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#421 2008-09-01 01:53:56

From: Spokane WA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 707

Re: zem_contact_reborn

Anyone seen this “gmail.com” is not a valid email host. with any attempt to send. I’m using the simple approach with the minimum <txp:zem_contact to=“dest@example.com” /> in a page template , here

Textpattern version: 4.0.6 (r2958)
Last Update: 2008-08-13 02:37:16/2008-08-13 02:27:40
Document root: /users/home/parkling/domains/parkling.net/web/public
$path_to_site: /users/home/parkling/domains/parkling.net/web/public
Textpattern path: /users/home/parkling/domains/parkling.net/web/public/textpattern
Permanent link mode: section_title
upload_tmp_dir: /usr/local/www/php/tmp
Temporary directory path: /var/tmp
Site URL: parkling.net
PHP version: 5.1.4
GD Image Library: bundled (2.0.28 compatible); supported formats: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Server Local Time: 2008-09-01 02:26:14
MySQL: 4.1.22-log
Locale: en_GB.UTF-8
Server: Apache
Apache version: Apache
PHP Server API: apache2handler
RFC 2616 headers:
Server OS: FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE
Active plugins: wet_slimpattern-0.1, ras_authors_list-0.1, ras_if_article_keywords-, zem_contact_reborn-, zem_contact_lang-

Pre-flight check:
Web Domain DNS lookup fails: parkling.net
Some Textpattern files have been modified: /include/txp_preview.php, /lib/constants.php
Clean URL test failed.

.htaccess file contents:
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.+) – [PT,L]

RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} !^$ RewriteRule .* – [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

#php_value register_globals 0


<!— txp tag trace:
[SQL (0.0016641616821289): select name, data from rastxp_lang as txp_lang where lang=‘en-gb’ AND ( event=‘public’ OR event=‘common’)]
[SQL (0.00034904479980469): select name, code, version from rastxp_plugin as txp_plugin where status = 1 AND type IN (0,1) order by load_order]
[SQL (0.00013089179992676): select name from rastxp_section as txp_section where `name` like ‘contact’ limit 1]
[SQL (8.8930130004883E-05): select page, css from rastxp_section as txp_section where name = ‘contact’ limit 1]
[SQL (0.00037407875061035): select host from rastxp_log as txp_log where ip=‘’ limit 1]
[SQL (0.00045609474182129): insert into rastxp_log set `time`=now(),page=’/contact/’,ip=‘’,host=‘’,refer=’‘,status=‘200’,method=‘GET’]
[SQL (0.00012993812561035): select user_html from rastxp_page as txp_page where name=‘contact’]
[Page: contact]
<txp:feed_link flavor=“rss” format=“link” label=“RSS” />
<txp:feed_link flavor=“atom” format=“link” label=“Atom” />
<txp:page_title /> [SQL (0.00013279914855957): select title from rastxp_section as txp_section where name=‘contact’]
<txp:css n=“merdeka” />
<txp:link_to_home />
<txp:link_to_home />
<txp:linklist limit=“7” sort=“rand()” wraptag=“ul” break=“li” /> [SQL (0.00027203559875488): select *, unix_timestamp(date) as uDate from rastxp_link as txp_link where 1=1 order by rand() limit 0, 7] [SQL (0.00011491775512695): select Form from rastxp_form as txp_form where name=‘plainlinks’] [Form: plainlinks] <txp:linkdesctitle />
<txp:category_list section=“article” this_section=“1” type=“article” wraptag=“ul” break=“li” /> [SQL (0.0001070499420166): select name, title from rastxp_category as txp_category where type = ‘article’ and name not in(‘default’,‘root’) order by name ASC]
<txp:ras_authors_list wraptag=“ul” break=“li” label=“0” /> [SQL (9.2029571533203E-05): select AuthorId from rastextpattern as textpattern where 1 order by AuthorId desc] [SQL (9.4890594482422E-05): select RealName from rastxp_users as txp_users where name=‘Rick’]
<txp:recent_comments limit=“7” sort=“posted asc” wraptag=“ul” break=“li” /> [SQL (0.00014400482177734): select d.name, d.email, d.web, d.message, d.discussid, unix_timestamp(d.Posted) as time, t.ID as thisid, unix_timestamp(t.Posted) as posted, t.Title as title, t.Section as section, t.url_title from rastxp_discuss as d inner join rastextpattern as t on d.parentid = t.ID where t.Status >= 4 and d.visible = 1 order by d.posted asc limit 0,7]
<txp:search_input wraptag=“p” /> [SQL (8.0108642578125E-05): select form from rastxp_form where `name` = ‘search_input’ limit 1]
<txp:link_to_home />
<txp:section_list default_title=’<txp:text item=“home” />’ include_default=“0” wraptag=“ul” break=“li” label=“Articles by Section” labeltag=“h3”> [attribute ‘default_title’] <txp:text item=“home” /> [/attribute] [SQL (0.00010490417480469): select name, title from rastxp_section as txp_section where name != ‘default’ order by name ASC] <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:section link=“1” title=“0” /> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: true] </txp:if_section> <txp:section link=“1” title=“0” /> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: true] <txp:article_custom section=’<txp:section />’ wraptag=“ul” break=“li”> [attribute ‘section’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [SQL (0.00069904327392578): select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted from rastextpattern as textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and Section IN (‘contact’) order by Posted desc limit 0, 10] </txp:article_custom> </txp:if_section> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:section link=“1” title=“0” /> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:section link=“1” title=“0” /> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section> <txp:section link=“1” title=“0” /> <txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’> [attribute ‘name’] <txp:section /> [/attribute] [<txp:if_section name=’<txp:section />’>: false] </txp:if_section>
<txp:link_to_home />
<txp:site_name />
<txp:site_slogan />
<txp:zem_contact to=“rick@parkling.us” /> [SQL (0.00025200843811035): insert into rastxp_discuss_nonce set issue_time = now(), nonce = ‘a0930f8f361e4fc7d4898eed555da34b’] <txp:zem_contact_text label=“Name” /> <txp:zem_contact_email /> <txp:zem_contact_textarea /> <txp:zem_contact_submit />
<txp:article /> [SQL (0.00034499168395996): select count(*) from rastextpattern as textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and Section IN (‘contact’)] [SQL (0.0045878887176514): select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted from rastextpattern as textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and Section IN (‘contact’) order by Posted desc limit 0, 10]
<txp:site_name />
[ ~~~ secondpass ~~~ ] —>

