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#61 2004-07-21 23:08:54

Archived Plugin Author
From: NYC
Registered: 2004-03-01
Posts: 28

Re: Browsing by date plugin


Clean urls are part of another (complex) plugin that I haven’t released yet. The previous/next date item feature is also a separate piece of code.


Duly noted. I’ll fix this in the next release.


I might incorporate your mod into the next release. My custom tag is simply a date-aware implementation of the standard article_custom, BTW.


Your month parameter is wrong. It needs to be of the numeric form MM.


Sounds like some function isn’t handling timeoffset correctly. I’ll take a look.


#62 2004-07-22 00:05:45

Registered: 2004-04-13
Posts: 76

Re: Browsing by date plugin

Sorry Kolonel, I mistyped that, here is what I am trying now:
<txp:akw_article_custom_date_aware year=“2003” month=“07” day=“21” form=“titleonly” />

And it’s still listing the most recent 10 entries made.
I played adjusted the variables and even took them all out (year, month, day) and it still did the same thing.


Last edited by starzabove (2004-07-22 00:09:21)

90+ Textpattern installs and still going…


#63 2004-07-23 10:05:55

Registered: 2004-07-17
Posts: 18

Re: Browsing by date plugin

hi, i want to use the archive plugin, but have a problem with it. i explained it already in this <a href=“http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?id=2974”>thread</a>, but the short version: i want to display all posts of different section on the archive page in the archive section.


#64 2004-07-24 23:14:27

Archived Plugin Author
From: Seattle, WA
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 35

Re: Browsing by date plugin

Is there a way to get this filtering URI to accept dates in the future?

I will dive into the code in a bit, however, I did not see anything in the posts.

Fixed it up. I supposed I could make a hack if others are interested. They could pass allowFuture as a parameter of “akw_article_date_aware”. Any interest out there?


Last edited by datafirm (2004-07-24 23:43:22)


#65 2004-07-26 01:05:50

Registered: 2004-07-14
Posts: 44

Re: Browsing by date plugin

I’m having a tough time with this plugin. I have one News article on my homepage that jumps to the “Article” template that displays the single article. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I can’t use this plugin on a separate section like “Archives”.

So on the article page, I use <txp:akw_month_list context=“y” /> in the sidebar and <txp:akw_doArchiveArticles form=“lofi” limit=“10” /> under the main article to display the last 5 articles excerpts.

The issue is that whether I click on the links generated by either of the above tags, it lists out all of the posted articles, not just the articles for July or the articles for April. It lists everything. Is that right?


#66 2004-07-28 17:45:54

From: Toronto Canada
Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 60

Re: Browsing by date plugin

I’m having a problem – permlink called within akw_doArchiveArticles omits the article ID from the URL – as seen on this page. (Incidentally, kolonel, on that page you can see why I wanted article bodies displayable – it’s a glorified linklist.)

Besides that, what an awesome plugin! Thanks many times over, especially for the list of months tag. That’s a lifesaver.


#67 2004-07-29 14:30:38

Buddy Bradley
From: Peterborough, UK
Registered: 2004-07-01
Posts: 12

Re: Browsing by date plugin

I still can’t figure out how to implement this correctly.

I can use akw_article_date_aware together with a post-title-only form to output a list of entry titles, and I can use akw_nested_month_list to ouput a list of clickable months…

…but I can’t combine the two to output the months and then all the entries within them (like Dunstan’s blog linked to several times before).

From the write-up it sounds as if akw_doArchiveArticles is the function I need to use, but I can’t get akw_doArchiveArticles to work at all – perhaps because it doesn’t allow you to specify a section?

Currently I have this:

< txp:akw_article_custom_date_aware limit=“1000” form=“entry_list” section=“blog” />

I would like to do this (I think):

< txp:akw_doArchiveArticles form=“entry_list” limit=“1000” section=“blog” />

But it doesn’t generate any output.

My work-in-progress archive page: link

Last edited by Buddy Bradley (2004-07-29 14:31:39)


#68 2004-08-07 00:48:29

Plugin Author
From: Lenexa, KS
Registered: 2004-05-16
Posts: 169

Re: Browsing by date plugin

> Daragh wrote:

> I’m having a problem – permlink called within akw_doArchiveArticles omits the article ID from the URL – as seen on this page. (Incidentally, kolonel, on that page you can see why I wanted article bodies displayable – it’s a glorified linklist.)

>Besides that, what an awesome plugin! Thanks many times over, especially for the list of months tag. That’s a lifesaver.

I too have been experiencing this too. In fact on mine, it leaves off the section as well (though that might be due to something else.) As far as I can tell, it depends on the functions:


It’s toggling on these two based on the presence of the akw_formatPermLink_durl, which I assume is what konrad was mentioning above where he was working on a very complex project ;-).

If I ever figure out how to use this plugin properly, I’ll write a book.



#69 2004-08-07 15:32:45

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 101

Re: Browsing by date plugin

I’m using Coke Harrington’s chh_article_custom for its great handling of categories/subcategories, so I think I just want to use akw_archive to display a date-based list of entries — exactly as in thekolonel’s journal list (nsfw, of course). Ideally, this would be via a page at mydomain.com/archive, the links in which would point to pages at mydomain/article/blahblah, but that would require an archive section that is distinct from my article section — and akw_archive only picks up on the current section.

So, Remillard’s mdn_set_section seems like it should do the trick (great idea, Remillard!), but I still can’t figure out akw_archive. My reading of the documentation is that I should be using akw_doArchiveArticles, but calling it doesn’t generate any output at all, and thekolonel’s own description of how he generates his list stumps me. I’ve tinkered with various ways of calling akw_doArchiveArticles as well as akw_archive, and none of them have done a thing for me.

It’s clear that there’s a significant chunk of this plugin that I’m just not understanding. It seems that I’m working on the same problem as Buddy describes above — though it looks like Daragh and Remillard have had more luck with it. Any more progress on that book, Remillard? ;)



#70 2004-08-07 16:08:54

Plugin Author
From: Lenexa, KS
Registered: 2004-05-16
Posts: 169

Re: Browsing by date plugin

Be careful. It has some… unusual behavior with akw_archive. If you want an example, look at my site on the archive link (at the top of the page). At the moment, it is munging the permalinks (no section and article ID). I’m not certain if it’s due to my plugin, or something else. Daragh I think was reporting something similar (bad permalink formation). But anyhow, caveat emptor on it.


#71 2004-08-07 16:20:14

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 101

Re: Browsing by date plugin

Remillard, would you mind posting the code that generates your archive page? I understand that there’s some unusual behvior (munging of permalinks and so on), but at least you have it generating output, which I have yet to do at all.

By the way, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before: I really like your color scheme. It reminds me of my carpenter’s level every time. Very cool.



#72 2004-08-07 20:02:13

Plugin Author
From: Lenexa, KS
Registered: 2004-05-16
Posts: 169

Re: Browsing by date plugin

No sweat.
<txp:mdn_set_section section=“article”>
<txp:akw_archive limit=“1000” archiveform=“archivelink”/>

And the form is:
<txp:permlink> <txp:title /> </txp:permlink>

It was as basic as I could get it.


PS: And thanks! I’m glad you like it.

Last edited by Remillard (2004-08-07 20:02:38)


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