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#13 2008-02-28 22:31:34

Plugin Author
From: Minsk, The Republic of Belarus
Registered: 2007-07-26
Posts: 907

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

works nice… what about backyard?

Providing help in hacking ATM! Come to courses and don’t forget to bring us notebook and hammer! What for notebook? What a kind of hacker you are without notebok?


#14 2008-02-28 22:36:19

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From: France
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Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

As all guys here I’m interested too :)


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#15 2008-02-29 20:42:22

Plugin Author
From: Malmö
Registered: 2008-02-27
Posts: 572
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Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

I’ve rewrite the error message handling for required fields. I think i can release the plugin this weekend.


#16 2008-02-29 20:47:11

From: Normandy, France
Registered: 2004-06-17
Posts: 831

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

Can’t wait. Does it work with PayPal?


#17 2008-03-01 09:28:54

Plugin Author
From: Malmö
Registered: 2008-02-27
Posts: 572
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Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

What do you mean with backyard?

Not yet. A non encrypted paypal form would be relativly simple to implement, but i don’t want it, because it’s not secure. You can easily edit the hidden inputs fields (prices, sums etc.), bevor the order is send to paypal. I have in mind to implement an encrypted paypal form or button or maybe something like a php post request to paypal. It seems to me that could be more secure.


#18 2008-03-01 09:38:06

From: CGN, GER
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 586

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

i guess by backyard he means how things are handled in the backend…

Last edited by sthmtc (2008-03-01 09:38:20)


#19 2008-03-01 10:00:48

Plugin Author
From: Malmö
Registered: 2008-02-27
Posts: 572
Website GitHub

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

Ah, ok.

Backend handling (Localisation, Config) are handled in an additional plugin, that you have to edit. Similar to zem_contact_reborn and zem_contact_lang. The only interface i want to implement by the time is a small admin interface for order management .


#20 2008-03-01 10:07:58

From: CGN, GER
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 586

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

so every product is an article? how about the different variants, like color, etc? custom fields? (i’m just curious :) )


#21 2008-03-01 10:15:51

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

Can you add there nonce support as it takes out easy remote form submitting? We don’t want to get 10 000 orders in five minutes, or do we?

By nonce I just mean simple random md5 string check. The same string is on hidden input and also as variable. If they are same, then the form is submitted. Simple but powerful. Also textpattern uses that on comment system, and also it’s a one step on login validating.

Last edited by Gocom (2008-03-01 10:16:52)


#22 2008-03-01 11:09:31

Plugin Author
From: Malmö
Registered: 2008-02-27
Posts: 572
Website GitHub

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

Products are handled like normal articles. Only assigned to a specific section that you have to create and then named in the config. So all related plugins for articles, categories etc. should work, i hope so. :)
One custom field is required for price. Naming and custom field number are on your own. Variant, color, size are custom fields too (naming on your own, too), but these are not required. So there must be one custom field available at least (for price) or up to four available custom fields if you want all three additional product properties and the price field.

Remote form submitting should not work, i think. The order form will showed only if the cart is not empty and after a successfully form submit the cart will be depleted.
But maybe i have errors in reasoning in this issue, ‘cause i’m not really skilled in this.


#23 2008-03-01 12:20:29

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,407
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Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

This sounds awesome trenc, many thanks in advance for your hard work. On my record label site I think I’ll be able to use “Variant” as either “CD” or “mp3 download” for the music tracks/albums. The shopping cart I originally put together from various JavaScript solutions I found on the web is a little awkward for management of inventory.

A few things:

  1. Can discount rules be applied for bulk purchases / buy one get one free, etc?
  2. Where are the shipping costs calculated/set up? Can it do shipping costs per type/variant?
  3. Is there a way of handing off control to another article/script on successful payment (e.g. after successfully buying an mp3 I’d need to deliver the correct file to the buyer)
  4. PayPal integration: I’ve done this before and it’s not very tricky. As long as you tell PayPal your product codes and configure it to allow the other stuff (size, colour, shipping, etc) to be sent via form fields you can add a PayPal button to your site that takes the person to a customised portal on PayPal’s own site for secure payment processing, then redirect back to your site for a “thanks” message/subsequent processing. Not sure how it fits in with the plugin, but if you want any help with this, or to to see how I’ve done it in the past so it can be improved, just let me know
  5. I kind of agree with Gocom about the nonce checking. It might be a useful safeguard to build in as this plugin progresses. With an integrated payment system it’s probably not much of a worry because if a bot makes 10 000 requests for 3 Circles and a Pentagon, they’ve still got to pay for them before the order completes and 3rd party sites shouldn’t permit that. I’m not expert enough in XSS attacks to assess whether this is a problem or not.

Looking forward to trying this out when I get a chance. It looks very slick, thanks again.

Last edited by Bloke (2008-03-01 12:21:54)

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#24 2008-03-01 18:46:26

From: UK
Registered: 2005-05-09
Posts: 448

Re: yab_shop (simple textpattern shop with paypal support)

Yep, looks pretty good.


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