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#85 2007-12-26 22:25:56

Registered: 2005-02-22
Posts: 74

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

Is this 4.05 ready?

Thanks ;)


#86 2007-12-26 23:45:50

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

It’s working for me in 4.0.5 :)


#87 2007-12-31 12:08:57

From: Australia
Registered: 2007-10-05
Posts: 46

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

I uploaded Sencers ‘asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap’ to install plugins created a folder in webdevelopmentnotes.com/public_html/sitemap.xml.gz , changed CHOMD to 666. amd get the message

Can’t write to file.

Filename: /home/loginname/domains/webdevelopmentnotes.com/public_html/sitemap.xml.gz

Using Textpattern 4.05.
be nice if all pages could be indexed by google not just home page.
What am I doing wrong?


#88 2007-12-31 12:49:58

Plugin Author
From: Toronto
Registered: 2006-06-11
Posts: 1,197

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

its supposed to be a file, not a folder.


#89 2007-12-31 20:37:06

From: Australia
Registered: 2007-10-05
Posts: 46

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

Steve thank you for your help,
Sencers ‘asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap’ works fine with Textpattern 4.05.


#90 2008-01-05 19:52:49

From: Ghost Coast
Registered: 2004-12-07
Posts: 370

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

I will happily donate to the person who can take this plugin to the next level, meaning iron out the bugs and being able to select what sections are included. Consider me your patron.



#91 2008-01-14 19:41:51

From: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Registered: 2006-01-06
Posts: 256

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

I second the request by kevinpotts: this plugin deserves a second life!

But in the meantime: does anyone have the raw version of this plugin, modified by GeertAki? That file is no longer online, but I would like to have it since I would like to exclude some sections from the sitemap.

Thanks in advance.



#92 2008-01-14 19:49:36

From: Hamilton, Ontario
Registered: 2005-04-22
Posts: 91

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

I would third the request. I think this is a simple, but much needed plugin.

Here is the version you’re after which allows sections to be excluded:



#93 2008-01-14 19:59:26

Plugin Author
From: Belgium
Registered: 2006-03-03
Posts: 24

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

Thanks for adding it again LeeUmm. I lost the original version after server crash and the hosting company did not have a backup (though they promised to take backups)…


#94 2008-01-14 20:15:11

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

+ 1. If I could code I’d do it myself, but what I’d really like to see, is a checkable list of sections instead of having to edit the plugin code.


#95 2008-01-14 21:31:34

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,293
Website GitHub

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

First of all thanks to Sencer and Geert among others for the code, and LeeUmm for reposting.

Fundamentally I have to say I just don’t get it. And by “it” I mean the whole sitemap thing. I must be thick or something. Is it a “statament of intent” to Google/MSN/Yahoo or a statement of fact about your content? Or somewhere fuzzy in between? Does it learn?

Why do all the “generate your sitemap” services (and this plugin to a degree) take fixed values and apply them to every section/article on the site? And set the priority of every page the same? How does that help the bots according to the spec? I’m confused (mind you, doesn’t take much ;-)

A few observations:

  1. In the absence of comments being taken as an update trigger, surely in a blogging site once an article is posted its change frequency should be “never” (or thereabouts, except for perhaps a few edits)?
  2. Granted, the section that the article(s) are posted in will be more frequently updated depending on how often articles are submitted
  3. Thus each section should have a different frequency — roughly. E.g. an “about” section probably won’t change as often as an “article” section
  4. For “corporate” sites, maybe they will be updated more frequently as articles are periodically updated/reviewed by managers who are paid too much and know too little
  5. Setting all the priorities the same does no good. The crawler needs to know the relative importance as deemed by the author, otherwise you might as well just let googlebot do its stuff without the sitemap; it has nothing to go on (I see this plugin omits priority ;-)
  6. As pointed out in the forum thread, hidden/excluded (non-site-search) sections should be omitted as standard (overridable of course)
  7. As Els and others have said, configuration of additional sections to exclude should be an option without having to mod the code
  8. All the data is in TXP to have it intelligently determine how often sections change and offer sensible defaults for each section. Similarly for importance; the more frequent a section is posted to, the more important it is deemed unless you say otherwise. It’s just maths (this is for the “when I click Go” type of sitemap generation; doing it this way for the “automatically when I submit an article” variety might slow the publishing down too much unless another database table is used to cache results)
  9. From a usability perspective the plugin shouldn’t rely on you making files manually, it should do it for you if the files don’t already exist. I know this was a rough-n-ready attempt at first, but it seems to have grown into something that now requires some polish to take advantage of the new stuff in the core
  10. If I’ve understood the spec correctly the sitemap.xml file should be put in the site root and indexed from robots.txt. Again, the plugin should publish the raw .xml version automatically and offer the .gz version for you to ping google with at your own leisure. I have no idea what a ROR sitemap is or who uses it: more research required

And that’s just for starters…

My background in computing is taking data and turning it into usable information. If nobody objected I was half tempted to take this plugin on as a project but I think I need to get it straight in my head exactly what the point of the bloody thing is first! I’ll read up some more, but in the meantime if anyone else can put their point of view forward to set me straight, it all helps.

As far as I can tell, Googlebot does an admirable job on its own without being given a half-arsed list of URLs with wrong frequency information (and that’s not a criticism of the plugin, it’s waaaay better than 90% of the web-based sitemap generators out there!)

Seriously, I know I’m playing Devil’s advocate here but if we can generate some discussion over what everyone who uses it thinks the thing should do and how it benefits search/mankind then perhaps we can work out a very usable and useful plugin between us; I have no problem adopting this plugin if there’s a tangible need for it. Then again, maybe the answer will be that there’s not much point any more if we really sit down and think about what it does for us. At this stage I just don’t know.

So, shall we restart Phase 1 of the Computer Science 101 class: The Feasibility Study… who wants to kick things off?

EDITS: many typos and incongruence fixing. Was too late at night to write :-(

Last edited by Bloke (2008-01-15 10:06:17)

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#96 2008-01-14 23:28:07

Plugin Author
From: Minsk, The Republic of Belarus
Registered: 2007-07-26
Posts: 907

Re: asy_sitemap: Google-Sitemap (as-is/for developers)

Bloke – where you bought so much of inspiration to post this? :)

As for me I’d like ar to see some log-file, or make plugin to messge me after sitemap is recreated after i created an article or editted it. At the current point i have commented out (issue is discussed here) the part of plugin:

if (function_exists("register_callback")) {
//		Uncomment the following 2 Lines if you want the sitemap to
//		be automatically recreated, whenever you edit or post an article.
//		register_callback("asy_make_sitemap_wrapper", "article", "edit");
		register_callback("asy_make_sitemap_wrapper", "article", "create");

But as far as i see it doesn’t recreates sitemap currently :( Only manual method works well.

Last edited by the_ghost (2008-01-14 23:47:51)

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