Last edited by rsilletti (2008-09-01 02:27:40)


#422 2008-09-01 10:06:03

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: zem_contact_reborn

That could be a local DNS problem.


#423 2008-09-10 23:22:36

From: Corvallis, Oregon - USA
Registered: 2005-11-16
Posts: 73

Re: zem_contact_reborn

I’m trying to figure out the easiest way to have someone fill out a form and when they click submit, a file download begins AND it takes them to a page that says “thanks for filling out the form, your file is being downloaded”.

It’s obviously easy to have them directed to the new page that says “thanks…” and has a link to file_download/XX but I have a client who wants both to happen without any additional clicks by the form-filler-outer.

Suggestions? Can zem_contact_reborn even do this on its own?


#424 2008-09-11 12:04:28

Plugin Author
From: Huddersfield
Registered: 2008-07-14
Posts: 90

Re: zem_contact_reborn

Is there an option to attach files? or is there another plugin to do this?


#425 2008-09-13 00:25:37

From: Spokane WA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 707

Re: zem_contact_reborn

rudd – It turned out being a conflict with zem_redirect. I was using version 1.2 beta, it was also causing author based searchs to abort.


#426 2008-09-30 17:43:05

From: The mountains, central PA, USA
Registered: 2005-08-15
Posts: 57

Re: zem_contact_reborn

I’m getting errors saying there are required fields missing when they have been filled in. However, it’s only happening to the first 3 required fields (all text fields) of 10 required fields (mix of text, select lists & checkboxes) and 13 fields altogether in the form.

I’m in testing status, but not getting any tag errors.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks much.


#427 2008-09-30 18:10:52

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: zem_contact_reborn

Please provide an URL to the page/contact-form that shows this problem?


#428 2008-09-30 18:34:11

From: The mountains, central PA, USA
Registered: 2005-08-15
Posts: 57

Re: zem_contact_reborn

Sure, you can see it here: http://new.rabbit-mountain.com/hosting-registration


#429 2008-09-30 18:47:14

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: zem_contact_reborn

How exactly did you create the input field for the “First Name” in your template/page? Please copy paste that part here. And which version of ZCR are you using?


#430 2008-09-30 18:53:37

From: The mountains, central PA, USA
Registered: 2005-08-15
Posts: 57

Re: zem_contact_reborn

I’m using whatever version is currently linked to from the zem_contact_reborn page at textpattern.org. I just downloaded & installed it today.

I have the form set up in an article. This is the beginning of the form through the First Name field:

<txp:zem_contact to="xxx@xxx.xxx" label="" subject="Hosting Purchase">

<txp:zem_contact_text label="Domain Name (if applicable)" name="Domain" size="30" required="0" break="" default="Check your spelling!" />

<txp:zem_contact_text label="First Name*" name="First Name" size="30" required="1" break="" />


#431 2008-09-30 20:16:43

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: zem_contact_reborn

Try changing the name attribute to “First_Name” or don’t specify it at all.


#432 2008-09-30 20:21:07

From: The mountains, central PA, USA
Registered: 2005-08-15
Posts: 57

Re: zem_contact_reborn

Aha! That seems to have cured the problem. I should have known it was something obvious and dumb. Thanks ruud, you’ve been ever helpful as always :)



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