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#1 2008-02-01 15:11:38

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,643
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Our lastest website for your comments

Here is our last latest website (link deleted until Google referencing completed)
Please post your comments and suggestions. Note, this website is [not completly] finished (some details to add)

As you can see it’s a bi-lingual site with the help of MLP plugin :)

List of plugins used :

  • MLP
  • aro_slideshow
  • rss_admin_db_manager
  • rvm_maintenance
  • zem_contact_reborn
…Less and less frontend plugins but more and more PHP magic rows.

Best regards,

Patrick and Pierre.

Last edited by Pat64 (2008-02-03 17:14:29)


Github | CodePen | Codier | Simplr theme | Wait Me: a maintenance theme | [\a mi.ni.ma]: a “Low Tech” simple Blog theme.


#2 2008-02-01 16:21:01

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: Our lastest website for your comments

Maybe it’s my command of english but what do you mean with “Disponibility” on http://www.clos-mirabel.com/en/rates. I take it to mean availability but I may be wrong.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#3 2008-02-01 17:13:18

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
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Re: Our lastest website for your comments

Absolutly Yiannis : corrected :)


Github | CodePen | Codier | Simplr theme | Wait Me: a maintenance theme | [\a mi.ni.ma]: a “Low Tech” simple Blog theme.


#4 2008-02-01 18:44:13

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: Our lastest website for your comments

Hi, @patrick

Nice piece of work. I can see you have put a lot of thought into the locations section.
(BTW.: the map URL returns a 404 http://www.clos-mirabel.com/img/map-fr.jpg)

Very nice and polished styles. You seem to adhere to XHTML strict, which is a good thing to do :))

Now, would you mind to share with us some details, about how you went about the Information Structure ?

( Doesn’t have to be revealing, just the basics. Eg. : How you used sections, customfields and categries to pull the information, and where you needed some extra php )

I think Steve is looking for some MLP implementations

regards, marios

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#5 2008-02-01 18:49:22

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Our lastest website for your comments

Your last website? Are you not going to make any more? Perhaps you mean latest :-)

There are one or two small ways to improve the English on the site, nothing serious though. It’s a really beautiful site and if I had the money I’d be looking to have a holiday in Clos Mirabel in the heart of South-West France

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#6 2008-02-01 20:26:26

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: Our lastest website for your comments

Very nice! How did you manage to build the gallery on this page ? Beautifully done.


#7 2008-02-01 21:52:06

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: Our lastest website for your comments

As Peter mentioned, there is some typos like “its” without quote. And someparts there is two different English: US/UK. It isn’t big thing but sometimes it makes me wonder meaning of the word: “is that bird or verb” ;)

What comes to the look: wow. It’s good looking. Amazing! :) I like the mountains and look of those clean like textboxes :) The footertext is quite small – hard to see it.

PS. are you sure that search engines will like “…” metadesciption? And because it recures on every list page, it would cause some place dropping on indexes. It also could drop the value of real descriptions. Sometimes less is more :)


Last edited by Gocom (2008-02-01 21:54:25)


#8 2008-02-01 22:21:29

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,643
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Re: Our lastest website for your comments

Tks guys :)

@Jukka : metadescrpyions and keywords are not yet added. Remember this website isn’t finished. US/UK translations are provided by my scottish client…

@johathan. This gallery is very easy to create. First I use a form (ie. “individual_areas”) :

<ul id="menu-unit">
global $thisarticle;
$cat = category(array('this_section'=>1));
if(empty ($cat)){
$cat = gps(c);
$choice = 'Posted asc';
if($cat == 'locations-ete'){
$choice = 'Posted desc';
echo article_custom(array(
<div id="gallery">
$liste = custom_field(array('name'=>'Liste_ID_Photos'));
if (!empty($liste)) {
echo parse('
<img class="left no-print" src="<txp:site_url />img/icons/fleche_gauche.gif" alt="<txp:text item="Left_Arrow" />" title="<txp:text item="Go_Left" />" />
	<txp:article listform="php_gallery" form="php_gallery" limit="1" />
$liste = custom_field(array('name'=>'Liste_ID_Photos'));
if (!empty($liste)) {
echo parse('
<img class="right no-print" src="<txp:site_url />img/icons/fleche_droite.gif" alt="<txp:text item="Right_Arrow" />" title="<txp:text item="Go_Right" />" />
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<p id="rates-link" class="more"><a href="<txp:site_url /><txp:l10n_get_lang />/rates" title="<txp:text item="Rates_Link_Tooltip" />"><txp:text item="See_Rates" /></a></p>
</div> <!-- /gallery -->

