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#1 2008-02-27 13:35:28
- hijabman
- New Member
- Registered: 2008-02-27
- Posts: 1
Blog Reorganizing
Hi there,
My name is Javed, I run hijabman.com, and I’m looking to reorganize it a bit. Go ahead and take a look.
A buddy of mine Destry Wion (wion.com, you may know him) designed/coded it, but he seems to be pretty busy at the moment.
Here is a mockup of how I’d like it to change: http://www.hijabman.com/images/neworg.jpg (with notes)
Basically, the look would be the same, it would still be textpattern-based. The only thing I’d like to change is just how the posts are organized/archived, and the sidebar. As of now, each article that is published is published to a ‘section’ which may be displayed on another page (i.e. about, islam, etc). After using this setup for a year or two, I’ve decided it would make more sense to simplify it, and make it all on one page, and the organization tag-based.
If you are inclined/have the time to do it, let me know. thanks!
Re: Blog Reorganizing
Hi Javed…
I reply your e-mail…
Textpattern Enthusiast & I run MadebyVK A small web design and web development studio based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I’m @vikingkarwur and @MadebyVK on Twitter
Re: Blog Reorganizing
Hey Hijabman! Salaam.
Cool, Viking, thanks for stepping in. Hijabman is right, I am pretty busy. Too busy. Have a new family addition and work situation has changed considerably. Haven’t even been able to post at my own sight since…gosh…almost a fully year now (be turning that around soon). And as people might know, I’ve been pretty scarce around here too. It’s a time thing.
Do him proud.
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