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Music venue site.
Hello all,
Just launched a site for a Common Grounds a local music venue/bar.
The design is a collaboration between myself and one of the owners. Once we hashed it out, I took the final design and built it with Textpattern.
Be sure to click one of the show titles to expand the list
Still some final things to do with the navigation – Currently there’s no indication of where you are on the site.
Should have that done soon. I know there are some validation issues. Working on them now.
Should all be easy fixes.
- )
Last edited by renobird (2008-01-17 19:22:06)
#2 2008-01-17 21:08:33
- els
- Moderator
- From: The Netherlands
- Registered: 2004-06-06
- Posts: 7,458
Re: Music venue site.
Hey, I like it! Very nice colours and a charming informal look. What I’d do (which of course is not necessarily better…) is take out the font-weight: bolder;
from .newsheadline
, it’s a bit heavy now.
And the ‘The Porch’ part in the right column creates a lot of empty space in the main content column if that has only a short text. So maybe only show that on the front page?
Otherwise it’s really a happy design!
Re: Music venue site.
Thanks Els.
Those are great suggestions.
To be honest…I didn’t even realize I had used font-weight: bolder
. It’s not something I normally like to do.
I’ll take a look and see how it looks as just font-weight: bold
Removing the ‘Porch’ from the right column on sub-pages is a good suggestion. All the sub-pages are going to get a lot more content, and that space devoted to the porch will end up being advertisements. But I think you’re right…it adds to much empty space for now…I’m going to remove it on all but the first page. Thanks!
#4 2008-08-18 22:03:00
- hugenerd
- New Member
- Registered: 2008-08-18
- Posts: 2
Re: Music venue site.
i’m curious, how did you set up the show dates in the show listing. i’ve been struggling with this on a txp site that i’m building for a band. i created a custom field for show_date because shows are posted long before the show date. problem is when i try to sort the custom field, txp simply sorts it alphanumerically.
thanks – and great site!
Re: Music venue site.
Hey Jason,
I used <txp:article_custom section="showlisting" form="incoming" sort="asc" time="future" />
Then when a show get’s posted the timestamp is set to 11:59pm for the day of the show.
That keeps only upcoming shows on the list – and there’s no custom field involved.
Hope that helps.
#6 2008-08-19 16:07:07
- hugenerd
- New Member
- Registered: 2008-08-18
- Posts: 2
Re: Music venue site.
thanks! my problem was that i didn’t realize you could manually set the posted date and time. it’s all becoming so clear to me now!
Re: Music venue site.
Cool. Glad to have “helped” ? : )
Re: Music venue site.
Great site Tom! Makes me wish I was closer to Florida to check the place out. I did get a javascript error in IE 6 but seemed to all be working properly so it may not be an issue.
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Re: Music venue site.
Thanks Matt,
Yeah I’ve never really bothered to explore the error too much. It seems to work OK even with the error. I don’t use that script anymore (as I much prefer jQuery).
- )
Re: Music venue site.
I got curious. In your listexpander.js this.buttons = function(list){...
is commented on line 53 but still called on line 24.
jQuery is full of more awesomeness though.
Piwik Dashboard, Google Analytics Dashboard, Minibar, Article Image Colorpicker, Admin Datepicker, Admin Google Map, Admin Colorpicker
Re: Music venue site.
Wow! Thanks Matt.
You are the man – I’ll take a look at cleaning that up tonight.
- )
Re: Music venue site.
Great site! You should post it on weloveTXP. The drop down with show info and poster thumbnail is especially nice.
I’m curious too as to how you automated the upcoming shows list. How do you go about manually time stamping a post? Do you have any helpful links on how it’s done? Sorry for the questions, but I’m working through this exact problem right now.