…and into my “php_gallery” form :

global $img_dir;
$liste = custom_field(array('name'=>'Liste_ID_Photos'));
$nbre = count(explode(",",$liste));
if (!empty($liste)) {
   $indice = 1;
   foreach(preg_split('/[^\d]+/', $liste) as $id)
      extract(safe_row('*', 'txp_image', 'id='.$id));
if($indice < 2) {
$chosen = ' chosen';
$start = ' class="start print"';
} else {
$chosen = '';
$start = ' class="print"';
      if($indice <= 8) { // Nbre de vignettes visibles
         echo "	   <li class='th$indice$chosen'>\r";
         } else {
         echo "	   <li class='hide th$indice'>\r";
      echo "		<div><i><em>\r";
      echo '			<img'.$start.' src="'.hu.$img_dir.'/'.$id.$ext.'" title="&copy; Clos Mirabel" alt="photography" />';
      echo "\r";
      echo "		</em></i></div>\r";
      echo "		<span>$caption&nbsp;($indice/$nbre)</span>\r";
      echo "		<p class=\"number\">$indice/$nbre</p></li>\r";

Finaly, image gallery is based from this excellent example due to cssplay.co.uk

@mario : I’d choose to base this architecture upon the 4 locations (and add only 4 corresponding articles). Now, all the filters are based upon categories. I use url variables too with some gps() get. Articles are divided into excerpts and bodies content. Part of menu use categories too :

$titre = text(array('item'=>'Areas_Tooltip'));
  $cat = (safe_rows('name, title', 'txp_category', 'type="article" AND name != "root" ORDER BY id ASC'));
foreach($cat as $id => $valeur) {
if(gps(c) == $cat[$id][name]) {
echo "<li><a class=\"active\" href=\"".hu."areas?c=".$cat[$id][name]."\" title=\"".$cat[$id][title]."\">".$cat[$id][title]."</a></li>\r";
} else {
echo "<li><a href=\"".hu."areas?c=".$cat[$id][name]."\" title=\"".$cat[$id][title]."\">".$cat[$id][title]."</a></li>\r";

@zero : Yes. Hope it isn’t my last one :)

Best regards,

Last edited by Pat64 (2008-02-01 22:22:48)


Github | CodePen | Codier | Simplr theme | Wait Me: a maintenance theme | [\a mi.ni.ma]: a “Low Tech” simple Blog theme.


#9 2008-02-02 15:36:58

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: Our lastest website for your comments


very nice. Thanks for sharing the tips too.



#10 2008-02-02 17:36:45

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: Our lastest website for your comments

@patrik thanks for sharing. Am I right to presume, that you have prepared for the Tarrifs Table, to be dynamic and link back to their specific locations automatically. ( In case the client requests it ) ?

regards, marios

⌃ ⇧ < ⌃ ⇧ >


#11 2008-02-02 20:53:53

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,643
GitHub Twitter

Re: Our lastest website for your comments

marios wrote:

@patrik thanks for sharing. Am I right to presume, that you have prepared for the Tarrifs Table, to be dynamic and link back to their specific locations automatically. ( In case the client requests it ) ?

Initialy, Yes. I’d buid this dynamic table from the corresponding article’s custom_field. But…, cause my client is very difficult (many changes each days…) I use an article for “Tariffs” page. It’s a pitty. But now, I prefer to stop any feature improvement. :!

net-carver said :

very nice. Thanks for sharing the tips too.

Tks lot. Made with the help of MLP ;) I always try to share my tips cause it’s the purpose of any Open Source project like TXP. And I always got lots of answers from this [great] community, too. It’s a real pleasure.



Github | CodePen | Codier | Simplr theme | Wait Me: a maintenance theme | [\a mi.ni.ma]: a “Low Tech” simple Blog theme.


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