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Re: [mention] Why someone prefers TXP over WP
frotzed wrote:
Doing a tumblelog like I am it’s just a little easier to use WordPress with Sandbox ;) .
How does a theme cause you to run a different CMS?
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Re: [mention] Why someone prefers TXP over WP
Sandbox is a little more than just a theme. It modifies the XHTML output to include certain semantic classes to many elements. My point is that my needs for a tumblelog are met in a more efficient, simple, and robust manner through Sandbox than by anything TXP offers.
EDIT: And darn it, that post you linked got screwed up. I’ll have to fix that.
Last edited by frotzed (2008-01-09 14:57:53)
Ben Gray | ben@openswitch.org | http://openswitch.org
Re: [mention] Why someone prefers TXP over WP
frotzed wrote:
Sandbox is a little more than just a theme. It modifies the XHTML output to include certain semantic classes to many elements.
I downloaded it, I want to have a look at it to see what you mean.
We Love TXP . TXP Themes . TXP Tags . TXP Planet . TXP Make
Re: [mention] Why someone prefers TXP over WP
Just know that by itself Sandbox does nothing other than add semantic classes (and a few ids) to many XHMTL elements. The real use for Sandbox is the ability to then use those auto-generated hooks to specifically style your site.
Keep in mind, in many ways you can accomplish the same thing with Textpattern. However, many of the classes that Sandbox adds to these elements would not be possible with TXP unless someone perhaps wrote a plugin.
Ben Gray | ben@openswitch.org | http://openswitch.org
Re: [mention] Why someone prefers TXP over WP
Keep in mind, in many ways you can accomplish the same thing with Textpattern. However, many of the classes that Sandbox adds to these elements would not be possible with TXP unless someone perhaps wrote a plugin.
Yes it is. Have been done earlier with out plugins. I’m lazy, but there is the reqular post as tumblelog-styled.
<div class="day-posted">
<a href="<txp:permlink /><txp:posted format="%Y/%m/" />" title="permanent link to this month"></a>
<div id=“post-<txp:article_id />” class=“post <txp:php>global $thisarticle;$keyword = $GLOBALS[‘thisarticle’][‘keywords’];$keyword = strtr($keyword, ‘,’, ‘ ‘); if($keyword) echo $keyword;</txp:php>”> <h2 class=“entry-title”><a href=”<txp:permlink />” title=“Permalink to <txp:title />” rel=“bookmark”><txp:title /></a></h2> <div class=“entry-date”><abbr class=“published” title=”<txp:posted format=”%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-%Z” />”><txp:posted format=”%B %d, %Y – %I:%M %p” /></abbr></div> <div class=“entry-content”> <txp:excerpt /><txp:body /> </div> <div class=“entry-meta”> <span class=“author vcard”>By <a class=“url fn n” href=”<txp:site_url />author/<txp:author />” title=“View all posts by <txp:author />”><txp:author /></a></span> <span class=“meta-sep”>|</span> <span class=“cat-links”>Posted in <a href=”<txp:site_url />category/<txp:category1 />” title=“View all posts in url” rel=“category tag”><txp:category1 /></a></span> <span class=“meta-sep”>|</span> <span class=“comments-link”><txp:if_comments_allowed><a href=”<txp:permlink />/#comments”><txp:else /><span></txp:if_comments_allowed><txp:comments_invite /><txp:if_comments_allowed></a><txp:else /></span></txp:if_comments_allowed></span> </div> </div><!— .post —>
The php is there just, if you use commas with keywords field, but as we know that we are using tumblelog, we won’t need even that. And there is also this
Last edited by Gocom (2008-01-09 16:22:24)