPCServer.php: r2998 (cc21bac9cae7c6de1d7b219e7290196c)
/update/_to_1.0.0.php: r711 (a8ed15439927effd9410d398bf070c32)
/update/_to_4.0.2.php: r711 (535e452b8d1071d005e2c1d0b199c0b3)
/update/_to_4.0.3.php: r711 (f5506cfd0fbc3ad4bd9a9b2299468775)
/update/_to_4.0.4.php: r711 (4d867b42ee87a7f11d2bff3a8e91bed0)
/update/_to_4.0.5.php: r2894 (b39e404b5120ad687a4a07a1156d6352)
/update/_to_4.0.6.php: r2464 (7e5ae73eb64c24438918697089a1f321)
/update/_to_4.0.7.php: r3014 (24b32428e0385a021e8815940190980d)
/update/_update.php: r3024 (f950d225bf3d8cf6742ae0054dbce8bf)

The tag trace turned out to a mess when pasted (the line-endings got screwed up). Would it be possible for you to view it directly at http://hertze.com?

Thank you for getting involved!



#4 2008-11-29 15:00:58

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

In your template, insert this piece of code just before the place where you use the newer/older tags:

  global $thispage;

I suspect $thispage is not filled correctly. I can’t reproduce this myself.


#5 2008-11-29 15:36:13

From: Malmö, Sweden
Registered: 2004-05-18
Posts: 45

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

Your code snipplet is in place.



#6 2008-11-29 16:00:50

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

What happens if you disable all plugins. Does that make pagination work again?


#7 2008-11-29 16:03:33

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,328
Website Mastodon

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

You are using a plugin which intercepts permlink calls (might be gbp_permanentlinks). These have to be adapted to Txp 4.0.7.

In the meantime, you could mod /textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php. Remove these two lines starting at line #1831:

if (isset($prefs['custom_url_func']) and is_callable($prefs['custom_url_func']))
  return call_user_func($prefs['custom_url_func'], $keys, PAGELINKURL);

Last edited by wet (2008-11-29 16:04:02)


#8 2008-11-29 16:06:12

From: Malmö, Sweden
Registered: 2004-05-18
Posts: 45

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

Yes. I found the culprit. It’s the plugin gbp_permanent_links. I hope it gets updated soon. Thank you for all your help!



#9 2008-11-29 16:39:55

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

wet wrote:

if (isset($prefs['custom_url_func']) and is_callable($prefs['custom_url_func']))
  return call_user_func($prefs['custom_url_func'], $keys, PAGELINKURL);

Doesn’t this force people who use a custom_url_func to duplicate the TXP pagelinkurl function even if they only want to override the permlink?


#10 2008-11-29 18:27:10

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-06-21
Posts: 337

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

december76 wrote:

Yes. I found the culprit. It’s the plugin gbp_permanent_links. I hope it gets updated soon. Thank you for all your help!



#11 2008-11-29 18:29:39

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,328
Website Mastodon

Re: txp:older and Txp 4.0.7

ruud wrote:

Doesn’t this force people who use a custom_url_func to duplicate the TXP pagelinkurl function even if they only want to override the permlink?

Yes, if they don’t handle page urls anyway.


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