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#157 2008-07-30 09:19:58
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
I’m having problems creating new subscribers. I need to import a list of 200+ subscribers, but when using the method posted in the manual I get only the first user and address showing up. Furthermore, if I delete that subscriber it randomly shows up once in a while after refreshing the page. Very frustrating. :-) It gives me the idea that in one way or another the items aren’t properly deleted out of the DB. Has anyone encountered this problem?
I’m using Textpattern versie: 4.0.6 (r2805)
Postmaster Ben Bruce 0.4.4
Postmaster Library Ben Bruce 0.2.3
Edit: When deleting the faulty subscriber: “Deleted subscriber.” appears (so it’s supposed to be gone). Then, when going to Lists and afterwards returning to the Subscriber tab… the faulty (deleted) subscriber is there again.
Last edited by Piru (2008-07-30 09:32:28)
#158 2008-07-31 17:41:58
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
Hi Ben and all,
I have read this support thread from beginning to end, and I can’t figure out why I’m still having problems. My main issue is that it would seem Postmaster does not automatically create the MySQL entries upon installation. Here’s what I did:
- Using MySQL version: 5.0.51b Community Ed. + PHP version: 5.2.6
- Installed Postmaster Library, activated it
- Installed Postmaster, activated it
- Went to the Admin —> Extensions tab and clicked Postmaster
- Noticed the errors and found the solution to change site status to LIVE
- Some errors disappeared but there were still some that remained
- Removed all Postmaster plugins and reinstalled them
- Still getting the following error related to tables not existing:
Here is a shot of the MySQL DB:
This sounds like a great plugin which is fully featured and does exactly what I need, so I’m really anxious to fix these errors and get everything setup!
Any help is greatly appreciated…thanks in advance!
Last edited by georgeM (2008-07-31 18:00:34)
#159 2008-08-21 09:44:16
- Gallex
- Member
- Registered: 2006-10-08
- Posts: 1,315
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
my newsletter e-mail form:
Dear <txp:bab_pm_data display="subscriberName" />,
<txp:bab_pm_data display="Author" /> has posted a new article at <txp:site_url />.
Read article at: <txp:bab_pm_data display="link" />
Excerpt: <txp:bab_pm_data display="Excerpt" />
Unsubscribe: <txp:bab_pm_unsubscribeLink type="text" />
everything works well, but author’s name doesn’t appear in e-mail :(
can anybody tell me where i’m wrong?
#160 2008-08-21 10:08:13
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
Dear Ben,
First of all, many thanks for this great plugin, it works like a charm!
I have only one question: is it possible to give a name for admin, not just the email (so the Sender is not just an email address but name+address)? I cannot figure out how to implement this, and some spam filters score high if you send your email without Sender name.
Thanks in advance, awesome plugin!
#161 2008-08-21 16:03:27
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
Gallex wrote:
everything works well, but author’s name doesn’t appear in e-mail :(
can anybody tell me where i’m wrong?
I can’t see anything wrong with your form. Could you try using <txp:author />
instead of the bab_pm_data tag?
#162 2008-08-21 17:13:46
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
sipke wrote:
Dear Ben,
First of all, many thanks for this great plugin, it works like a charm!
I have only one question: is it possible to give a name for admin, not just the email (so the Sender is not just an email address but name+address)? I cannot figure out how to implement this, and some spam filters score high if you send your email without Sender name.
Thanks in advance, awesome plugin!
ok I found how to chenge the “from” to a name:
edit the Postmaster Library and search for
$headers = "From: $listAdminEmail".
replace $listAdminEmail
Your name <blabla@domain.com>
Your name <$listAdminEmail>
so after all you got:
$headers = “From: Your name <blabla@domain.com>”.
$headers = “From: Your name <$listAdminEmail>”.
enjoy ;)
Last edited by THE BLUE DRAGON (2009-07-10 16:40:00)
#163 2008-08-23 12:23:06
- Gallex
- Member
- Registered: 2006-10-08
- Posts: 1,315
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
maniqui wrote:
I can’t see anything wrong with your form. Could you try using
<txp:author />
instead of the bab_pm_data tag?
it helped. thank’s
#164 2008-09-03 13:32:18
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
I’ve installed postmaster but it looks like it didn’t create tables in my database?
I’m getting this error:
Warning: Unknown character set: ‘utf’ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bab_pm_list_prefs ( `listID` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `listName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `listDescription` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `listAdminEmail` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `listUnsubscribeUrl` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `listEmailForm` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `listSubjectLine` varchar(128) NOT NULL default ‘’, `catchall` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, PRIMARY KEY (`listID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARACTER SET = utf-8 in /public_html/site/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 81
Warning: Unknown character set: ‘utf’ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bab_pm_subscribers ( `subscriberID` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `subscriberName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberEmail` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberLists` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom1` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom2` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom3` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom4` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom5` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom6` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom7` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom8` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom9` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCustom10` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `subscriberCatchall` longtext NOT NULL default ‘’, `flag` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, `unsubscribeID` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’, PRIMARY KEY (`subscriberID`), UNIQUE (subscr in /public_html/site/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 81
Warning: Table ‘trumdo01_bepanthen.bab_pm_list_prefs’ doesn’t exist INSERT INTO bab_pm_list_prefs values (‘1’,‘default’,‘All subscribers’,’‘,’‘,’‘,‘Notification: A new article has been posted at <txp:site_url />’,’‘) in /public_html/site/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 81
Warning: Table ‘trumdo01_bepanthen.bab_pm_subscribers’ doesn’t exist INSERT INTO bab_pm_subscribers values (‘1’,‘Test’,‘test@test’,‘default’,‘custom1’,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,‘custom10’,’‘,’‘,‘2b9595b63092b70833e249811aeba2fd’) in /public_html/site/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 81
#165 2008-09-03 14:27:49
- net-carver
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2006-03-08
- Posts: 1,648
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
Can you try this… edit your postmaster_library plugin and look for the bab_pm_createTables()
Replace this line…
$dbcharset = $txpcfg['dbcharset'];
… with this one…
$dbcharset = "'".$txpcfg['dbcharset']."'";
… save and try accessing the Postmaster tab again.
— Steve
#166 2008-09-10 12:03:37
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
#167 2008-09-14 11:11:34
- Gallex
- Member
- Registered: 2006-10-08
- Posts: 1,315
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
I changed my admin e-mail address under postmaster>lists tab, but it keeps sending the new subscriber posts to my old admin address :( how to fix it?
#168 2008-09-14 12:50:41
Re: [ARCHIVED] Postmaster (0.4.4) -A simple newsletter manager
Gallex wrote:
I changed my admin e-mail address under postmaster>lists tab, but it keeps sending the new subscriber posts to my old admin address :( how to fix it?
Hi Gallex you have to go to Extensions>Postmaster>lists and edit your address there
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.